Boomer hate thread


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tax breaks for student loans and tuition assistance programs created by democrats led to artificial tuition inflation

Why are lefties so stupid they blame everything except college administrators for rapidly rising tuition?

What? Hating boomers has nothing to do with hating college admin.

My dad (49 yrs old)makes 150k a year working for the government. He never went to college and never worked in a government job previously. They literally came to his school, said they wanted students to apply, and he applied and got the job right out of high school.
Meanwhile, I can't get an office job without a 4 year college degree and 10 years minimum experience required. I'm struggling to pay all my bills and can hardly afford gas and food.

How much is tuition now? Adjust for inflation, how much worse is it?

It may be worse but can't be THAT much worse?

Become self employed you stupid cuck

>hating your parents/grandparents
Good goyim, you know better than to respect your elders

>listens to rush limbaugh about the social security crisis
>bitches to friends and colleagues about how irresponsible the government has been wrt social security
>accepts their social security check and will not vote for any candidate that will reduce or reform social security

>tuition assistance programs created by democrats led to artificial tuition inflation
Liberal administration types who have a half million dollar salary , plus expenses. Who do nothing and rarely even show up for work or meetings.
Like napolitano for example.

At the uni, I was sitting on a bench when two professors walked by. One of which I had classes with. One said "have you ever worked in the private sector? it's hell, they expect results all the time".

Inflation is 2% per year.

Tuition is 12% per year.

Compound by 40 years.

My local uni is raising it to $50,000 per year starting next year.

My tuition before I dropped out was 8k a semester.

My brother is currently paying 11k, and my sister 3k (in state).

I paid 3k for 2 years of training at a trade school lol

What a boomer holds dearest, lawns.

>respecting degenerate baby boomers

Good goy


They are holding the housing market hostage, okay. They are hogging up all the good jobs, okay. They got great jobs with zero experience, okay.

These are all temporary things that will disappear once they leave the earth.

What I can never forgive them is destroying the nuclear family, letting half the third-world migrate to our countries and normalizing degenerate behaviour. In one generation they destroyed our culture.

Who do they try to impress? My whole neighborhood is like this

In-state community college here in VA for 4-5 classes is around $2000 per semester

>lecturing others about slef employment

Ive been yo germany, unless you open a kebab shop or suck cock, being self employed and owning a buisness is fucking impossible with the insane amounts of taxes and regulations.

Explain to me how you do it Mehsut?

I'm in Ohio, where we have some of the most expensive public schools in the nation.

These fuckfaces vote to increase tuition by the maximum the state allows every year, no matter what. I swear to God there is a ton of skimming going on because I'm an accounting major and can't figure out how they waste so much money.

Some schools are obviously spending too much or any on sports when they can't draw an audience on their very best days. Others piss it away on architecture that looks modern, or even on severely outdated shit to maintain the traditional look of an area.

My mother was able to pay for an entire year of school in the 70s just by working a summer job. I would have to work that same summer job for about a year and a half to accomplish the same thing.

That exact boomer story:

>my son is lazy
Why do you say that?
>he doesn't want to go to college, he doesn't want to get a job
Well, college is expensive, and he would have to take out loans
>College isn't expensive! I worked part time at the air port as a baggage handler and that paid for the years tuition, books, room and board

These people are seriously out of touch.

I can tell that youve never dealt with the Finanzamt as a Entrepreneur


Are trades profitable in Ameristan? Here being an elite muscular tradie is better than most degree jobs

Maybe you are out of touch

>dude just supply something people want and a fuck ton of capital to start it up!

Highly profitable but most of those jobs will end with you overdosing on opioids before hitting 55.

You're right. I paid for my college working part time at the McDonald's. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to take Stacy out for our date in my car that is paid for by my parents and the fuel and insurance that my part time job also pays for.

>tax breaks for student loans

that's a strange way to say massive tax breaks for the wealthy

"I paid cash for my first car"
paid $400

Boomers are so lucky to have come up in a time where technology was just good enough to give a great quality of life but wasn't oppressive like it is now.

My dad bought a house at 21 from a part time job doing office cleaning (janitor 11+/h in the 80's).

Worked at a warehouse before that by "hitting the bricks and making things work" (his cousin was manager).

He "put himself through college" by getting a CS job with no degree and his company paid for it and gave him half days/paid time off for classes.

Oh but go fuck yourself and pay me rent the second you turn 18, also I blew your college fund on vacations and gfs; you're welcome son.

One of the greatest advantages that boomers had was growing up with parents that didn't get divorced. They literally don't understand how that might be a big factor in a child's development.

Get back to work NOW

i paid cash for my car.
paid $2500.
got more miles on it than a factory warranty on a new car.

Being self-employed is kinda useless now that we're living the internet age. Few decades back, you were only competing against the local busineses and there was space for many different enterpreneurs of similar trade.
Nowadays you compete against everyone who delivers to your area, which is pretty much half of the globe or more..

stop hating your parent generation and take action against the fucking scum that allows these to happen , you woud have done the same thing

I don't blame them too much. They had it good. Millenials have it better than they think we were just raised to be ingrates.

>I blew your college fund

Entitled much?

this, especially in the unlicensed trades people will just google the service they want and have the first 10 people with ads on google come out for free estimates

>My local uni is raising it to $50,000 per year starting next year.
Not long ago that was medical school tuition...

Assblasted Boomer detected

49 is Gen X. Gen X got fucked too, they got burned harder by the mortgage crisis than any other demographic.

I'm a railway engineer, working on shifts.
Also in free time I'm laying plates( or wtf you call them ) w/o taxes. Cash in hand.
In better months I can make almost double my job salary.
But cons, no gf, no social life, no spare time. But hey, 3more years like this and I can afford to build house ( I have plot of land already )
Soo, job, job, job.
>Arbeit macht frei.

If you get a stem/law degree (because you enjoy it and can do it well) or towards a Ph.D you will make more money than trades after about ten years working for a contractor. But if your plan is a bachelors in a soft science or stem you hate or business or really anything besides accounting and stopping there youll make more money in a trade. People will often overstate the salary of electricians and plumbers but they really do make bank compared to most college students. The catch is that your old friend who went into welding is making 65K at the mill and youre making 50 as a developer year one, after 10-20 years you are up to 150 and he is up to 80.

t. Engineering

Granted, that is a nice lawn.

Mid 2000s, me = college grad, female, no car accidents, no tickets, car = used ford station wagon.

starting car insurance = $200/mo

will you fucking kill yourself already stupid nigger faggot i HATE people like you

Im an ingrate because I don't want my country han d ed over to shitskin foreigners? Lol

You think it's bad now?
Wait until Gen Z enters the workforce in the next few years.
As depressing as it sounds, right now is the "good old days".
Start finding redpilled people to be roommates.

you forgot that student loans are guaranteed to be paid by the government, and we still get charged like 4%

The historical epitaph to the Boomer generation should be:

"Still Retired"

Depends on the trade and what part of the country to be honest. On the east coast, unions are very strong so wages will be much higher. Unfortunately in my state, there aren't many unions except for crane operator, carpenters, and electricians. I'm a carpenter and most of my old-timer coworkers who have 15-20 years in the industry are tapped out at $28-30/hour. If we unionized, we'd be making double; downside is that we'd be kicking up union dues but it'd be worth it.
And none of these dudes are muscular, most are fat as fuck from eating fast food and drinking cheap beer. I'm 6'2" 230 lbs and I'm in better shape than most of my coworkers (I'd be considered obese in Europe)

You safespace retards did this to yourselves.

Pic related, university in my town.

With all the bureaucracy and red tape here? Good fucking luck.

Yup. That's what happens when demand increases and the supplier limits supply. Problem is the stuff most applicable to industry is only learned on internship/co-op or in research at facilities that cost 10 mil plus to build. Academia will always be able to make it prohibitively expensive to get an undergrad degree, but at least in engineering your master's and PhD should be paid for if you really deserve it.

This is the part that is such jackassery. Boomers inherit all this shit from the greatest generation, and proceed to exploit the fuck out of everyone after. Fuck boomers

The plumbers and electricians who make alot of money own their own businesses

The problem with uni is that it's nearly impossible to know what the good fields will be in 20 years at age 16 (when you have to start preparing for college admissions). Those IT engineer positions are going to be really unsexy in a few years when the tech bubble pops. Any field that does well attracts hordes of brown immigrants who come suppress wages, or Boomer/genXers start upping the barriers to entry.

Boomers: fuck up your economy, society, and culture

also boomers: young people are lazy and entitled

Just operate in grey zone, cash in hand. Not registered.Fuck goverment and those ~40% taxes

I had a union job with my "stem" degree. Pay was $15/hr and I once calculated 1/3 of my compensation was in the form of Cadillac health insurance I didn't need given my good state of health and age (i.e. subsidizing Boomer trash).

>allowed amnesty for illegal aliens
>California almost immediately turns blue
>state has voted Dem every election since 1992

Okay, I know he's not a boomer himself but boomers loved him in the 80s. What a bunch of civic nationalist cucks.

Imgur tier thread

This is what you have to do to get ahead, nowadays. Literally live at home and work off the books for years until you have some cash saved. It's almost impossible to get ahead following the rules (or not taking advantage of someone, like working for the government).

I did some cash-in-hand translation.

why do all boomer hate threads seem like stealth commie threads?

How bubbled are you? They always blame college admins. They just know to go after the higher up above college admins.

Inflation and shit.

>lol you young punks are lazy and just don't want to work hard
>when I was your age I had bought my first house and paid it off within 10 years

because you drank the bommer globalist kool-aid and don't know how shitty republics are and how stupid lassiz-faire is.

You can pay your college if you:

>Don't go to some over priced bullshit.

>Stay off campus, live in an apartment with only the necessities (No Internet, TV, Video Games, etc).

>Cook your own meals, budget your money.

>Be at work nearly all times you're not at school, do homework on your breaks.

>Most schools have an on campus gym, so stay healthy and avoid any medical bills.

>Walk to school and cut out on fuel expenses.

But I know what you're gonna say

>B-B-But that's hard, that's boring :(((

Well enjoy being in debt while you have your daily $20 Starbucks.

working for the government seems to be a good way

>Give accreditation ability to a cartel
>Cartel lobbies for gibs
>Gibs rain down from the fed like manna from heaven
>Cartel is "forced" to raise prices
>Blame it all on lack of supply

Not all socialism is communism, idiot.

You're a disgrace to the fascist flag you use to shitpost

I'll use my father's college as an example. he was in college in 1985, so i'll use that year as an example. According to the chart in the link, the cost of tuition yearly for a non-resident was $2,585. The current cost of tuition per year for a non-resident is $29,640...
According to the government's own inflation calculator (pic related) $2,585 adjusted for inflation is worth $6,047.65....

>It may be worse but can't be THAT much worse?

It is that much worse. Its about 23,000 dollars worse.

This is a pretty stupid ass meme considering I just graduated 4 years ago and I literally paid my tuition with my summer job as a laborer/framing houses in the summer. It's something anyone who can take direction and not be a lazy pussy can step into and something anyone can pay tuition with if you're not going to some half-retard liberal circlejerk of a college where tuition is $20,000 a semester. The same faggots hating on boomers all the time are the same one crying about capitalism. Step up, stop being a pussy and go out and get what you want. Or take out loans if you don't want to work right now, but then you'll bitch about having to pay back borrowed money like the hypocritical dipshits you are. Easily 40% of my generation just needs to get nuked off the fucking planet for how entitled they are and how they think people owe them shit for absolutely nothing.


As a millennial who does later parts of the hiring process its also largely been this entitlememt that we see stemming from the high school propaganda about University education. We get a ton of people coming through the door that thought doing the bare minimum at uni makes them employable. I cant tell you how many 4.0 students from Hobart and SU couldnt do basic shit like sql or writing a java program from scratch or fucking soldering. Congratulations on doing all 12 homework assignments for the semester, but have you ever done anything related to android or have you ever owned a raspberry pi?

you know you can get some pretty good used cars for that money

learn how to fix your own shit and you won't even need much money for eventual repairs
but hey, you're all just useless cuck crybabies who blame boomers for yourself being failures

You would think liberal professors would redistribute their income to pay for student tuition.

>Boomers want to be cared to in their old age
>"No no we aren't gonna save up and pay for that you stupid little shit, you'll do it, since you're living in our dysfunctional welfare state, be grateful!"
>Boomers are also the generation that want to live the longest and retire the earliest
Living beyond eigthy years old is meaningless, try to prove wrong
>Protip: you can't

"I worked my whole life and paid into the system, I'm entitled to SS"
"Israel is our greatest ally"
"Endless war in the middle east is a small price to pay in order for me to fill my SUV cheap."
"What, $7000 to re-roof my house? Time for a quote from the Mexicans."
"All we need to do is teach Mexicans "muh Constitution"
"I bought this house in a white neighborhood for the housing values, not because I'm escaping the diversity I imported."
"LOL of course my house should appreciate 3x in value over 30 years, why not?"
"My kids really wanted me to be happy, that's they were ok with me divorcing my wife."

Your tuition was cheap because it was subsidized by the government, you do realize this, right?

>government aid makes things cheaper
you are wrong

You fool no one, boomer.

In the past, these students would have been flunked out. Boomers turned uni into diploma mills to create cushy jobs for themselves.

Idk man, Id like to experience the feelings grandad did when he met his great-grandaughters and great-gransons

This is part of the problem here. Why are you going out of state to begin with? That was your choice and literally every state has affordable, in-state universities that are very affordable. No, you idiots say "hmm I live in Georgia but I've always wanted to see New York so why don't I just pay $200,000 over 4 years so I can say I lived there once." It's amazing how financially retarded my generation is. You dumb fucks can barely figure out credit cards/credit scores and you sign off on $20k/semester loans then blame anyone but yourselves for your own massive fuck ups.

>I just graduated 4 years ago and I literally paid my tuition with my summer job as a laborer/framing houses in the summer

enjoy your useless degree, foreigners are
taking over american jobs and if you're white you won't be hired because of diversity quotas.

The government subsidizing education is actually one of the direct causations of the rapid increase in tuition costs.

your image doesn't fit your message fampai.

we'd buy local if the globalists had not moved our manufacturing to China while we were growing up.

t. bigot

>you know you can get some pretty good used cars for that money
wat? no you fucking can't you fucking retard. and any used car for $400 would never pass a state inspection, therefore you will get pulled over and get ticketed for it. if you keep driving without an inspection you will eventually lose your license. if you keep driving after losing your license you will go to jail.

get the fuck out of here with that bullshit

How the fuck does that have anything to do with rising tuition?

49 is Gen X fucktard
your dad got really damned lucky

just because someone is over 30 doesn't put them in Boomertown

>I went to a (state) school, look at how cheap it was
>Communism is bad

You are this stupid.

At no point did I say my tuition was cheap and at no point did I imply I went to a public university. Nice try attempting to ignore the very real facts that I stated though. I also worked nearly full-time while I was in school, something millennials act like "they can't even." You're an adult nigger. Either take semesters off, work and save, then go to school or be ready to work while you go to school. It's extremely possible if you'd put in as many hours actually working as you do sitting on your ass whining about shit.

That is, if you can even remember what your kids and grandkids look like in the first place.
You lose 1% of your cerebral neurons every years after 50.

>not wanting a beautiful lawn

I'm telling

Don't worry, we're keeping this in mind when you come to us with your hand out expecting us to pay for your old age expenses.