Isn't it time we started discussing who Sup Forums is going to the Winter Ball with this year?
Winter Ball
> Drawfags whoring for us
> Cool art to vandalize for future memes
> Larpers generating funny bantz
I approve and suggest you to create the thread in /qa/ so it don't get axed.
Winter Ball is Sup Forums tradition, surely the mods will allow these
>Sup Forums as edgy prettyboy
pls no
I can't fucking find anything but last year he was depicted as a decorated, scarred war vet. He looked awesome. No emasculating the board avatar
>I can't fucking find anything but last year he was depicted as a decorated, scarred war vet
A veteran of the meme war?
It was with /o/ and we got awesome art, like for real it was amazing. References to Tay and shit, it was brilliant. Probably the best winter ball yet
Newspol was best pol
/mlp/ should be in the running this year after our bonding experience with them
There's ton of art bro.
The girly drawfags like the good old Sup Forums as a good looking man.
Unironically speaking...
Is funny that a lot of kiddos can be introduced to Sup Forums, anonymous boards and Sup Forums through fan art and shit.
We should take /o/ again
Ah there they are, thanks
I want to go with /mlp/
They are our best allies.
/c/ was a fun year as well. nothing like cute anime grills in nazi uniforms.
this, i think we should take the horsefuckers to the ball /mlpol/ was a joyous event was it not?
This one always made me smile...
(we are whites... generally speaking... fucking burgers)
This is so fucking retarded and autistic, really I hope you freaks get raped and murdered in real life.
>we are whites
top zozzle
lgbt as always
They're the little nerdy trap with the thicc ass nobody notices.
How to forget the r9k meltdown...
lgbt got the cold shoulder last year. I don't think they should be asked again til they drop the t
This. Fucking crossposters are ruining Sup Forums.
Implying that getting newdrawfags interested in the boards and making art for us is a bad thing.
Implying the art isn't cool.
>not complaining about the music
Is miss labeled as Waffen SS Choir - Neue deutsche Welle (Remix), but it's Grün ist unser Fallschirm. I bet the jews did this, trying to destroy our culture.
>Not being Sup ForumsSup Forums/c//k/ master race.
Bet your from fucking reddit to.
>Coming to Sup Forums exclusively for Sup Forums
How to sport a T-D immigrant 101
/o/ again we need more lewds
Kek. Getting that uppity and butthurt for "le edgy teenagers get out my lawn" were the fucking teenagers made Sup Forums.
You don't belong here, much like in the real world. Either pull it together or fucking kill yourselves, anime watching scum.
I never liked Reddit format tb h. Only lurked Stormfront.
/lit/ might be fun but it has to be /o/
I say we conquer [s4s] while their guard is down
>never forget Sup Forums harbor.
Come on stormfag.
The art is cool and reflects the spirit of the boards pretty well.
And the music
>anime watching scum
this is Sup Forums hrvoje
this shit gay, but it's okay
Sup Forums needs to be a redpilled tsundere trap thathates everything
I would say yes, but aren’t we obligated to take /mlp/ after April 1?
>Some little insignificant country in the Balkans
>Complaining about anime on Sup Forums
i'm not stupid or mentally ill. Something Sup Forums has been increasingly becoming. A fucking joke.
Not centered around anime since what, 2007? What happened to the ''we've grown up'' meme?
>shill meme
This is righteous stuff, you should learn to appreciate the history of Sup Forums and the creativity of the userbase some more, m8.
I can die when I get muh trap Sup Forums until then my unulfilled boner will keep me alive
No no.
Don't be hater.
You’re a literal knuckle dragging retard and you shouldn’t be allowed on the internet
The drawfag summoning isn't complete.
We need fresh blood that draw shit for us.
>No fun allowed
As I said you're reddit as fuck.
Fucking newfags ruining boards traditions and culture.
So the shortlist seems to be:
No idea, i'm here for the art.
I vote for Sup Forums... Just because is the whitest board.
Does /bant/ have a board-tan yet?
>it's fun to withdraw into yourself
>escapism is fun
>pretending to be a girl is fun
>taking it up your ass is fun
Go chop some wood or something. You can't be this bored as to remotely like this shit.
Are you white?
it’s just gonna be some dumb fucking touhou shit we shoudln’t even invite them to the ball at all
I'm going to it with these thee fine young men.
Oh yeah /x/ rejected us last year. Maybe we should try again?
Yeah. Starting to feel shame though.
/o/ it is then
I was just curious.
They will Sup Forums's what like...4th daughter?
This post is affecting you more than it should.
I suggest you to go back.
Sup Forums reject /x/ stop trying to change history you double nigger
Sup Forums is a nigger he does not take care of his kids
To be fair, no one remembers them after like 3 months.
/mlpol/ ftw.
/bant/ is best board
Nope, just gonna leave this thread knowing that the rest of Sup Forums condemns your blatant autism.
and kys as well
/bant/ was never good.
No bully
/bant/ is nothing but double niggers
Peace was never an option.
Honestly I don't really care what board we'll go with. The drawfags made some pretty neat art funny memes with /o/ /c/ and /mlp/ so anything goes.
>Not liking cute girls doing cute thing and manly men being men amongst men
You're right about one thing. I do get bored. I'm a landlord, and I just wait for my rents to roll in. Now go be poor some where else.
Anything except the bronies...
Sup Forums and /bant/ should go to ball. It would be gomfy. You know you actually love us. There's no need to hide it.
But user, don't you know that friendship is magic?
Meant to post this one
Wasnt the original for this Vivian?
/k/ has some traps.
/bantz/ designs are cool.
new blond loli design
old insufrible canadian woman
Somebody should take care of find some drawfags... Maybe create a discord or some shit like other years.
(i'm not going to do it, just here lurking for the art)
The only other version I have is with Tay.
This is going to be the year Sup Forums finally takes /lgbt/. I can feel it.
As much as it pains me to say it, it's going to be /mlp/... They proved their usefulness earlier this year.
Under any other circumstances I'd be pushing for us to take /o/ again... but after the /mlpol/ encounter, I think we all know there's only one answer.
/mlp/ and Sup Forums are bonded by blood and memes now, we've got to take them to the ball