Post you best anti-antifag memes/screenshots/videos ITT
This is LITERALLY The Turner Diaries.
Any fellow comrades causing mischief today?
I'm assuming someone's made a retarded statement regarding antifa and normandy?
you're just mad cause your on the wrong side of history...
Antifa and ISIS make for a good team.
> yo juss mad 'cause yo on da wron side of histrey
sure thing, tyrone.
asa lamb a lake em brother black power
ignore filenames pls
no u
plz be real
No but I have my rifles loaded and some large duffel bags out in case any commie pond scum starts some shit in my neighborhood
reminder that much like Patton, Captain America learned to regret his actions
Remember to save these memes and spread them across social media amongst the normies, if they actually deliver anything note worthy for November 4th (unlikely) It's important we make sure that the normies know how degenerate the Antifaggots are
Top looks like photoshop desu
I have never heard of Antifa in Jail.
So in the end, the ANTIFA are trying to achieve the existence of the Individual Being? The sapiens [Wuhoosh] are incapable of such a thing. They know it, we know it, everyone knows, that this "Human" exists and depends on the existence of others, and as long as he exists, he cannot exist as an individual being, because he only has the capacity to exist and act as a collective being.
This is what happens when the Sapiens attempt to achieve Individuality. They don't understand Individuality, they never have, yet they try. This is what results in Chaos. But all's right with the world, and everything under the sun is in tune.
>anarchism is about individuality
It was bait to try and get Antifags to spread our hashtag when Sup Forums was attempting to turn the rainbow flag into a hate symbol a while ago. We got too distracted by happenings to complete the op though, should pick it back up one day.
I fucking hate Antifa now
I know. I've been there, and seen it. I'm talking in General, because it seems as if ANTIFA, at its "core", is trying to achieve the "Individual Existence of Humanity", or really, any organization that is trying to achieve Individuality. LGBTQ, etc.
These organizations are trying to achieve Individuality for a species that cannot comprehend and has never felt Individuality, at least Individuality in majority/totality. This is why when they rule, it is chaos.
Based antifa. Fuck that nazicat
I fucking love cats. #REMOVEANTIFA
Kikes and their cronies don't have emotions
Nice quads
Thank you, finbro! Keep beating the communist swine against all odds!
Sorry meant for you
I always wondered if that's supposed to be a boy or a girl
How much do you think it will harm antifa if people found out that one of their internet hubs is on the same website as gamer gate?
Because I remembered some article two or three years ago on how "gamer gate is based in a pedophile website" (eightchan)
Pretty sure it's a girl, Muhammed
Thanks, OP!
So the one getting fucked on the right is not a trap?