This is Caitlin. She is 21 years old and living on the streets in Manhattan. Why can't you help her in the richest city in the world?
Why don't you help the homeless, Sup Forums?
Why is Caitlin so fat? If a homeless person is that fat they are obviously eating plenty and not working much. I feel like she would use my money to buy some crack or beer, because that's what happens when I give money to homeless people.
Because 99% of homeless people are able-bodied men and women in their best age. And the Bible says, "if you will not work, neither shall you eat".
Why can't we help caitlin instead of some somolian aids babies and goat fuckers?
Why do we have to import caitlin that is worse than caitlin when we have our own caitlin?
there's a rule in healthcare that you dont do things for people that they can do for themselves. Even simple things, they must do by themselves or else you are seriously impeding on their autonomy and robbing them of opportunities to develop vital life skills.
She knows what she has to do. Either she wont do them or cant do them. Either way, throwing money at her won't help. Also, you don't get fat AF if you are starving. She just likes a scummy life, and that's her preference. It would be judgemental and condescending to suggest you have better ideas about how she should be living her life.
There are many homeless in NZ despite a comprehensive welfare system. These people choose to live like this, all the have to do is go to a few interviews and show evidence off looking for a job.
But instead they just want to be drunk all the time and such a basic requirement of our social assistance is too inconvenient.
True, there are many many programs out there if one has effort to debase and demean themselves but at this point you really have nothing to lose.
As far as starving and being fat as fuck, well being sedentary 90% of the time and eating the cheapest low quality food that you can afford for a dollar every day will turn you into a fucking whale without a doubt. It's much more expensive to eat healthy natural food and fresh vegetables than some processed shit. If you couple this with hopelessness and depression and most often than not some form of addiction it is a recipe of no return.
Now you have refugees taking all the gibs that should be going to caitlin. caitlin will never be a refugee blood sucking parasite taking advantage of anything and everything because even caitlin hates caitlin and has way too much self loathing to pester anyone because why the fuck would anyone help caitlin anyway..and this is true..fuck caitlin.
It's actually difficult to end up at that level of homeless in the U.S. We have a surplus of jobs and never ending programs To Help them. Essentially vast majority of homeless people have addiction or mental issues. The other margin aren't actually homeless, they are grifters and scammers and they make boat loads of money off tugging gullible people's heart strings. What we need is to re-up our public mental health facilities and start rounding homeless up to determine their crazy level. Some may have to remain in said facilities for the rest of their lives as they are the types who don't, won't, can't regularly medicate.
Or do the most humane thing and just kill them.
> several thousand
> city of millions
There are going to be mentally ill people, and people with sub-70 IQs, who fall through the cracks.
All Caitlyn has to do is sign up for dem programs. She either doesn’t have the agency to do it, or she is too ducking lazy.
Every christmas I got the philly train station and buy a homeless man whatever he wants from the Chinese buffet area.
I dont understand why she lives in NY tho, instead of florida or commiefornia, where it`s warm on the street trough the year?
In Spain is not so difficult to be homeless (being poor is easy as fuck but have nothing at all as to live in the streets takes a tremendous series of fuck ups or too much bad luck) but it's also not so difficult to get out of homlesness. The problem is that it takes work (there are plenty of associations that will give food, money and shelter in exchange for labour, one of the most active is actually american).
She should work out and get an instagram, then she can start sleeping with those New Yorkers that walk past her
This is why you don’t take Gender Studies in college.
How about we help none of them. This isn't some either/or question, she is barely any better than a nigger
Of course she's lazy, you see how ducking dat she is?
>why so fat?
mental illness
90% of homeless people have some mental illness and REFUSE help. No amount of handouts will solve this.
>healthy natural food like vegetables
when will this meme die?
>There are many homeless in NZ *BECAUSE* of the comprehensive welfare system.
fixed that for you.
Homeless people are scum. Never acknowledge them or look them in the eye. They suck and should be fed into a wood chipper
Long after you, ya fat nigger. Eat some vegetables.
Cant help niggas who cant help themselves. Also these are junkies and drunks who would rather be high or drunk then have food and shelter and i wont contribute to niggerism.
because she has to eat fat fast food and won't get freshly comped sushi for free, sherlock
>Fast as hell.
My god.
Homeless beaner, and ALL others, go the fuck back to Mexico!!!
>middle of the day
>sitting on fatass with donation cup and sadface :(
>not filling out a fucking job application
That's why.
or they can help themselves and stop being lazy.
Rush... all rush fans deserve to die on the street...
She doesn’t look hungry
We can. First, remove the U.N. from U.S. soil and convert the building.
Priority goes to honorably discharged veterans, followed by mothers w/kids, then other assorted American-born homeless. All others can fuck right off to their country of origin, or starve/freeze on the street. IDGAF
>Not liking rush