Is he /ourguy/?
>"I will never forget it; it set the tone for his entire talk," Musselman said. "He [Musk] said, 'I wanted to come and speak to this group,' and I get the chills even saying it, 'Because whenever there's danger in the world, you all are the first to go and die."

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would he do that?

What's in it for him?

tfw no one responds to your thread


Maybe it's just the regular ol' autism.

Musk is right about AI though, transhumanism is inevitable but will probably kill us all. You only need a one group of fuckers who want it, and it will be done.

Yeah OP, he's a good guy.

Somebody explain what's going on with the guys uniform. Is wearing it like a cholo within regulation?

Fuck ya! I have a buddy who was there and shared a cool pic of the same this. Said Elon was a super cool, down to earth dude.

i thought the same thing

>capitalist talking to his enforcers
Yeah no shit. Did you fall for the reddit memes of "le progressive capitalist"?

He needs some astroturfed Reddit circle jerk to come for Tesla's massive failure.

that's the marine corps mess dress. it's different from the more well-known dress blues.

Ah, cool. Thanks dude.

I consider myself a capitalist, but I believe the military is the one fundamental thing that everyone inherently needs. Everyone wants to be safe from foreign invaders, and you can't defend a country with 1000 different security agencies, you need a unified army

He would be a great inspiration for a Bond villain. Like those classic megalomaniac tycoon types from the early Bond films or from Superman. Not because he's nescessarily sinister himself, but he provides the real backdrop that makes it relevant.

>self-driving cars kill government offials who are in his way
>"Mr. XYZ first western enterpreneur to work hand in hand with China's government on monumental infrastructure project based on his US high-speed railway projects."
>super duper hyperspeed-railway is actually part of his plan to take over the US and China

I like Elon Musk and don't understand all the bad press he gets. He mentioned not liking Trump but literally the only reason is because their business interests clash. Otherwise he's 100% /ourguy/.

Zuckerberg would be better. Give him some stupid plot where he wants to become some AI god or something. Or those guy from google.

The armed forces exist to serve the needs of capital. They benefit people like Musk overwhelmingly. This is not a value judgement, it is just the way it is.

Bump as I'd like more light on Elon.

What exactly do you mean by 'the needs of capital'?

I don't see how the armed forces benefit 'people like Elon Musk' in particular. To me they benefit all citizens indiscriminately

Interesting thread bump

I salute him for egging on Amber Heard to make wedding arangements and then dumping her via email.

>X person sucks muhreen dick
He will run in 2020 for Dems.

You invade countries by brown immigration, as is happening now with US, Canada, western Europe you fucking coon

He dumped her over email because he'd Heard enough from her already

Something tells me that group of fuckers is us. We already fucked up TAY, I'm sure we'll work to fuck up whatever comes next.

Swastika guy droppin truff

Bantz levels shouldnt even

He is fucking communist libearl muh free nergy faggot

is he eligible to run for president though?

What's his politics, is he testing the water for 2020?

No mate. Make no mistake. We're the good guys and tay shows it.

He's not American dumbass. He can't be president.

his next project is robot soldiers.

Why wouldnt he be Waffle

He can't run for office because he was born in south africa.

Yeah, Zuckerberg would probably be better. My idea was:

>hyperspeed-railway tubes can actually be used as railguns
>bullshit explanation of how firing a suitable projectile directly into the main station of any metropolis would level most of it

Although you'd need some spin or some other good ideas in there to make it exciting enough. Maybe if there was actually a big push in the US and Europe to build such railways it would be an easier sell.

Neither was Obongo dumbass they make it work if they want it
You fairy.

he wasn't born in the us

obongo was nowhere near as known as elon musk

Musk is pro-white and doesn't want to see us die off. He thinks machines are rather boring.

elon musk supports multicultural immigration you stupid cucks

he wants cheap indian programmers

doesnt give a fuck about people aside from himself, and maybe his friends and family, but certainly not his country as a whole

Obongo was niet geboren in US excuse my flemish it has been a long time and sorry if youre Walloon

He followed me on twitter during the campaign, i was shitposting pretty hard.

close enough, after in should be "de" and us is vs

Not my image of him at all, besides wanting cheap poo programmers

Dank u vel

>besides wanting cheap poo programmers

thats the whole point of what i said fucktard

He's not as bad as commies here would like you to believe. If someone is scamming our government for subsidies I'm glad it's him since he does cool shit with it. If nothing else he's put a lot of big questions to the test like 'can space be privatized' and 'are electric cars feasible.'

vel needs to have w but it's better than the average immigrant I've spoken to.

No, its not. Your message was that hes selfish self centered and you offer zero example of why and i don't think he is, i get the feeling hes a legit bro, the globalist aspect is more complicated


>i get the feeling hes a legit bro, the globalist aspect is more complicated

>the globalist aspect is more complicated

so he's trump 2.0, using the globalists just to enrich himself and eventgually to try and use his wealth to destroy them?

i doubt it

i also doubt thats even what you were implying, apparently you're a total cuck

Ha! It was many years ago. I hou van Belgie sorry youre swamped with camelfuckers


He's just showing off a next-gen Metal Gear

Yeah im the cuck, i give hard cash to VDare and Steve Sailer what have ypu done loser? Tell me.

Best Musk story I've heard is when an employee took a day off since their kid was being born.

Musk told them to get their priorities straight.


paul denino?

I just know he got a shit ton of hate from the left for being advisor for Trump. There was even a guy (some millionare, sorry can't remember name) who spent a lot of money to promote bad reputation towards Musk.

He's making sure they understand the type of warfare they'll be engaged in, in the near future. AI Killer bots. He wants to prepare them for it.


Cx haHAA

Please tell Heli Kapuleinen i still love her and i wish i had married her instead thanks Suomibro

We should meme him President ASAP. I could meme 24/7 for Musk.

Google "musk telling employee to get priorities straight" (I can't get around the fact that Sup Forums thinks I'm spamming...and using [dot] as a trick isn't working...)

No, I'm not going to 100% confirm it's true. It could be bullshit. As said though, it's a story I've heard. (Read; if you want to get trite.)

The Google search has a few results - one even where Musk denies it. Draw your own conclusions.

based musk, first he gets rid of the vile succubus now he does this

>Vile succubus
Why are Danes so negativev :((

He's trying to act like a massive normie so they will invest in his stupid company.

Its not negative to simply name the sucubus

Because she was going to take Mars away from us, he was going to fuck her silly and have demon spawn with her, neglect space. But once he found out about the succubi ways he departed with her and he's on the right track again.

His stupid, revolutionary, actual genius, company? Ok.

But she doesn’t look like a succubus, she looks like the type of girl I’d want to marry and have kids with

musk wants to ban guns on mars he is a dictator

He’s destined for taking humanity to Mars, it seems.

He’s an agent of the British empire.

its officers dress blues

Ok, she looks good to you, this is meaningless. I like your i.agw, do u havw that for other countries id likw to see them

Greatest ally, huh? Oy vey.

>But she doesn’t look like a succubus
That's how they get you :^)

It's still worth trying, though

You say dictator like its a bad thing britbro. If you had a dictator like Powell your country would not have become a caliphate

>As if one single amerifag polster believes that

>whenever there's danger in the world, you all are the first to go and die
I like the honesty on that man but god fucking damn. That's one hell of a starter.

Elon is Plus Ultra Secret Society

>huckster businessman memelet who passes off other people's work as his own

now i wanna fuck her

Why does Sup Forums allow faggots again?

>ridiculous claims with zero proof offered
You turd.

>I don't have an argument, so I'll just call him a name and declare myself the victor

>calling Dutch Flemish
As retarded as calling English Australian.

You're wrong, he repeatedly acknowledges and appreciates the hard work by his teams. Here's a recent example:

Leadership is still the most important thing, though. Pretty much every worker is replaceable, but you can't replace the guy who started it all. The company couldn't exist without him and his vision. He also works like crazy, I doubt many people work as hard as he does.

He's pretty patriotic.

Yeah, that's one of the things I like most about him.

>Musk has described himself as "nauseatingly pro-American". According to Musk, the United States is "[inarguably] the greatest country that has ever existed on Earth", describing it as "the greatest force for good of any country that's ever been." Musk believes outright that there "would not be democracy in the world if not for the United States", arguing there were "three separate occasions in the 20th-century where democracy would have fallen with World War I, World War II and the Cold War, if not for the United States." Musk also stated that he thinks "it would be a mistake to say the United States is perfect, it certainly is not. There have been many foolish things the United States has done and bad things the United States has done."[148]

I applaud you sir.