Rekt thread?

rekt thread?

politically of course

Other urls found in this thread:

help me out here i'm a bit low on this shit


got a video of a political assassination? otherwise this should be at


big fucking balls on this guy

more criminal deaths, this shit makes my dick hard.


Fucking asian drivers

Superior IQ ladies and gentlemen!

A true hero

What was she even trying to do?
Stop the car with her foot?

Late on rent?

i thought asians were supposed to be good at physics

>rekt thread?

AJ, shouldn't you be tooling up to defend the Infowars compound?

thanks estonia for reminding me the world can have a hero sometimes.

Good a physics,
Bad at driving. They lose access to the applied mathematics feat when behind the wheel of a vehicle.
Source: Pol /d&D/

the kamikaze that saved Japan

he says "oh fuck" with his mouth full of blood

That guy was 17.

Everyone reading this, look at yourself.

Wonder how much trouble those cops got in?

That poor SBux ankle.

Quick rundown

>drinks water
>tastes bad
>grabs gun
>an hero

Point of the story: Don't drink discount bottled water.



holy shit im fucking amazed she only hurt herself

Did he died



Also multiculturalism at its bes better learn 2 fite white boii



This video was part of some training I went through at the federal le academy. It's about the importance of being thorough in frisks and searches.

It was a misunderstanding.

i-i-i-i-is he ok?

I only know that it happened in Russia and the guy that got stomped either dieded or was in a coma cant remember its a bit old.As to how he triggered the other guy no clue.


What a chill guy

Ok, what the hell is this.

No, just a few scratches

No user, he died.

More detail? Source? did the guy die?

Just Brazil being Brazil....

Fucking chinks are plain retarded.

No the fire cushioned his fall.

Eh, kinda loses shock value when you watched a second time

Talked shit and couldn't back it up.

I didn't throw my life away to kill some literally who?

>those rapid machine gun punches at the beginning
>repeatedly stomp this fucked a head until you're tired
Alpha as fuck

I know this is wrong and all, but I admire that guy for his skill set.

First time watcher here.
I felt nothing :^)

That was a commie politician in Japan,the commie fears the samurai.

Yeah, after that he decided to split.


Can someone add that jihadi club tune in background?

A true hero.

If heat rises, does that mean a burning object falls faster?

>close the door





>Guy gets arrested for shooting at cops
>First cop does a shitty job searching
>Guy changes custody about 2-3 more times
>Those cops assume he's been searched by the person before them (aka shitty cops)
>Has a FULL SIZE 1911 in his waistband THAT WAS THE WEAPON HE USED TO SHOOT AT THE ORIGINAL COP the whole time
>Put in interrogation room without being searched while investigator goes to get some papers
>An heros

We had to watch a long video about it at police academy. I search every single person before they go anywhere with me and you wouldn't believe the shit I've found on people who had been "searched".

Fuck off back to Sup Forums faggot

This. Watched this in basic-bitch LEO training.
t. Denver cop.

The first time I felt a chill on the back of my neck. But I saw a longer webm, I think one of those Mexicans pulls the eye out of the death guy later, the rest just start taking parts of the brain.
Mexican zombies literraly

What in the fuck.

work on your observational skills, swedebro


>umm could you stop killing my boyfriend? no? ok...

how did i miss that

Is this because they thought he had gold inside his head?
>African intellectuals

The cunt lower in the screen obviously was touching him when he didn't want to be touched. People who do that whole 'arm on your arm/back when talking' should be killed anyway

> Stamping on someone on the floor
> Alpha
Pick one and only one

Pic related:

Let me guess... Those are either Mexicans, or Brazilians.

That would never injure him, leidenfrost effect

didn't share with friends
used all the heroin
friends ate brain to get some high

nobody likes a loser

did his face melted???????????????

>fighting with the intent of letting them get back up and potentially hurt you

There was a reason Ender was the best.

*Chinese women

She's probably secretly very turned on by watching her beta boyfriend get stomped by an absolute alpha, and disgusted that she thought her bf was alpha in the first place, which is why she's not doing anything meaningful to stop the literal curbstomping.

Women's genes betray them because they are programmed, they are hardwired, to seek out violent psychopaths as the best men to procreate with. That alpha male mercilessly beating her boyfriend represents everything she is genetically predetermined to seek out in a male- the strongest, most physically adept creature that she can fuck and have children by.

That's why she's standing back and doing nothing. She is programmed to seek out the alpha, and she has failed in this instance, and because of her failing, her boyfriend who she thought was alpha has been dispatched with contemptuous ease by a true alpha.

She is shocked not for the loss of her boyfriend, but for her inability to see that he was inferior.


what's the point of even hydrating if you're just going to blow your brains out right after.

what's this from?

Depending on the material.
If its any kind of metal hes prolly fucked.
it its some kind of ceramics stone etc he might actually be fine.
Thou i doubt it.

fallout 1

Will she ever be able to dance again?

but it isnt fighting. we could live in peace before subhumans flooded our country

>grab your drink
>it's only water
>why live

I think the repeated stomping to the head after he's unconscious are nigger tier, but if someone attacked me, I wouldn't want them getting back up after I put them down either. So I reiterate my claim of Alpha as fuck.

>gun in the register

this is why you always carry on your person

>Alpha as fuck.
Alpha means being a leader, not being a subhuman nigger.

Looked like she was going to get out and had absolutely no idea her shit was moving

seriously, this.

what a dumbass

He said "Nice shoes" which he meant sincerely but he thought he didn't really like his shoes and was being sarcastic. He lived but lost his sense of taste.
