Do you really have a rise of socialist millenniasl?
I intend to leave this socialist nightmare that is France (say hello to 70% of your income taxed) to move in a more free country.
Why do you want your income taxed at 70-75% (with less jobs and more low-pay wages) to be controlled by inept bureaucrats saying who and who don't deserve that money (and believe me, it is often not you).
Well, what do you expect? ZOG said it themselves in the Clinton emails, they're purposefully teaching us less and less about the value of freedom and civic virtue and more and more about how capitalism is "exploitative" and "unjust" and so on.
Andrew Stewart
mfw burgers find out the late 1920's crash was caused by capitalism and socialism is what bailed them out.
Carson Anderson
Because all these faggots imagine that they're going to be the upper crust. Fuck me, I hate leftists. They've always been closet commies. We were too soft on them. We should have eradicated this menace to humanity when we had the chance.
Logan Walker
Imagine being such a shitty, base-pandering, anti-introspective journalist that you connect the modern dislike of corporate run Amaerica to a small percentage of college students wanting places to feel safe.
This article was written by a self-righteous cunt
Dominic Perez
Fake news
Wyatt Gray
My situation (mechanical engineer graduated from top French school -- so I got one of the best staring salary possible in France): Sign up a 42k€ contract I cost to my boss 61k€ due to contributions (5200€/month). Due to compulsory contributions, I only get 31k€ on my bank account (around 2600€/month). I have to save 400€/month to pay my income tax at the end of the year. Letting me in fact only 26k€ I also have to pay 1k€ due to property tax (that you pay if you rent anything). So my boss pays 62k€ and after the French government takes everything, I have 25k€ left. You also have a 20% VAT and many small taxes on everything.
Daniel Gray
Mine visage when people can't separate "limiting the excesses of capitalism" from "disestablishing it entirely"
Lucas Cox
10-12 Coffee 12-14 burger,french fries 14-18 facebook,watsapp,chocolates 18-22 alcohol,pizza,more burger, sugar,weed 23-10 sleep. Looks right ideology for Americans for me.
Cameron Phillips
If anybody tells you anything about how socialism is great in France, tell them about my situation. What is worse is that I am considered as in the top 15% richest bracket in France.
Tell them also that we have 11% unemployment for years and 3 millions people (approx. 6-7%) on welfare (getting 800€/month for nothing) who are not counted in unemployment statistics. At the end, you have around 7 millions people on unemployment or welfare in a 65 million people country (only 40 millions of people if you remove children and retired people).
Cooper Miller
Second bump
Angel Anderson
Don't you guys also have really good worker protections though? Burger News tells me that France has a very rigid and unflexible labor market where unions strike at the drop of a hat, so maybe you pay >9000% tax but you're at much less of a risk of being trampled to death by the raging stallion of capitalism if you fall off the horse and lose your job or get injured or whatever. You have a slower horse and wear armor, which is expensive.
Xavier Sanchez
Too much protection. At the end no young people can get any long-term contract and they have to move from one 6-month contrat to another, company to company.
If you get a full time contract, most people don't quit their job even if they hate it because it would be very hard to find another one.
Strikes are due because the unions are lead by communists. But most strike are in public service workers.
The productivity is good on statistics because there are so much regulations and taxes that anything not profitable is bankrupt or has moved abroad.
Zachary Robinson
please stay away from America we don't want your socialist kind here.
Grayson Ramirez
Thanks god generation Z is more redpilled than these retards
Gabriel Ross
Probably, but I don't think it would be anything to worry about to say the truth. Look throughout history and you'll find the younger generation is always a bunch of little spoiled retards trying to find some way to make themselves feel relevant. Then again, the main contributors to the communist revolution in Russia were young people. Perhaps its the fault of the older generations; kids feel entitled to everything.
Nathaniel Thomas
Kek. Burgers constantly call Europe cucked but pretty soon they'll be less developed than nigger countries themselves without even having the Muslim hordes we're dealing with.
Wyatt Ortiz
At this point you can't really blame millennial, they are the product of the earlier generations.
It's the baby boomers that have: - normalized deviant sexual behaviour - normalized use of drugs - institutionalized education - destroyed the nuclear family - rigged the housing market - ramped up national debt - sold the west to international banks - fucked up demographics / immigration policy - ruined employment opportunities for young people
Logan Anderson
Uncle Sam is going to false flag something that forces us to quickly learn why socialism is a no-no. I wonder what it will be.
Nathan Walker
At least your government would do something good for once
Carter Price
Detroit looks to be improving in your image
James Lee
Millennial burger here Toothpaste is right
Gabriel Gomez
Millennials live at home, don’t work and don’t pay taxes (cuz they’re in their 20s and their life has been delayed)
Once they start working and paying taxes, you get pretty fucking sick of socialism pretty fast. This generation’s attitude towards socialism will come around as they get older.
Blake Baker
Georgiafag reporting in, we have a very low concentration of socialist cia niggers floating around. Steer clear of Atlantistan and you'll avoid most of the AIDS.
Jayden Sullivan
>University degrees become increasingly worthless >Graduates have less chances of finding a decent job >More people start advocating an economic system that redistributes wealth Also: teenage idealism which makes them genuinely believe that equality under a socialist regime means: "everything is as it is now, except some wealthy person becomes poorer, while I become richer"
Zachary Fisher
This article is correct, but for some reason left out the 'National'.
Aiden Roberts
Look at it this way : It's like marriage in the US
Workers (women) being overly protected by the state, employers (men) who are the providers of benefits in the relationship cannot just hire anyone, because when a french worker gets fired from his job (divorce), they're entitled to a ridiculous amount of your resources. Because of this, companies have to defend themselves by making complex contracts that let them fire workers with minimal losses (prenups).
But even then, it's still extremely damaging to growth (the companies) and the employees because only the absolute best can secure good jobs on the long term. The rest of them struggle to find a job, unemployment rises, addiction to welfare rises, left-wing votes rises, creating a positive feedback loop which slides the country towards socialism more and more each day.
France is fucked.
Hudson Powell
So why don't you guys let Macron do his job?
Nathaniel Cook
>brainwash kids in school that socialism is good >they believe it >they don't realize they'll be dirt poor while the 1% ruling class will rule them with an iron fist
Alexander Miller
I really wish the gulag archipelago was MANDATORY reading in high school, or at least in college. All it takes in 1 read through to understand how communism is fucking nightmare fuel in practice.
For anyone looking to read or spread it for massive redpills, here ya go, the entire thing on audiobook (because we know burgers don't read):
Macron is both raising and diminishing those protections, and there's no tangible conservative progress in his reform. The fact that most of the French are already pissed at him for touching their precious benefits tells you all you need to know about how much of a bunch of junkies maggots pieces of retarded shit they are.
Alexander Torres
Something something baby and bath water.
Alexander Clark
yeah how could you be so retarded not to know that you're just replacing Hollande with something similar bad? I have no clue about France but I totally know that Macron was a scam. Why are people so stupid? :(
Easton Sanchez
Well, Boomers fucked it up. see
Hudson Campbell
Half of all millennial adults aren't that many when you take the entirety of our population into account. Bernie did rather awful against Hillary who ended up losing against Trump, anyway. We are far from having a socialist president.
Henry Long
>b-b-but it wasn't real communism :DDD1
Jeremiah Williams
The gloves are off, globalist jew capitalism has wrecked havoc upon this Earth and upon our nations. People are starting to wake up.
Carter Carter
We wanted Le Pen. Sadly nearly all millenials in France are nu-males, and women naturally lean left. There is also very strong daily propaganda about diversity and about the plight of colored people, "refugees" and migrants coming to France. White and French guilt is very strong everywhere, to the point where racism towards whites is not legally recognized.
Isaac Hall
Fuck off. Le Pen is a commie.
Landon Brooks
citation needed
Zachary Peterson
Sup Forums preferred Le Pen. things could have been different, but you chose the "safe" option.
Parker Fisher
Haven't you read her program you moron? She wanted to create a ministry of "economic transition", wants to spend even more when we are already in huge deficit. She has almost the same economic program than Melanchon.
Oliver Murphy
When I read her policies a while back, nothing seemed to shout out "commie". Most governments will spend some money to invest in their strategy.
Of course, it doesn't always work out.
Gavin Rodriguez
well to be honest i didn't give a shit about her economic program so I believe you, but high spending doesn't mean commie, trump wanted to spend a shit ton on infrastructure too the most urgent problem in France is the EU and immigration, the rest is secondary
Dylan Adams
What the hell does the money go to? Obviously healthcare etc but lots of countries have free education and healthcare and pay a fraction of what you do.