Check the date if you haven't. Commie scum plan on starting a revolution today, but don't realize they will be dancing on their own graves. >What will you be listening to this fine November 4th? >How long have you waited for the lefty 'uprising'? >Are you going to comfy out at home and watch it collapse, or go out there and meme? >What will you be carrying along with you? >Which bar will you be drinking at afterwards?
>inb4AnonSaysNothingBurgerForOneHunderedTimesStraight This thread ain't for you, faggot.
>inb4ShillsComeAndShitUpTheThread Be weary, and act accordingly.
Reminder that 0 (zero) Communist flags will reply to this thread because theyre all spineless faggots who couldn't even gather the energy to go kick over another garbage can today.
Parker Long
or theyre all gathering in the cities
Adam Rogers
Nathan Myers
Jordan Morgan
These low energy fucks don't belong on this high energy thread anyways. Likewise, they are probably LARPing on leftypol+Reddit right now.
>when antifa gets fucked up by old bill and Trump is building up America to restore our Races right to the planet
Lincoln Cook
Connor Lopez
Andrew Cook
Literally nothing is happening today, you're all getting wound up over memes. Losing my shit over here. You guys are pathetic.
Connor Torres
>hype it up for months >make sure everyone knows >"literally nothing happened lul we didnt keep our promise again" typical. cant even commit to a decent happening without pussying out like usual.
Jason Brooks
We didn't promise anything, you got LARPED kiddo
Dominic Richardson
Its all true! Antifa is currently being dropped into protest zones via Helicopter!
Gabriel King
Jose Bailey
What Marxists actually hyped any of this shit up? They're either Liberals and not Marxists, Sup Forumsacks pretending to fuel LARP or .000001 percent of total people on the far left.
Lucas Mitchell
$20 on nothing happening. American Leftists are worthless faggots who can't handle cold.
The funny thing is ANTIFA absolutely has to deliver today otherwise no one will ever take them seriously again.
Cooper Wright
>It's wasn't a real revolution.
Blake Martinez
supersoldiers en route
Jonathan Sullivan
It's the fifth, all bark, trust me I'm Australian
Noah Green
LARP or not I support continuing to make these faggots look like a threat so that the general public turns on them even more.
>hehe we are too retarded and weak to actually organize, CHECKMATE larping nazi
Joseph Turner
>Just like the mighty Ant, They don't die when being dropped from tall heights
Nicholas Rodriguez
This is how pathetic you are. You make up fake events then try to call us out on not showing up.
Evan Barnes
home come nithing is happening i just checked all the latest news feeds and literally nothing is happening no shootings no bombings no breaking news just opinion pieces and shit about the environment
it seems on the surface calm and peaceful with an atmosphere of expectation
Brody Nelson
while I agree people should hate them as much as possible 1) that isn't the way to do it 2) you sound like your trying to preserve your good name and we all know what happens to jews with names
Isaiah Sanchez
seemed to work
Jeremiah Roberts
Works in your own little faggot echo chamber
Jaxson Lewis
what are you going on about?
Owen White
Nothing happened so far, but I did asume the comfy position for a long-nighter,
Caleb Cook
you and everything you stand for are jokes. why so smug?
Jace Cooper
Lincoln Gonzalez
a large majority of the us hates you and wouldnt feel an ounce of shame or guilt about the wholesale destruction of you bugs.
i dont think its an echochamber
Bentley James
They blocked traffic with signs that said November 4th
Antida websites like it's going down said November 4th was the revolution
They took out a full nyt ad
Then they got fucked when no one showed. Sad
Jackson Parker
>Echo chamber >Containment board Know the difference.
Gabriel Martin
>couldn't even gather the energy to go kick over another garbage can today. quality post
Tyler Ward
Caleb Hill
Hehe i sure showed them by being a pussy! GOTEM
Levi Edwards
>a majority of (((us))) don't like you
And why should I give a single fuck about how you think? Go ahead and shout and scream about how you want me dead, fact of the matter is I'll still be here while Sup Forums is in the process of being shut down as we speak.
Gavin Nelson
>Sup Forums is in the process of being shut down
only in your wet dreams comrade, Sup Forums cannot be stopped.
Bentley Ward
>US >the united states.
youre probably an overweight failure. good luck faggot
Hudson King
Sup Forums is a board of peace, no reason to shut it down. Your shit talking is weaksauce, just like your movement of degenerate meth head college dropouts. Sad part is you don't even realize when you wake up white America, you are signing your death warrants.
Oliver Davis
Go on naziboo, tell me exactly how much you don't like me
Kevin Perez
I will comfortably laugh at them from my home in my uncucked country. Antifa/commies have become our laughing stock
Easton Hernandez
i only hope you meant dropped out of
Luis Hughes
Jacob Cooper
>11 EST
>still nothing
fucking commies cant do anything right.
Charles Russell
Let them come, I’m a comfy boi in a remote part of the country...
Zachary Russell
Where is everything?
I thought something would happen today.
Levi Perez
>mfw commies have to speak in emoji to communicate to their sub human foot soldiers
Brayden Green
Its a nothing burger. I'm going to sleep, so sleepy. I suggest you guys get some rest as well.
Carson White
Still in bed and hung over from last nights standard fuck party
Aaron Parker
maybe letting blacks destroy society is for the best
Colton Collins
Not to mention I have guard dogs and a shit ton of guns and knives in case they do find me and have violent intentions.
Carter Rodriguez
It's already 4 pm in Europe. When will Murrikans wake up and start the war? I'm bored here.
Chase Perry
Haha an anime image board is what makes us? When/if this place shuts down what makes you think we'll disappear? Wherever there is free speech we will exist.
Leo Cook
I see LOSS on the first two framee
Ryan Ortiz
you're a commieboo, not a person. Keep on jerking yourself off and shitting your pants though, you'll never get any further than that :)
Colton Howard
>Because commies are the ones who are being suppressed online
Wake up beta, can't you see that being a commie is exactly what the Globo-Homo-Judeo-Corporate establishment wants you to be?
Zachary Watson
Then why the fuck do you gommies try to destroy free speech?
Ryder Wood
This. In the midwest it's particularly windy today, they'd get blown away.
Tyler Reed
I loaded my mags for this? So comfy.
Joshua Turner
I am wearing a fag flag so I understand.
Adrian Sanders
Austin Price
>tfw living in the UP who /yooper/ here?
Caleb Garcia
This is just one of many.. This board is to keep circlejerkers like you occupied.
Leo Bailey
>Not even a lone antifa throwing a brick at a wall wondering where everyone else is Is this the saddest shit or what
Ryan Reyes
Keep your eyes open and don't forget to report your friends and neighbors for treason.
Josiah Turner
Kevin Thompson
>Ms 13 >Teaming with blm Buzzword soup. The Mexican gangs hate blacks and blm is trying to not look like gang members.
>Being this butthurt I was hoping some of you commies would come to this thread. Everyone laugh at this shameful display of humanity.
Hunter Wood
laaaaaaaaaarp literally all of them have the "mindset" one of the "others" will end up rioting for them that none of them will do shit. massive letdown desu
Charles Stewart
You are thick as shit, OP. get trolled some more
Juan Smith
So you enjoy serving global multinational corporate capitalism?
Cooper Martin
Logan Bennett
Its only like 8 am in cali. Just wait, all the trashcans are gonna get REKT.
Bentley Nguyen
We're still waiting
Henry Roberts
To be fair if I were gonna make a ruckus and start a revolution I'd probably want to start bright and early. Have that shit done by dinnertime.
Henry Robinson
>hype it up for months >make sure everyone knows >"literally nothing happened lul we didnt keep our promise again"
I love that now Sup Forums is filled with gullible morons who believe that "antifa super soldiers" will take over cities.
you see people post "navy seal gorilla" pasta and think "fake" but then breathlessly believe comedy tweets about antifa super soldiers. God you people are so fucking dumb it hurts.
Leo Cook
õh man, this happening will be grrreat
Jace James
Uh huh. And for what purpose, pinko? You achieve nothing.
Liam Wright
>Gateway pundit >Right wing
Get out of your lefty fag bubble, gateway is a cucked libertarian rag
Carter Bennett
I"ll be going to the NYC one to watch, anything I should do/say/bring?
I"ll report back later tonight.
Samuel Watson
>hurrdurr, we didn't promise nuffin, le EPIC LARP! Nazis BTFO! xD
Robert Peterson
Just fucking livestream it with your phone. You can record all 3 of them show up, get bored, and go home.
Elijah Brooks
nothing is going to happen and never will happen the left here is just a bunch of sorry ass skin sacks
Brody Davis
>I am da PUPPET MASTA~ Sure, whatever kiddo. Have you stopped hiding in your parent's basement from the big bad antifa revolution yet?
Joshua Long
I guess I can make a periscope account
Hudson Moore
Everyone who larped threats here got reported to the fbi...fucking idiots dont realize how god damn illegal that shit is. You make a threat to one place, one person, and you are looking at a serious crime. You make a threat toward an entire nation, and entire race, whoa buddy...that is some next level illegality.
Why is it so illegal? Because despite what were saying here, we recognize just how fucking depraved and insane these antifa are...Im sure im not the only one who is keeping my guard up today. Like, congrats, commie faggots: You have succeeded in "making nazis afraid again". But do you know that entails? It entails conspiracy to commit terrorism. Thats some serious shit, kid.
Youre going to reply to this with snark, saying WE GOTCHU HAHA DUMB DRUMPFG NAZI LOL, and you are going to feel safe, you will feel like youve accomplished something. But I promise you, that what youve said and done will come back to haunt you. What you said and did are on record, and when inevitably, ANTIFA are taken down by Trump : when the evidence is fully gathered, you will eat shit like the toilet people you are, and you will face time, not in weekend jail, in federal, pound me in the ass prison.
I hope youve enjoyed "making muh nazis scurred again". When Jamals 12 inches up your ass, you go ahead, and you remember what Ive just told you. That the biggest threat you ever displayed, was a complete lie, and that lie, landed you in prison, for years. Nice fucking revolution, faggots.
Kevin Brooks
Not only will nothing happen, you'll be exposed as the retard you are once again. >It's happening on DETERMINED DATE
Hope is always good to have though. I hope you have fun wasting your time user :^)
Watching you run around shitting yourself in fear was pretty funny. What other reasons are needed?
Austin Rodriguez
1. Collective ownership fails to account for fact that iq and big 5 personality differences between people means theyre suited to different environments, tempermentally speaking. Not everyone is good manager. Not everyone is good owner. Democracy is inefficient. Sears lost its business because shit owners failed to update business model. Thats the importance of leadership and organization. 2. The fact of from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs is no better attended than by people running their own lives. People have consciences. They inform them of their moral obligations. If you enforce that through arbitrary state you rob people of the chance to confront the fact of the world and their place in it. /rant