im going to trigger so many SJW cucks
Im going to trigger so many SJW cucks
God fucking damn it.
start posting "its ok to be black" signs
You are one, toothpaste
holy shit who ever did this should really just stop existing real quick
>thinking that it matters if anyone works against a campaign
>it doesn't
I like the poster, btw. Really fun.
WTF my niece is travelling to Netherlands today, if you corrupt her I will personally report your IP address to the chancellor.
someone had to fuck it up
it's tradition on Sup Forums
Nice bedroom user.
what level is this on?
Quick question - are you jewish?
>someone had to fuck it up
>thinking that it matters if trolls troll
It doesn't. Campaign, no matter what, will still work well...that's the magic...that even more offensive than "long live hitler" is "it's ok to be White."
You better be fucking joking
This single poster will be the only thing the media covers once they find it. The goal is to get them upset over five words; nothing else. Don’t go spoon feeding them unecessary bait.
Kankerhomo delete this.
stupid faggot
user youre giving us Dutchies a bad name.
you unironically say kek, and you expect me to take you seriously
gr8 b8 m8
>shadilay shadilay
>join us at Sup Forums
AHAHAHAH this is funny as, gr8 idea user.
hahaha please don't do it
stop baiting leaf
Gas yourself
"whites are ok" is FAR WORSE than "kill jews"
That's the magic of the campaign.
false flag
Nice try faggot
You son of a bitch. That is going to get you in hot water.
The only logical conclusion
Praise KeK dude, you're doing KeK's work user.
To be fair, the media could create that sheet of paper themselves and no one would be the wiser.
You racist, nazi piece of shit scum. Get the fuck out, Sup Forums is a welcoming board for all people. It's just not all people on Sup Forums will act nicely.
You are a fucking retard. The "It's OK to be white" poster was designed to be as non-controversial to the average person as possible. This was done for the reason to expose leftists as anti-white. By adding your gay ass autistic shit you only proved yourself to be subhuman trash incapable of basic strategy. Report yourself to the nearest gas chamber. You are a disgrace to the cause.
Shill thread.
pic related, it's you
Your "niece" is doomed to getting blacked anyway.
Pretty good OP
We apologize for his behaviour. We'll up his medication. Sage and move along.
>1488 long live hitler
Another 9gag joke
Stage 4 i would guess.
Seems to be a libtard false flagging in hope to smear the"its okay to be white campaign".
That sign was made by a leftist to discredit the phrase.
It looks charmy, they think we can't deal with hordes of normies.
Posting in an ebic bread
Dear lefty faggot...
Learn to meme (pic related)
You're missing the whole point. Theh point is to say that it's okay to be white without any racist connotation. This is meant to expose the left's hypocrisy and not promote National Socialism
much love op
Definitely just your average leftypol retard trying to false flag our board of peace as intolerant.
>oh no an idiot fucked up
No you idiots, it's a limp-wristed cuck trying to make the movement look bad
KYS faggot.
fucking nigger
Why is it in English if you're dutch?
Looks like some redditor put this up in his mum's house.
Looks like you triggered the Sup Forumstards
Good job OP.
good b8, you deserve a (You)
should have added 8ch
i attend an international university
We're using this one now. It's #4 on for [it's ok to be white]. Keep up the pressure, lads.
>false flagging kikes and leftists co-opt it
Like clockwork.
Any time anything happens that could be used to undermine their bullshit, they destroy it.
Why the absolute fuck do you think you've been kicked out of every single civilized society since the dawn of time.
>I’m gonna trigger so many SJW cucks
Lmao you fucking 12 year old
Thanks user! OP appears to be a fag.
wat ben je toch een kanker autist, waar woon je zodat ik je tanden in kan slaan
kill yourself
Kutmongool. Welke uni
nijmegen, i wacht op je sjw kneusje
lol nice try eurofaggot. only the burger kingdom matters.
Nice house user
You didn't read the bottom did you?
I'm with you on the campaign and I love seeing the plain ones posted but the autism added with the anti black and anti Jew statements will hijack and corrupt the original idea.
Gosh darnit
Wat you doin rabbi
>not representing white pride worldwide
fuck off cuck
arnhem. ik ga gelijk naar nimma om je recht voor je bakkes te slaan
Evacuate yourself my dude
How do you do, fellow 4channers?
Keep It Simple Stupid
fuck, you're an autistic retard.
The whole point of it is to be an innocuous statement which would be difficult to disagree with if you have half a brain. When you mix in all of that blatant in your face bullshit it then will become associated with it and lose strength.
fuck of jef holiday
>Not blaming /po/ and linking anons there instead
You had one job nigger
I bet you put that up in your house. Dutchmen are cowards which is why we call alcohol for bravery "Dutch Courage"
you are just scared to represent your race
in case I wasn't clear in my first post you are a weakling coward and I don't like you
you guys are so scared of fucking 5 words on white paper its so fucking cool
>sjw kneusje
goed geprobeerd kleine kut leftypol lamlul
als je die posters opzet ondermijn je de hele campagne, het hoort simpel te zijn
>t.praktijk onderwijs simpleton
Sup Forums cucks don't have the balls to do this