...The lady behind him starts praying for you. The blond chick gets moist and now your dick is twitching - you're about to go queer for Scheer:
15 Mnutes into Question Period and chill' when he gives you this look
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Canadistan is irrelevant. Stop shilling for your favourite jew puppet.
>Everytime Trudeau speaks he looks like a drama teacher that cannot have the attention of the class but stopped caring
Bernier was the best chance and even then he wasn't strict enough on immigration. Sad.
> meme flag: check
> baseless insult meant to silence: check
> ALL CAPS: check
kys: you are not even good at shilling.
Fuck this kike loving zog shill.
Andrew Shill won't get any traction here.
Fucking Zog.
Your totally right, its much better if we get Trudeau again who is increasing our immigration numbers even more
Zogs dominance over the right is over.
But shill condemns white nationalism
He's a Jew Muppet like Harper
at least we try to have enough common sense not to elect shitskins and women to anything.
WTF can he speak like a human being and put some argument.
He was basically chimping. WTF canada. Explain
>that melange of smug elites, wogs and women
I fucking hate the LPC
trudeau is breaking down.
he can't hande the pressure. he's weak.
Trudeau is such a smug piece of shit. Is he out next election lads?
Shill could never moisten the princesses panties.
Just say'n
disregard Cagn4t2e
no one is that antisemitic for free while being above 18. he's probably a fed
Disregard cAclQFHi
The truth is like kryptonite to a kike shill
No. The Jew Butthurt over the terrorists payoffs was worth it. If the Jew is going to replace my race it will be with one that hates it as much as us.
Fuck off Ahmed.
Because only Muslims are anti Jew