I wish I was born white and have everything come easy to me. Instead, I was born a person of color. No hand-outs, the odds stacked against me since birth. Now I grow up after being told that the future will be alright and slowly watch this world fall into the hands of nazis. It's disgusting! You could reach out and lend a hand to help your fellow man, but instead you want to drag us down and watch us burn. We all want utopia, but there is no utopia for you that wouldn't have us in it and vice versa. The best we can do is learn to live together, free of hate. Why do you resist this?
I wish I was born white and have everything come easy to me. Instead, I was born a person of color. No hand-outs...
Stop being so dramatic. We are all born into the same world with the same opportunities. Stop blaming invisible monsters for your failures and take responsibility for your own life.
he best we can do is learn to live together, free of hate ...
Pic related
We spent over a century reaching out and lending a hand it it has gotten us nothing but a hand that was bitten.
What are you on about?
White people are being ethnically cleansed from my city for lending a hand.
You have overbred. Your greed knows no bounds. In nature the wages of sin are death.
>I'm a nonwhite
>no handouts for me
If you're not white and literally capable of showing up to work on time and trying at 15% of median white agency you have no excuse not to be making 6 figures easy
Lol faggot. The world owes you nothing. Its up to you to make the best of what you got, and to be the best you can be. And also, get the fuck out.
Your fucked in the head if you think being white magically makes life super easy and we don't have our own problems to worry about. I worry about myself in life and most everyone outside family and friends and gf can fuck off. I don't owe anyone or especially you anything. I got my own shit to worry about.
Your culture and attitude are the only thing holding you down nigger
lol, is this what Antifa meant by the 4th of november?
to try and troll Sup Forums
fucking pathetic
Boston: 40k vs 40
Nazis will get roped when it's about time, don't you worry.
hey nigger, do you have a hot sister? I'll make sure she has white children
Because utopias can't exist, as man is not smart enough to dream the perfect system (that is comparible with the reality of our universe).
Be Me
BE white
Own a unicorn
ride it to free money handouts
it blows me
being white is fantastic
Kill yourself my man
>person of color
>No hand-outs
Being a working class black is suffering. You're not poor enough for gibsmedats but everyone will assume you're on the government dole by virtue of your color. Anyway is OP isn't a 1 post faggot (and for the leftypol lurkers), stop falling for retarded identity politics - it's not like whites born in the same economic class are much better off than you.. nevermind the white underclass locked in dying towns addled with addiction and zero prospects for the future. We could do with a little less us-vs-them tribalism
>person of colour
>no handouts
Being "white" had nothing to do with things "coming easy". It had to do with the fact your ancestors worked tirelessly hard for you to have the status you enjoy today. This is an obvious bait thread but unfortunately there are actual idiots who believe in the "white privilege myth" - as if it can be considered a "privilege" at all. We are born to the families we are born too and we are given the hands that were given to us by the work our ancestors provided. That's the reality. Nobody today has any notions of family, work, sacrifice, duty, and honor and so these concepts become alien and hostile to them. So, because they fear these ideas they turn them into something that must be destroyed. Leftism is such a cancer, it even rejects the foundations of their own existences and turns them into something that must be destroyed.
The truth is of course that homogeneous societies do better socially because of the fact there is stronger foundational support networks. So the more complications thrown into the equation the harder it becomes to solve. In algebra, sometimes if you put far too many factors into a single equation it gives you an answer that is irrational and impossible to portray in reality. That's the reality of multiracial societies - but I digress. The main point is that we are given what we have in life due to our ancestors and ignoring that is nihilistic ignorance. We all have a duty to improve the lives of our family and that means our next generation.
"We inherit the land from our ancestors and borrow it from our children.".
I hate to say it oop, but a majority of white people have morals and common decency. Unfortunately blacks lack alot of that. Not all but most. The growing resentment of feeling inferior, only because whites maintain a moral existence and have built this great country into a decent place, and blacks feel inferior and continue.
>I was born a person of color
>I was born a person of color.
Fucking coloreds.
Don't they realize God gave them the mark of Cain so we would know they were evil?
Wait until you fuck that pony in the ass....it's god-tier
>No hand outs
Every nigger I see shamelessly pulls out a food stamps card for crab legs and steak.
Black lives don't even matter to blacks.
So fuck off with your pathetic attempts at guilt tripping whites.
Leave this place Negro and never return
>No hand-outs
your not even trying
I'm all for helping anyone. The thing is, most negroes don't want help. The say they want equality, but they don't. The would rather suffer than benefit from whites, asian or hispanics being in charge....they want to get preferential treatment...do you not ever wonder why half negroe/half white people never identify as white? Because whites have no grievance industry....Obama, Capernick and many others say they are black despite being 50/50....
Look at Haiti, look at Mogadishu...whites tried to help them and got murdered for their trouble...
Rhetoric & hyperbole may lend credence to the noble negroe, but reality is a bitch....negroes are most definitely cancer......
It is being forced upon us to weaken Western Culture.
DEMS are losing the Black vote as they wake up.
This is obv troll but still fuck off nigger, you ruin evetything
A fine post. The finest I have read today.
Why would you wish you were born cucked? Most white white are memes nowadays
I don't know, m8. Maybe, like, go to work for once?
I wish you were born white too so there was one less nigger.
I wish I'd been born smart not to blame the rest for my incapacity
Come to work for ONCE with all the other white people, then come back here and talk about white privelage again you piece of shit
>Person of color
>Says they receive no handouts
Also, WE are and have been willing to live together, free of hate for decades. But you dumb motherfuckers keep killing us and chimping out. You gotta think at some point, after all the gibs we give you and the incessant bitching we hear from you, we're just gonna say fuck this and go straight master race on your low iq asses
Be a fucking man, you insecure beta faggot nigger. Hi get a job. Like we all did.
>1 post by this ID
C'mon guys stop giving (((them))) (you)s.
Wish you weren't born
work for it a little, affirmative action and diveristy quotas are real things but nobody is going to drag you kickin and screaming in through their doors to give you the opportunity to succeed. skilled trades all offer apprenticeship positions with on the job training. but niggers and shitskins are lazy and want free gibmedats...
The only sensible post in this thread.
You fucking LIVE on hand out nigger.
>I wish I was born white
I wished you were born white too. It would be one less nigger in what should be a 100% white country.
The truth is, you refuse to hold blacks accountable for their actions. You se them as inferior by treating them different, so this does nothing but fuel hatred in them. Stop giving them free shit of any kind and maybe they will finally be comfortable with their own existence as nature intended.
Go to Africa, they await your coming there, they need you !!!
KYS and respawn. Eventually you will come correct.
this, all other comments are newfag dumb shits