So this story just popped up in Norway, it says that a 23 year old man was sentenced to 6 months in jail for ordering: "A sexual assault doll".
It clearly looks like a child, but 1: should it be illegal, and 2: is that an appropriate way to name it? I mean, in the future it could mean that normal sex dolls will be called sexual assault training units and be cause for ample prison time.
Should child sex dolls be legal?
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Just being a pedo should be punished by death. There's no reason whatsoever to let them exist, purge these fucking psychopaths from the face of the earth.
wow, why didn't the police dress up the child in the photo op? why leave her half naked?
they didnt choose that they get hard to kids tho. i kinda feel bad for them.
weird how these mentally fucked trans people are seen as ok but pedophiles who dont act upon their shit are demonized.
In the US, law enforcement are currently debating if this is a crime or if it can be seized at customs. At the very least, doing knock and talks.
According to the Brits, about 40 percent of their users also had CP or molestation convictions
So instead of practicing their degeneracy on dolls lets outlaw them so he does it on children
That simply doesn't make any sense, that's a piece of plastic. Weather it's a grand ma or toddler doesn't change shit for anyone, why would the government care?
small sex dolls are probably just cheaper/easier to ship/hide
it's really fucking odd the way some countries' police overreact to them
to be clear i condemn pedophilia and think sex dolls are gross and pathetic
This is not an argument, just shoot him and be done with it.
Fucking degenerates should have been removed from the genepool ages ago.
Its a plastic silicone doll... I have no clue on what basis they can put someone in prison here...
no. each time a doll is created, a woman is raped. you defile women by being a pervert.
How can you know who is a pedophile, when they haven't yet committed any crimes? You can't look into peoples heads after all.
Any sane man would much rather fuck that doll than any of those two pig-faced roasties. Just looking at the swine on the left is making me nauseous.
Analysis I did showed that shipping costs are basically the same internationally. Storage at locations could be a possible motive, but these dolls are something you customize every aspect to, so I assessed it was more likely that they were living out their pedo fantasy
>t.german pedophile
WEIMAR REPUBLIC ALL OVER AGAIN! Beheadings will come for you too, kafir.
ban high powered assault dolls now
it should be as legal as loli, it's silicon, who gives a fuck.
I developed a fetish for loli hentai since I found Sup Forums in 07 and Ive been fapping since I was 10 and Im still trying to quit. My addiction to porn was my outlet but I am disgusted with how much of my life it has wasted and I regret my lack of self control and will power. I think perverts need an outlet because they cant control their urges or they will act on them. Real kids should never be abused or raped. If some sick fuck needs a doll to get off let them have it as long as they dont hurt real kids.
We hate both trans and pedos here lad. Just be glad we don't have to deal with pedo acceptance too.
Whats the point of a little girl if she doesnt act like one?
what if I don't want to fuck children?
what if I'm just cheap and the smaller dolls use less material?
oy vey this persecution of my people should stop
You failed to mention that he had thousands of CP pics and videos on his computer.
>assault dolls
Ban tactical assault dolls
exactly, why aren't people outraged over fleshlight?
>necrophile sex toy of dismembered vagina, ban now!
Because obviously a fleshlight's use in in it's portability and not because you're fantasizing about fucking a vagina that's been removed from the body.
The doll is cold, heartless, and unmoving.
So I guess it's more like a adult woman than a little girl.
Only if their anime loli style
Real looking kids is sick...
really? so it wasn't the doll it was the CP he got caught for.
My wife has a 30 year old pedobear brother that's a virgin and Jack's off to anime. He wants a sex doll. Wife says it would be good for him. I say, well if it's harmless I'd like one that screams for help while fucking it.
Wife not pleased. Rapedolls don't groom rapists if sex dolls don't groom pedos...then I sleep on sofa.
Nah I don't want to know that pedophiles are walking among people. Just behead all of them.
Wow what a shitty doll. Japan creates some amazing ones modelled off candydoll models.
Actually yeah, a pedophile freak should get removed every way possible.
>totally harmless materials should become illegal if cast into a certain shape
Good point. Seriously, it's plastic.
Does it violate the NAP?
Then it should be legal
Of course people would buy small dolls as they are cheaper and easier to handle and somehow courts want to decide which dolls represent children and which do not. I hope they leave alone curvy dolls with big boobs which clearly don't represent children.
Storage, also carrying it around, washing it,dressing, etc.
Surprisingly low amounts of thought police here today
Get therapy. I spoke to a r9kuck who was in your position and got cured.
That is fine but we can chose as a society to either kill them or castrate them to remove the threat they pose as well as prevent their shit genes from being passed on. Kys faggot.
pedosexuality is normal, and anybody who disagrees has been lied to by the jews and media
Millions of people suffer from all kind of shit - why choose to have empathy over pedos? The pedo normalisation is already here, don't be naive and think they are victims, they know full well what they are doing but they still CHOOSE to do it. Pedophilia should be seen as terrorism, if not worse. It's terror against children.
Yes it should be illegal. Yes those who use it should have red hot nails shoved jl their urethra
And why can't we have dolls based on dogs, goats, sheep etc?
>Analysis I did showed that shipping costs are basically the same internationally.
>translation: I was going to order an adult sex doll and priced it, but then I found out that there are child sex dolls and ended up going that route and it ended up costing the same
why are you on Sup Forums then you closet lolicon newfaggot?
just look at the computers, if you find any image with any resemblance to a child is enough to know that it is a pedophile
They're sick but they aren't children.
>"A sexual assault doll".
Holy shit. Can the government there just invent a crime on the spot to charge you with? Like assault muscles? Assault thoughts?
Here in Denmark there has been times when the police was short on resources and could not investigate all robberies and break ins.
So if that's the case i don't want the police spending time on fuckdolls.
If there is a market for them, someone will make it.
A sex doll-dog that whimpers and howls it's resistance would go a long ways in helping some people not rape dogs.
>Just looking at the swine on the left is making me nauseous.
She will be popping out nigglets any day now
Sex doll makers get around this problem by just sticking giant tits on the small dolls. So if you're into oppai lolis, you're in luck...
Some feminist roasties are actually upset at fleshlights and think they're demeaning to women (implicitly acknowledging that they have nothing to offer bu their vaginas).
>behead pedophiles who admit it
>no pedo admits it anymore
What was that saying again about the devil you know and the devil you don't?
If I had money I would get help but I also dont trust jew therapy. I probably should just get castrated or kill myself. Im just gonna try will power to avoid porn. Im not a rapist I just have a loli fetish.
>Like assault muscles?
the penis is a rapemuscle, in the same way that being white is racist
Therapy is better than killing your self. Help is out there. Just go to a therapist Atleast once and try it out.
yes my good fellow magapede
But seriously, what is the cut off point on these dolls? it doesn't resemble a child in any way, just looks like a doll.
i'd imagine making the smaller is just purely practical, like for shipping and handling. lugging around on a 180 tall doll is probably heavy and a pain in the ass to stove away
>Should child sex dolls be legal?
Is a fucking plastic thing with aluminum skeleton, how can that be legal? A mobile phone has more sentinence than that.
Woman/soyboy white-knight detected.
How are you supposed to "just look at peoples computers". You need a warrant from a judge to do that and you can only obtain such a warrant if there is already reasonable suspicion, that the person is engaged in illicit activity.
I'm sure that in a lot of countries ordering a loli sex doll would classify as reasonable suspicion
>pedophile LARPing as the board veteran
Unironically burn yourself.
The thing is, that they are going to use the "protect muh children" loophole as a way to ban all sex dolls, since you can't determin the age of an inanimate object.
There are girls out there who are 18 but look like 13. Should we lock guys, who have sex with them up for statuatory rape?
They tried the same thing with cp and legal adult porn. First it was only production and distribution that was illegal, then they moved on to mere possession, after which they expanded the definition of "child" to include people above the age of consent as well as people 18+ years of age who look young.
Make no mistake, their end goal is to curtail sexual liberties of men as much as possible to satisfy their backwards religious believes or or bigoted feminist ideals.
>latino country
>defending pedophiles
Not even suprised
Hate pedos but should we kill animals for humping their toys? This is no different than a chiuahaha fucking a plush.
Lol I actually work for ICE, so it was for targeting these shipments
what if i put horns on it and said its a life size anime doll?
You guys do realize, that this is Sup Forums? My rough estimate is, that every one of you has cp on their hard drives without even knowing it.
Did you know, that it is possible to hide a cp picture inside of another jpg file? An innocuous pepe mem could have a picture of an 8 year old getting fucked hidden within it and you wouldn't even know until the police search your pc.
This is gonna sound crazy, but better that pedos take it out on a doll than a real child who will be fucked up for life.
thanks thats nice of you user.
>implicitly acknowledging that they have nothing to offer bu their vaginas
But that's not true. They also have their mouths anuses.
>what is the police
>what is investigation
They don't to admit it if they get caught like most sexual predators.
>thought crimes
Here we go again. The brainwashed retards resort to muh emotions to justify killing someone based on what or what not he was thinking.
Another pedophile, you're next to get beheaded, kafir.
>oh no, a man enjoys something
>that's a prisoning
This world needs to burn.
>KILL everyone who doesn't bow to feminist doctrine
Fuck you.
If you have a sex doll your a fucking perv, child doll a pedo. Problem solved. Ill take my sushi COMPED please.
>the penis is a rapemuscle,
Only White penis tho
Brown dick can't rape because they lack institutional power historically
simple, removes the warranty requirement only pedophiles are worried about hiding their files for government
Damn dude that doll is pretty.
No, it's fine to have a sex doll. People need to mind their own business.
But if you see someone molesting a real child, report them. Obviously.
Lastly, you wouldn't jail someone for looking at a 2d image of anime girls. So why would you arrest someone for fucking silicon? You think you have the moral high ground and authority to do that whenever you want? That's abuse of power. That is restricting individual's freedom of expression and love.
stop posting on Sup Forums, start working out, and start going to church
stop justifying your twisted sexual fantasies as being a "fetish". you want a young girl because you want power over a submissive fucktoy and don't have the confidence/voice/presence to find a woman. even if you're attracted to child-like physique, there are women out there who are short/skinny (asians for example), but you need to commit to self-improvement and shed the self-imposed victim complex that the LGBT community created to distill pity from the revulsion/disgust that society felt toward deviants
start listening to manly podcasts (even if it's something you have no current interest in), start biking or going to the gym, and stop browsing a website where probably 30%+ of the users -especially outside of Sup Forums- are either underage or pedos. in six months you won't even recognize yourself.
Irrelevant, this just means we'll have to order our future sex bots in parts and assemble them on location.
>justfying degeneracy and pedophiles
Typical, you should be busy dressing like a woman and putting that one wig while pleasing the US marine. Theworld doesn't need to get burned, it is pieces of shit like you that should burn, and painfully at that!
No, although I thoroughly despise people who would buy or make such a thing.
The again, looking at those butcher's faces in OP's pic, I can understand branching out to more synthetic approaches
See you are using Firefox, eh?
Now you are aware Mozilla is donating to antifa.
Have a nice day!
They are raping babies you fucking ignorant piece of shit.
>wanting to hang degenerates that would prey on your kids is soyboy behavior
i can strict ohp you, you piece of shit degenerate
How is a world free from psychopaths raping babies a feminist doctrine? Did you wanna be raped when you where a kid? Wake the fuck up!
Kill yourself numale christcuck.
All churches need to burn and all those within them need to be slaughtered. You retards have stopped the progress of civilization for 500 years and are still trying to ruin society.
Listen up you retard. Listening to some shitty podcast isn't going to improve anyones life. Just as much as working out wont improve your chances with women if you are a fucking sperg.
Also, people can do whatever they want as long as they dont harm others. If some dude wants to fuck a piece of plastic, that is his choice and the law has no business in interfering in it.
>sexual assault doll
In the USA you'd technically get away with it, as it falls under the first amendment as (((art))). Also the correct name is doll, or sex doll if it's purpose is to fuck it.
There was a news site that had an interview with a japanese sex doll maker, I think it was CNN but I can't find it.
Anyway the dude mentioned how he would get thank you letters from his buyers, saying that thanks to his dolls they could control their urges. In other words, these dolls are helping pedos stay away from real children.
This faggot got his doll to release his pent up sexual frustration. The pedo isn't going to go away. Either you kill it or you let them use a replacement. Doing this will just drive them crazy until they attack a real kid, and if they went through the trouble of getting one it must mean they were pretty close to it.
Also I can't imagine this would have caused any uproar if the buyer had been female. He should've thought this through.
Sup Forums use to have a board for loli.
Sup Forums is infamous for sharing CP and the FBI even temporarily shut the site down once due to this.
CP is posted daily on Sup Forums even to this very day.
Why the fuck are you even here?
why didnt he just put a hijab over it
I think you are correct about the power fantasy and that is true for all porn regardless. Im trying to self improve and nofap and have been for years. I dont like victim mentality. The only victims are the kids that actually get raped and they should be protected. Pedos should confess their fantasies and get help but most are cowards that dont want to be shamed and want to continue their decent into degeneracy.
Yes. There is no victim if you fuck a child sex doll.
Most recent anti pedo legislation is aimed at men attracted to 15 - 18 year olds, who are above the age of consent in 99% of the western world. Yet you retards still think that it is about "muh children".
Feminists hate male sexuality and want every non Chad that has sex with a female
stupid and ignorant society
it's a matter of time that pedos will be accepted like feminists and lgbt's
and you will never realize
I ain't clicking that shit nigger.
And now they all get targeted by anons. Times change and no matter how many closet pedophiles there are here, it won't change reality.