I wonder what England would have looked like today if America didn't steal our economy during WW1 and WW2.
Really makes you think.
I wonder what England would have looked like today if America didn't steal our economy during WW1 and WW2.
Really makes you think.
>that shitty fucking drone and architecture
You're wrong in your placement of blame. It was the jews and anglo elites who fucked us over. Stop blaming burgers for your problems. Maybe our grandfathers shouldn't have such faggots?
I like how they also fuelled the fire for both wars by supply goods to both sides. Only becoming part of the allies once they maximised profits and discovered who was going to win.
The USA could have intervened in the WW2 a lot earlier (They had evidence of the Holocaust way earlier also).
jews and anglo elites. Who are mostly burgers.
Pretty sick and tired of people here standing up for Americas actions. Their propaganda has really taken its toll. Fucking vassal state.
Remember when things here used to be British? Not American, European or Asian? Actually British companies.
>Moishe you have to reply multiple times to the post so it looks like all the goyim disagree
It's always that one autistic kike from the UK, the muricasplainer shitposter.
Do you know about the Suez Canal Crisis mate?
The Yanks FUCKED us.
I wonder what the world would look like today if Britain hadn't started two world wars because they couldn't play nice and share control with Germany/couldn't tolerate central banks shackled to the public interest. Really makes you think..
Alright, shut the fuck up. If it hadn’t been for the US Britain would have been fucked by the Nazis. Don’t give me the “uhh uhhhhh but muh Russians!” Bullshit. While yes, the Russians helped a lot too the allies would most definitely have lost if the US hadn’t joined. I would even argue that Germany would have a much higher chance of winning WW1, had the US not joined. When the US joined they had just finished raping a tattered Russia, and they may have been able to make it to parks had the US troops not arrived in swarms.
Why is the UK a third world shithole?
because that image is clearly a dream
America shouldn't have bailed you out either time you cuck. The world would have been better off if the UK burned to the ground
It's not our fault that Europoors can't stop killing each other.
It's true. Wall street wasn't nearly as significant as the LSE until the wars. Can't conduct business when bombs are blowing up your trading centers. We gave you your cut, be grateful.
They're fighting over food.
Your pic is pretty much a caricature of what we HATE about London. You seem to have your priorities fucked up, OP.
Americans didn't want to get involved in WW2 and we should've stayed out. The Jews dragged is into war by promising the allies that they would get the US involved in exchange for recognizing Palestine as a Jewish state. Both Churchill and Roosevelt were both war mongering assholes so that didn't help either.
>I wonder what England would have looked like today if America didn't steal our economy during WW1 and WW2.
Maybe Britain should NOT have declared war both times
>Americans didn't want to get involved in WW2 and we should've stayed out.
If America didnt get tricked into WW1, WW2 wouldnt have happened
you're making my point for me. Britain caused the communists win.
No it wouldn't have don't disrespect the English. At one point they were almost in complete control of the entire globe.
Would you want your military to get involved in WW3 if you weren't being attacked by anybody at the time?
>anglo elites are to blame
You could have voted for this guy
But you didn´t. If you want to blame someone blame the british voter.
We supplied you and the Russians. You both would have fallen to the Nazis just like the frogs did head we not financed you and armed you. We were staying out of the war because the American public didn't want to be involved. Be grateful that we helped behind the scenes.
Wasn't USA's war bud, our beef was with the japs.
>t. Butthurt britcuck mad his country doesn't influence the world
Listen here, you spastic cunt.
We British (ignore my flag) stood alone against Nazi Germany for a year. The Germans couldn't invade us because they were spent after Weserübung and the Royal Navy would have mercilessly destroyed any attempted crossing of the channel, which we would have known about because of Bletchley Park's work to crack Naval Enigma. We would have been supported by the RAF which was able to recover after Hitler sperged out and switched from bombing our airfields to bombing London and other major cities. We stood at Dover showing to fingers to Mr. Hitler. Who do you think you are kidding if you think Old England was done?
As for WWI, you know less than fuck all. Von Moltke fucked up because he, in a stroke of Clausewitzian "genius", swang south to try to take Paris, rather than chase the BEF. The yanks joined in 1917 - by then, we had tanks, planes, AND were blockading and starving Germany. What do you think the Turnip Winter was? Thanks also to Monash's plans and leadership of the Aussies, the Germans were losing badly. Being shackled to a corpse certainly didn't help. Capitulation was inevitable, the war was already won.
You give the yanks far too much credit. They swooped in at the end and thought themselves worthy of the glory.
Get fucked.
>waaaaah mummsy mummsy
>the 200-year-old country is bullying me
>even though I had 10,000 years to build up power first
Suck it, faggot.
i saw a turk call an american a mongrel once.
what a wondeful world
Our mistake was trusting you would have honour and stick to your word.
You're like a nigger
>blames whitey for their problems
>blames US
PS- You're welcome for winning WW1 and WW2. Britain was incapable of winning both wars on their own.
Another clueless yank. See
It wasn't the US that fucked up England, it was your shity Fabian Socialism
Yeah,works like a charm in United States Of America,which was 90% white and now is like at 50% and dropping. No wonder,that there are so many crimes now.
Fucking kikes need some good bullet between their brains for good luck.
Pretty sick and tired of you whining about americans.Go find something else to bitch about, or better yet, fix your own falling nation.
>Right image
>overpopulated and overcrowded
>probably polluted
>lifeless concrete and glass
That looks like shit. Large dystopian cities are not what the "bright" future is supposed to be.
you "commanded" that honor and word, and this is what you got for it.
Nope. That was like 50 fucking years ago or summat
The french destroyed your empire, deal with it.
>Bongs and Frogs declare war on Germans for invading Poland
>America sells them guns
>They end up in crippling debt while America laughs to the bank
>"Burgers stole our economy!"
You screwed yourselves over.
I read them and I'm still unconvinced Britain got the shit bombed out of it and couldn't win both wars without us. Here's a list of everyone who helped you in both world wars besides US:
>South Africa
>New Zealand
>French Empire in WW1
With all that goddamn help you TEA SIPPING CUNTS still couldn't win without the USA! Have a good day ol chaps and let's get fucked by KRAUTS!
we didn't start any of those retarded wars. we had a isolationist policy up until very recently. people always incorrectly associate America with globalism, but it is actually antithetical to our values. we never wanted to govern the world like you cunts, it just sort of happened to us because your fatass leader couldn't play nice with germany
Oops I forgot to include Australia, yet another ally that couldn't help you win without AMERICA!
Cherry-o faggots!
england bet the farm on china as new world power, in cooperation with globalist agenda
hillary didn't win according to plan
china is bankrupt
gloobalists are dumping everything they have into keeping it afloat, but it's sinking fast and has nil chance of recovery.
england kicked out of eu, so it doesn't drag everyone down with it
brits in hollywood are the biggest joke, actually thinking people are listening to them
I take great joy knowing you'll likely be killed, have someone you know burned by acid, and someone you care about be raped by Mohommad. Watching your shithole fall to the caliphate brings me such pleasure. I spit on your grave
You’d be better off, mostly because you’d be speaking German.
Holy fuck, please consider killing yourself
harsh, but checked
Wait is he trying to samefag?
wars drive economies faggots
>what is lend-lease
Only reason you had enough supplies, planes, and ships to hold off the germans was because we were producing nearly half the worlds GDP
>Russia was fucked, we stood alone without them for a year.
>Our colony
>Our colony
>Our colony
>Our colony
>Our colony
>The French Empire in WWI caused many problems for their army. For example, Senegalese troop deployments caused the French to mutiny. Great help there.
>Our colony
I should also mention that our biggest defeats and retreats in WWI were due to the failure of the French or the fact that we had to bail them out. Look at the Third Battle of Artois (the French involvement was toned down at our expense), Operation Micheal (having to reorganise after the French "line" was profoundly weaker [nonexistant] than anticipated), the Somme, the exposure of the British at Mons after the sudden French retreat, etc.
I notice you haven't actually given an argument. You've just listed countries/colonies. Next time, at least try and convince me you know what you're talking about.
Only because our politicians thought it would be a fantastic idea to become indebted to you. You're telling me supplies from our Empire wouldn't have sufficed?
When will this meme die?
FDR was based and we grew fat off the blood lust of european powers.
America only entered WWII because of the influence of British Intelligence
I'm with you on WWI, but WWII was a different story. You may have been able to hold off the Germans for a few years, but it was with our support that your people didn't starve, that critical technologies (radar, particularly the cavity magnetron) were put into mass production, that you had weapons with which to fight the war, and that Germany was driven away from critical resources that would have allowed them to mount a full-scale invasion of the British Isles. Let's not forget our strategic bombers' contribution to the destruction of German industry or that our lend-lease aid to Russia played a big part in letting them keep the Nazis occupied, either.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a verified teaboo and have a ton of respect for what the British accomplished in WWII, and I agree that we Americans like to overplay our role in the war, but you can't claim that we didn't play a huge part in making it winnable.
On a side note, I've always thought a game where you played as British resistance during a German invasion would be fucking badass.
If our politicians weren't foolish enough to get indebted to America, then American impact on the war would have been severely reduced. I know that's veering off into what-if territory, but it was brought about by our own mismannagement, and thus, our own hand.
I'm convinced the resources and supplies were abundant enough in our colonies. Yes, America had recovered tremendously after the Great Depression, but the Australian mining industry was growing ever larger, with much of their produce going to the UK. The Copper Belt of Northern Rhodesia could also have been exploited for the war effort, as could mines in Canada; Canada's industry (especially in motorcars) was booming. Canadian, South African, and Rhodesian farming produced good yields, and ports were readily available to ship them overseas. I will concede, however, that distance and the industrial development of America played a huge role in trade, aid, and R&D. Your eastern ports allowed such huge loads to be processed and transported, and your population played a huge role in producing and gathering resources. Certainly their number of Nobel winners is a good indication of this. As for preventing the invasion of the UK, I'm afraid I have to disagree with you there. Weserübung was just too costly, adding on the money, time, and resources the Germans had to pour into the Italian campaigns to prop up their fronts. It just wasn't practical. To attempt an invasion would spread them too thin, lose a huge chunk of soldiers, and galvanise British morale at the expense of Germans', let alone create a gap in their forces, opening them up to an invasion.
That certainly is an interesting topic. Dad's Army to the rescue.
the American people were not interested in fighting either of those wars, as many Americans trace roots back to Germany, and also felt it wasn't our place. Our politicians had different plans, and incidents and propaganda turned the country toward war. We shouldnt have intervened in WW1, should've left the powers to work out conditions for peace on their own terms instead of tilting scales to favor Britain.
Maybe you can't see it yet, but your elites are our elites and vice versa. Would've been better for Americans to tell the brits to go fuck off, fight their own wars.
The American people didn't want any part of your wars, perhaps like some of your own people. We were tricked, like you.
butthurt since 1776
elects jewish queen
gets cucked by saudis
rescues sheep hostages (war brides)
queen builds castle in china
queen takes away television
queen takes away silverware from commoners
blames America for all their problems
It would look the same. Nothing would be different. Because you fucks have no style. Or vision.
i love how germanstan cuck thinks by linking his shitty post full of lies he'll win an arguement on a bengalesse lighthouse watching forum
>If our politicians weren't foolish enough to get indebted to America, then American impact on the war would have been severely reduced. I know that's veering off into what-if territory, but it was brought about by our own mismannagement, and thus, our own hand.
>but its all americas fault!!!
>we totally wouldn't have gotten our shit pushed in in both world wars without help
>steal our economy
America saved britain's ass from certain destruction by the nazis, you fucking ungrateful arab faggot.
American politicians and money men saw opportunity with the wars, so they jumped in at the end and dictated things when everybody else was weakened.
Sux for you Europoors who act like lunatics, kill 50 million of your own kind over 'muh living space', bend over backwards for rapefugees and shame those that speak out against it, etc
>I wonder what England would have looked like today if America didn't steal our economy during WW1 and WW2.
Well you'd be a German territory.
do u even unelected head of state as appointed by god i guess
is this Y Ts version of Wakanda? lmao
>shitty digital big ben clock face
kek some retarded futurism
no because the british empire was a bunch of niggers skitskins and poos
hope you bin that knife later btw
Senegal mutiny was a drop in the bucket. You had nearly half the world including India, the second most populous country, and the Brit bongs still couldn't pull it off without the US.
>Battle of Somme
Brit bongs lost over half million men, the same amount the US lost in the entire Civil War. All those lives for 2 miles of mud.
Do you honestly think Britain would have won WW1 the way things were going in 1917?
Or WW2 from 1939-1941?
Mind you, we single handily defeated the Japanese while bailing your asses off Hans dick.
You shouldn’t have declared war on Germany you fucking limey. America is mostly German and we still hate you for both WWs and fucking up the Middle East and Africa. Apologize to the world for your sins of your people
>(They had evidence of the Holocaust way earlier also).
Op has been watching too much "Doctor Who"...
Fuck you.
Remember when british people weren't cucked and Nigger tier who want to do nothing but steal ? remembers. Now fuck off back to pakistan flag LARPing retards.
>England would have looked like today
Op forgot all the mosques in his picture.
On WW1, I think you're missing the most important factor. It wasn't US men and arms that made the difference necessarily, but the prospect of US entr into the war. The French Army was teetering on mutiny, and it's very likely that the Entente would have negotiated a truce that preserved most of their interests but still favored Germany if they knew there was no hope of the US coming. The timing of the Russian collapse and US entry was critical.
mfw The Bongs and the Burgers are birching at each other when they both know who is and has been causing all the turmoil in all three of our countries for the past however many years.
The Nazis would have killed you what do you think would have happened
You guys can’t even wire a car correctly...
>implying the Nazis wanted to invade Britain
you actually dragged them in by offering palestine to the kikes
It's funny because that was one of the last times the US government was acting independently of Jewish influence.
The mental gymnastics in your post are breathtaking. You might be Olympic material.
I blame my government for getting indebted to you. Point to me where in my post I said everything was America's fault. Go on. I'll be waiting.
Also, nice argument you've got there. You didn't present anything to refute any of my points. Come back when you can.
That didn't happen until 4 years after the beginning of the war.
>what is Canada
>what was Newfoundland
>what is Australia
>what is New Zealand
That's ignoring the number of whites from South Africa and Rhodesia who fought for us.
You can take the knife. It might be useful for becoming an hero.
It's your own fault.
America was no saint. Is was looking for an excuse to do what it did. But Britain gave it that excuse. It begged the US to come to its aid, completely stupid and shortsighted.