Apple zombie hate thread

What kind of a retard buys these things. Or even uses anything this cult produces. I feel i am getting dumber when I even stand next to Apple fags. Is it the modern scarlet letter?

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Pretty much all manufacturers have cult like followers. For example Oneplus fans who feel the need to bring up their phones on ever possible occasion. Jolla is superior btw

It’s about the followers, not the product

They make good phones that in my experience don’t break

You can get an old one for cheap and use it for years

Its the greatest consumer goods company ever to exist on earth, and 100% designed in the USA. Where is your patriotism? Would you rather buy some korean POS?

all phone users are normies
if your computer fits in your hand

My favorite part was when Apple switched MacOS to being based on BSD. And then all the macfags were even more helpless than before.

I'm like a fucking wizard or something because I can open a terminal while 6 macfags try to coordinate about who can find the right magic adapter for the thing before somebody's battery runs out.

Rush Limbaugh is a huge Apple shill


Someone stole 300,000 worth of iPhone X in Bay Area recently.

Yes. Samsung makes a superior product with the galaxy 8. All galaxy phones are superior to their Apple counterpart.

daily reminder
this based black man created the cell phone

what is that like 3 or 4 phones?

Most millenials are buying them because its trendy,but i just think IOS is a much better OS than android.

And by the sound of it he has like an old cardboard box of whatever they send him to shill

Around 250-300 units

I work at a cellular operator.

Its fucking hilarious when 1 out of 100 customers takes a second to look around and asks why every single worker is using an android.

Then we just laugh and hand them their $1000 phone that has no aux jack, no sd card slot, pathetic 12MP camera, proprietary chargers ECT...

>What kind of a retard buys these things.
Retards buy Androids

Why did you post this on Sup Forums?

Android it's gnu based and therefore better than your corporate shit.

What about CB fags?

The os is about the only thing they have tho. Parts wise their about 3 years behind yet cost $200 more then their counterparts.

Hope the os is worth that much to you...


Agreed, even lg's v30 is better than the iphone x.

People with IRL friends don't need any of that shit

>not corporate shit

Copy that Triple 8, southbound on 40 runnin’ 80. So you know we breaking space on the 4th chan, not 19 you autistic cock sucking faggot. Over.

Lg wins the cnet review every year for pound per dollar worth

Their like 80% as good as the Samsung at 50% of the price

I'm even typing this on last years V20...

>not using superior sailfish phones
Its like you want to be fucking plebs

>Parts wise their about 3 years behind
That’s not true, their SoC is better in benchmarks than all other phones on the market. The dual camera is excellent. What parts are you referring to? They have an IPS screen now. Galaxy phones are their biggest competitor and they’re the same price. What are you talking about? Apple and Samsung are over 80% of the smartphone market


Yeah mines like 5 years old. I only use it for calls and text. I like it because its small. And free.


At least Samsung isn't run by a pozzed faggot that solicits funds for the SPLC:

Not to mention that most android phones now have the same features as the are overpriced, underpowered iphones. The fucking things only recently have wireless charging and waterproofing when android phones had them much earlier. Oh, and enjoy having no SD card expansion.

I’m surprised there isn’t more autistic screeching from android fanboys. I’ve noticed most of them have an even bigger obsession with Apple than actual iPhone users.


I want to know how people can even afford these things. $1000 for the newest version? Does the thing produce lube and jerk you off or something? There is nothing you can tell me to justify a phone costing $1000. Sad part is a $100 android phone works just as well, if not better.

Psssh get that ham license noob

I work with a guy who never shuts up about his oneplus and how good the specs are. It's a fucking phone, what does that extra horsepower even allow you to do? Call people faster?

Phonefags are the worst.

thats a dumb question to ask, anyone whose job is to sell phones is poor, thus can only afford android phones

If you have friends you have an iPhone. That's the truth.

Androids are easier to bypass passcode/pattern locks using ADB or bootloader methods.

>buying anything with google software
I don't like apple either, but I'm not buying a phone running android.

It comes to monthly payment or 2 year contract with merely 199 dollars by the cell provider. That’s how everyone can afford it.

iphones tend to just work and not need mods to make them useful

Eh I got my first one about a year ago after my old android phone just stopped charging. Seems fine. I mostly just use it as a phone though.

While you're right about the job part you're wrong about the android part. The galaxy 8 is the iPhone X but a year earlier and $250 cheaper. Only a nigger spends more to show off.

ikr perfect for JO MAMA
just like jamaal's BBC

when i see someone with this cellphone i understand more about the person. It's a nice indicator of stupidity and wannabe coolness. Mostдy its girls here, but everyone can become a victim of m*rketing.
>You see nice girl, think you could talk to her
>but you instantly detect gayphone in her hands

I have never owned a smartphone. Nokia 100 for life, man.

The iPod was based

i hear you japbro

Even number denotes east west road. Triggered.

Who else Samsung s8 master race?

>what does all that horsepower even do? Call people faster?
Load photos and apps faster. Do you honestly not know what a processor does?

I used Iphone. Never had hardware or software problems. Shit is smooth.
I used a samsung, Was great for a while until it just decided OUT OF THE FUCKING BLUE to drain a fully charged battery in 5 minutes.
The frustration i felt over that fucking phone was such that I wowed to never give that company any of muh shekles

>impotent map jelly of Samsung's dominance
Way to out yourself

Most iphones and some androids are not ver priced and a ripoff usually the cheap one works just as good as the expensive one, and those who bought the $1000 iPhone will just throw it away when the next one comes out.

>Oh look goy, I spent 500 dollars to upgrade my phone so that I could open my photos in .4 seconds as opposed to .6 seconds. FAWK YEAH
My 5 year old 5s opens everything practically instantly you dumb pleb

>created the cell phone
>only worth 15 mill
Get reked nia

apples OS for phones is more intuitive and easy to use

you have fucking autism if you care more about your phone having customization options than being just quick and respnosive and easy to use

yes, mac OS for computers is fucking garbage, and mac computer hardware is overpriced garbage

but for phones it makes sense so long as you arent belligerently autistic

I don't know OP. All I do know is Samsung, and Motorola retards voted for Trump. Apple people voted for Hillary.

>not being belligerently autistic

Note 8 here, best device I've ever had

Don’t hate on the X

You guys are into cell phones, can someone explain to me why normies can't into e-mails or something like that you can use from your computer as well? I don't own a smartphone on principle but I get constantly told to install whatsapp in order to text or whatever, but then I need a smartphone for whatsapp. That's retarded. Basically you can't even have a girlfriend anymore without that shit. If you tell someone you don't own one you get like instantly the stinkeye like you're a freak for not wanting that cancer device on you 24/7.

People who don't want to be spied on by google and facebook

I'm still using my 5 year old Note II. Apple people are retarded.


That's how the Jews force you on to a new platform to plug you further into their transhumanist singularity.

I do everything by email with rare exception like calling my grandma on her birthday or if I'm traveling and need to text somebody to coordinate. No compromise.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4x here
>pretty much as fast as the samsung S8 and has the same features except a slightly worse camera (implying I use the camera)
>looks sexier than the S8 because of the metal case
>costs only around 150 dollars shipped
If you're not using a chink phone in 2017 you're retarded and throwing your money out of your window.

I wonder if there's a listening bug build into those things.

same goes for every goiym surveillance device
don't act like you are above the apple shjeeple if you own another smartphone
dumb projecting goy kys
stay delusional friendo
google is obviously your firnd, no need tro fear their 100%monitoring all your activity
anyone who has a "smartphone" pls consider suicide, you are a worthless waste of human flesh & capacity, supporting the jews with all the data that you can

lel I called the power company and asked them to replace the distribution lines with gold-plated silver wire, and if they could hook a toroidal transformer to the utility pole.

This is a quality thread, where it belongs on and certainly not

Why would you assume there would be one in a Chink phone and not in Samsung or Apple trash? I think its more probable that there are spying software on Samsung and Apple devices than on Chinese phones, because Chinks usually don't give a fuck what the US Government wants.
Were being spied on 24/7 anyways, I bet the FBI or Government knows to what kind of Hentai I fap to.

If you're forced to buy a phone buy Chinese phones from aliexpress, they're incredible value.

I made the switch to a samsung last year and have never made a worse choice in my life after one year the multi screen button broke and now thos replacement can't hold a fucking charge longer than 2 hours.

The phone is a tracking device, listening device, and all that shit. Sure you can get a lot from computer use but the smartphone is worse.


>all this faggotry together
>not being just Bold Like Us.

Oh I know about that. I only own the phone because my job forces me to have Whatsapp installed.
It is what it is.

Every time I catch a woman on the street nose deep in her ego box I simply grab it and toss it. They stop look up and don't know what to do. some times they ask for a date.

I mean is anyone surprised an old rich guy prefers easy to use computers and phones? Not like the price matters to him

He only just started giving out phones again. You really think people only call into his show for that?

grab them by the iPhone

marketing...crafty jooos

What's a starter pack to get in to this

Hahah 10-4 carry on plowboy keep truckin get some suckin and a fuckin and have a good weekend over

Only up to a certain point. Looking at photos and opening apps doesn't require that much power

t: differentfag

Bs, I have one and I never talk about it unless people ask or it's otherwise relevant, as do some of my friends

Of course not. But it's a sign of a changing profit model and increasingly decrepit audience. He's basically retired anyway and clearly keeps doing the show as mainly a hobby. I mean, why not?

That is the definition of legit sir

Triggered because I called someone a autistic cock sucking faggot? I thought that was the equivalent of “buddy” around these parts.

>I don't do something, therefore no-one else does it

Yes goys, pay money to get on a list to use some airwaves no one uses. Don’t just buy the equipment and use it because that makes you a bad goy and the HAM-tards will hunt you down for not giving out your call sign every 10 minutes. Definitely don’t buy cheap Chinese radios with more transmit frequencies than HAM-tards you bad goy you


>Pretty much all manufacturers have cult like followers. For example fans who feel the need to bring up their phones on ever possible occasion.
>Jolla is superior btw

"This is woodchuck to gray squirrel, woodchuck to gray squirrel, come in gray squirrel"

I know several Oneplus owners who don't talk about their phone ever, so your point that every Oneplus owner talks about their phone constantly is invalid. This is not rocket science, Urho.

On another note, do you have any idea when a subtitled torrent of the last Tuntematon sotilas remake will be available?


>HAM-tards will hunt you down for not giving out your call sign every 10 minutes.
Is that only if I talk or can I just listen?
Also it seems like it'd be fun trolling them.
What precautions should I take so I don't get triangulated? just move around every now and then?
Know anything I can use to trll them with?

>Apple shit lock down no way out here for life cult
Yeah, but google is getting to be the same way, but a lot more sneaky, with the Android o.s.