>One should note that the idea of enhancing human capacities in order to create perfect post-human workers or soldiers has a long history in the twentieth century. In the late 1920s, none other than Stalin for some time financially supported the “human-ape” project proposed by the biologist Ilya Ivanov (a follower of Bogdanov, the target of Lenin’s critique in Materialism and Empirio-Criticism). The idea was that by way of coupling humans and orangutans, one would create a perfect worker and soldier impervious to pain, tiredness and bad food. (In his spontaneous racism and sexism, Ivanov, of course, tried to couple male humans and female apes. Plus, the humans he used were black males from Congo since they were supposed to be genetically closer to apes, and the Soviet state financed an expensive expedition to Congo.) thephilosophicalsalon.com/blade-runner-2049-a-view-of-post-human-capitalism/
Well they made a two-headed dog so this could be true
Jeremiah Martinez
>then Trying to breed niggers with orangutans >now Trying to breed niggers with humans
Leftists have evolved
Nathaniel Wright
devolved * at least they had the right idea then
Evan Baker
Did they succeed?
Luis Sanders
(((Bolshevists))) for sure did a lot of human experiments - why do you think they pushed the ebil nazi human experiment josef mengele meme. Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty, that's how they worked back then and now - see the whole muh russia bullshit.
Juan Rogers
They're evolved in the same sense a virus evolves. They've developed a higher capacity for destruction, which is what the leftist mindset is in a nutshell. If they could they would breed Somalis with Gorillas and then flood your countries with Somillas. The disease that is leftism evolves and learns new ways to be disruptive, destructive and subversive. It is impressive.
Jaxon Watson
Later in the article >When his experiments failed, Ivanov was liquidated.
Apparently not.
James Edwards
Austin Flores
>a follower of Bogdanov
John Martinez
Somillas. Chuckl'd. Good one based Latvia.
Brody Robinson
Hmm. It's kind of interessting since Niggers are actually genetically closer to apes than white man but they can obviously mix with white. Maybe they should have tries Gorillas or Chimps.
Jason Hughes
Should try bonobos, a very good chance of success.
Ayden Foster
Adam Clark
What they should have done is tried bonobos with whichever niggers are the closest geographically with bonobos. Orangutans aren't the closest apes to humans, genetically, and if you're even attempting it you should be choosing humans who live in the same location as orangutans, not just some random niggers like the aboriginal in the OP.
Andrew Sanchez
>somillas kek'd
However Gorillas have higher IQ and higher empathy compared to somalis. I guess we're lucky they didn't do that.
Nicholas Sanchez
Why don't we try to get them mixed? Since the Black Death is spreading in Africa, we could tell them Bonobos will share their "immunity" magically but only if they have sex.
Brayden Price
>However Gorillas have higher IQ and higher empathy compared to somalis That's not true actually. This myth comes from Koko, who is the smartest gorilla ever discovered and has an IQ of somewhere around 80. Compared to average Somali Koko is a goddamn genius, but the average gorilla has a lower IQ than a Somali.
If (((google))) is to be believed the average Somali IQ is 68 and the average gorilla IQ is 40, which still means that a good chunk of Somalis are dumber than gorillas.
I read that they never tried to inseminate a human female with ape sperm and only tried it the other way around. So a human/ape hybrid might be possible. Don't know if its bullshit though
I don't know much about aborigine but I heard they're a more peacful kind of niggers. If that's true I now establish the theory that jews and aborigine at some point have been one race and aliens made two. Because of that, jews are such evil creatures and have more of a white skin color.
Jeremiah Jackson
If only Mythbusters were still around. WE DONT JUST TELL THE MYTHS, WE PUT THEM TO THE TEST
Grayson Flores
hahaha no fucking way. so the super tolerant commies' beloved stalin was a financial supporter of one of the most racist human experiments ive ever heard of. fucking fools. if the communists and socialists of old could see what "communists" look like today they would all get a bullet to the back of the head and a shallow mass grave. hopefully this is real and not just hearsay ill have to look it up
Brandon Morris
Sounds like something they would do.
Cooper Wilson
This guy looks like the great deku tree
Daniel Allen
Eli Torres
why not? muslims had success with goats.
Evan Perez
Why can a cat get pregnant by a dog, but a human can't get pregnant by an ape?
Justin Jones
thats the most retarded thing ive heard in a long while. wasnt even funny
Blake Ward
>thats the most retarded thing ive heard thanks! I didn't even try. Just for confirmation, you're not jew, are you?
Bentley Clark
Robert Martinez
>a follower of Bogdanov
Charles Perez
it's a measure of genetic distance. african niggers are closer to monkies than europeans.
this has been proven by FSA distance as well, which shows that the genetic similarities with monkies is higher than with eurpeans.
Cameron Rogers
Soviets did so many fucked up and also stupid things.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Bogdanov >In 1924, Bogdanov started his blood transfusion experiments, apparently hoping to achieve eternal youth or at least partial rejuvenation. Lenin's sister Maria Ulyanova was among many who volunteered to take part in Bogdanov's experiments. After undergoing 11 blood transfusions, he remarked with satisfaction on the improvement of his eyesight, suspension of balding, and other positive symptoms. His fellow revolutionary Leonid Krasin wrote to his wife that "Bogdanov seems to have become 7, no, 10 years younger after the operation". In 1925–1926, Bogdanov founded the Institute for Haemotology and Blood Transfusions, which was later named after him. But a later transfusion cost him his life, when he took the blood of a student suffering from malaria and tuberculosis. (Bogdanov died, but the student injected with his blood made a complete recovery.) Some scholars (e.g. Loren Graham) have speculated that his death may have been a suicide, because Bogdanov wrote a highly nervous political letter shortly beforehand. Others, however, attribute his death to blood type incompatibility, which was poorly understood at the time.
Either have a constructive criticism or leave. As it stands, you failed to backup your claim, which leaves you looking like a total idiot.
Noah Flores
>In his spontaneous sexism would it have been less sexist to have male orangutans and female baboons?
Colton Brown
Andrew Hughes
Pizzagate may have a connection with Bogdanov's experiments, btw. Transfusing young blood.
Liam Morgan
I call bullshit on this whole thing.
I remember reading that exact story but it was about "stalin's ape men" and there indeed was a human female carrying apes seed. The word got out and the female supposedly refused to come in public anymore
The whole story just reeks of anti-soviet propaganda
Nolan Sanchez
But, that would drag down the bonobos.
Parker Peterson
How is that stupid, you dumb fucking hohol?
It's well known now that young rats receiving blood transfusion from younger rats experience significant health benefits.
Andrew Scott
Modern lefties hate Stalin almost more than Hitler though, precisely because of this kinda stuff: he "betrayed the Revolution" and turned the first socialist state into a militarised oppressive Empire that killed Jews and sent gays to Gulags.
Caleb Miller
The mistake was using orangutans. Crossbreeding niggers with bonobo chimpanzees would have worked.
Thomas Stewart
>Is the fact that Congolese Bantu took over most of Africa afterwards merely a coincidence?
Charles Myers
I thought we actually can breed with some species but it's too unethical to try or some shit so we don't
Brandon Baker
That is what hillary does in order to keep going through the diseases
Eli Garcia
>a follower of Bogdanov
Austin Lopez
>commies trying to make nigger monkey hybrids to be dumb worker slaves no surprise there
Charles Barnes
what the fuck this is... wrong
Jayden Lee
Soviets created AIDS.
Ethan Fisher
>Bonobo closer to nog than European HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Checked, and this is what I believe also. Although I was unaware of the Russian experiment. I think there's more to it than just fucking kids, which in and of itself is an unforgivable crime and deserves death.
Tyler Gonzalez
It might though. Imagine the social repercussions of having human hybrids running around considering the effects even race can have on society. If this was possible it would definitely be suppressed.
Evan Miller
They tried everything, and don't fall for the memes they used in vitro.
Brayden Diaz
Do you know at least what is the X/Y ratio bunch of brainlets...?
Stormfags are so stupid jesus christ
Caleb Bennett
Young blood transfusions DO reverse aging! Discovered recently. Company charges $8,000 for a transfusion.
>mfw we're 93 years behind.
Aaron Turner
post proof i'll write a paper about it
Daniel Flores
David Rockefeller had something like 7 heart transplants before dying.