Tell me Sup Forums. Can I be considered part of the Aryan race, according to Hitler standards?
Tell me Sup Forums. Can I be considered part of the Aryan race, according to Hitler standards?
Sorry but no. Better go gas yourself.
Slavs are white
Oh, and I forgot to add - no american mongrels in this thread, thank you.
Because you are a faggot
im half ukranian and half english,why are ukranians so hated on pol? they are as white as poles or russians
i really wish americans stopped being autistic with what they consider white when none of them are pure breeds but mixed mutts
at least i know im a cross breed,not a 4% this and 12% that and a 43% etc
Don't worry, Ukraine has been the Urheimat of the Indoaryan race. You guys are fine. Damn shame what the Germans did to your country in WW2. Shows how retarded the German leadership was with their moronic perversion of proper theory of race.
Are u hiding or trying to tuck your full round lips? If so... then you are not pure and have monkey nigger blood in you.
Yes, you are white as snow luigi.
He might just be looking stern...
ukranian are more aryan than mayority of europe
in symbolic and dna wise
I would say yes. But pic related probably isnt you anyway. Eithery way fuck what Pol says on the (Whiteness) rules.
That's as white as you can get.
Ukraine is very diverse some Ukranians are white as snow and others are swarthy with tartar blood.
You are slavic, hitler would starve you in a famine.
Ukronigger can go fuck himself. That is if he will find money to buy anything to fuck himself.
Looks like that guy from the (((wolfenstein))) games tbqh
Sup Forums is mostly shitskins trying to fuck with whites not realizing they are just fucking with other shitskins anyway. Anyone who takes what this board says seriously on "rules" for anything is a fucking asshat. Board is only good for bantz and getting news before it's been sanitized by MSM kikes.
Im pretty sure OP does not have nigger lips from what i can see.
Do you guys seriously take "x European ethnicity is not white" posts as anything but Jewish divide and conquer? Everyone in the red circle is white. You have fucking blonde hair and blue eyes, stop listening to JIDF
Honestly i'd rather team up with you than any mulattomerican on this board. Coming from a Swede with a clean ancestry-tree
>pure BJ
You are mistaking him for this guy.
There is no real aryan shiet.
You are either white, asian or nigger.
Or you are a bastard of two or more of these and living in the bastard / hybrid zone. (Arab and other shitskins)
tell us about minorities bubba!!
yes you can brother.
>im half ukranian and half english,why are ukranians so hated on pol? they are as white as poles or russians
>i really wish americans stopped being autistic with what they consider white when none of them are pure breeds but mixed mutts
>at least i know im a cross breed,not a 4% this and 12% that and a 43% etc
Ukrainians are discount Polaks who can't hold to their agreements with Russians... And they are EU cucks.
So they are two things Sup Forums hates:
>EUSSR cock suckers
>germans talking shit
the rule is if you have to ask then no
I know every detail of my pure European ancestry. Trust me.
Entire post is true. I mostly come here for Syria general and other world updates or Dutch threads. Memeflag = troll anyway, Dunno why so many people struggle to figure it out.
"Ukrainians" are Russians.
There is no Ukraine.
Ukraine is made by jews to divide.
More like Austrians
Hitler was not against Slavs.
Hitler was against Bolshewists.
You retard.
no such thing buddy
>There is no Ukraine.
There is now.
i dont know the y all seem europeans to me
>t. fled coward war criminal grandpa told me about heritage while touching my anus behind the barn
Or was he jewish, bubba?
>i really wish americans stopped being autistic with what they consider white when none of them are pure breeds but mixed mutts
Are you suggesting that the distinction between those of entirely European ancestry and those who aren't is insignificant unless that European ancestry is composed of a single ethnicity?
No he thought about slavs as being an inferior race of peasants, sherlock.
Whiteness is defined by paternal line. Only the sons of celts, iberians, italian, greeks, germans, slavs and other european tribes are white. The rest is cuckniggersemiticgypsy trash.
Genetic test, Allies should have lost WW2
Really gets the old noggin jogging...
If you give a fuck about jewish laws then you are a jew yourself.
> iberians
THey were white.
Now they are shitskin, because of shitskin invasion during history.
so little diference and so much trigger between us is so sad
>listening to JIDF
>listening to non-whites trying to divide us
Yeah thanks for the jewpedia link.
I have a pronounced parietal ridge. How can I achieve this haircut without my hai sticking up on the sides?
Ukraine is a made up country.
Literally just Russia but 10x worse because they've never accomplished anything.
I'm not even sure they existed until the last 300 years
Hitler had a north african Y DNA haplogroup
he wasn´t even white himself
wouldn´t surprise me if the nazis genocided people who weren´t even jewish since they didn´t have DNA test at the time, some of the nazis might have been jewish themselves
oke, Spaniards are pretty much niggers. they even were niggers before the moor invasions.
but that doesnt means you need to get raped by more niggers.
the difference btw is 10 iq points
Reminder that Hitler hating slavs is a jew lie
Learn about Ashkenazi jews, degenerate.
You can be aryan AND jew at the same time.
There are literally red head jews.
Red heads are pure H. neanderthalensis.
Why so many jews here who are distracting and dividing?
No. You have Slav.
Also for some reason Nazis have a hard on against "Khazars" but not against their genetic cousins the Japanese.
Your greatest countrymen were Soviets.
Because Sup Forums has been subject to heavy russian propaganda and through that disinfo they seem to belive that the corrupt hellhole that brought communism to half of the world and ruined it in the process is somehow based just because they have conflicting interests with the jew run EU.
What they dont tell you is that Russia has the biggest abortion rate,crime rate and muslim population in Europe and its run by capitalis oligarchs.Fucking based.
You are fine anyway you look mor white than the new "germans,swedes,brits and french".
>Hitler hating slavs is a jew lie
The right always tries to skew the truth so it benefits them and their cause.
because Sup Forums is full of russian and putin cocksuckers. apparently they think russia is some based white homeland when it's a virtual failed state that's over a quarter muslim and their women are getting CHINK'D and BLACKED left and right.
>implying the migration of North African peoples into Iberia during the period of Islamic control was anywhere near sufficient scale to displace the existing population
>implying North African DNA isn't pretty similar to European DNA anyway
>implying the overwhelming majority of Spaniards wouldn't be identified at a glance as white in any of the colonies
Russians have a little Asiatic DNA, Greeks have a little Turkish DNA, Spaniards have a little North African DNA. Only an autistic purist (or a falsdflagging shitskin) would describe any of those people as "not white".
never been white in the last 50k years and proud
You are white for me user thats all it matters
Wrong, those jews are not jews, they are the fake jews. jews are semites, you cant be semite and caucasian. you are mistaken with caucasoids. which is just caucasians bred with something else.
Ok then where is your proof?
A jewpedia link?
Fuck off, kike.
there is this story how the satanic zionist jews originate from khazars and are not actually from the ME.
not just story btw DNA research shows that a part of the askenazim group comes from there.
You can literally be a jew and ethnic european at the same time.
No, you are just UPAina-fag
Russia is an Asian land.
And what are Khazars?
A Turkic tribe.
Turkics, Japanese, Mongols, Finns, Estonians, Hungarians and Koreans have the same genetics.
That's why the Nazis joing forces with the Japanese, Hungarians, Finns, and Estonians is silly.
That soldier is 1488% aryan as fuck, but
>implying that's you
Hitler wasn't even Aryan, what the fuck do you care
>implying the migration of North African peoples into Iberia during the period of Islamic control was anywhere near sufficient scale to displace the existing population
you dont need to be displaced to be replaced over time by dominate incestuous genetics. Israelites used to have blue eyes it seems they have been displaced on a genetic level.
>implying North African DNA isn't pretty similar to European DNA anyway
no not any more, ones upon a time 2k years back maybe, but those were still the northern Mediterranean nations having their outpost and they did not originate from there. so no! haplo group m57 is not caucasian you mud.
funny how you know you are a nigger and still deny it.
>implying the overwhelming majority of Spaniards wouldn't be identified at a glance as white in any of the colonies
> as white in any of the colonies
> the colonies
strawmen fallacy
But slavs are
It is eurasian.
But Slavs are Europeans.
There are over 100 different people in Russia.
Just fucking google how slavs/italians/greeks were treated in america during the 50s, 60s, and 70s.
>Lebensraum wasn't a thing
The whole point was to fuck most slavs out of their lands because "muh mustard race needs land to breed and be prosperous, übermensch do what he wants "
No you cant. jews are semites.
a glas of water with a drop of shit in it is not a glas of water any more. they cant be caucasians they are semite.
Slavs are Europeans but Russians aren't all Slavic.
Ukrainians aren't all Slavic.
There is a mix of Finn/Hungarian/Turkic, German, Greek, and Persian/Iranian.
> Pol says on the (Whiteness) rules.
No, its called bantz but since the election we've had a huge influx of non-whites.
you're one dumb slav that would've been worked to death
turks are not turks any more. turks used to be caucasians. then they got raped.
when they take genetic test to find origin they account for the invasions and look for specimen that lack the admixture to see the orgin.
in this process they ignore the genetic influences changing pretty much the entire population in to shit skin in order to find teh origin.
saying that turks are still caucasian is bs
it doesnt takes away that they are shitskins and no longer turk, they are rape babies.
Caucasians are from the Caucasus Mountains.
Georgians, Armenians, Chechens, and Persian/Iranian/Ossetians.
implying they did not got raped a long time ago.
>t. shitskin
Yes, everybody knows that Argentina during almost all their wars used unarmed black soldiers in their army and put them in the front because they love them. Look just because they let you wear an uniform doesn't mean they like you, doesn't change that nazis didn't like slavs a lot
Turkics are Asian not Caucasian.
So you are telling me that there are no blonde blue eyed jews?