This is feminism

This is feminism

>some trash magazine writes something appalling
>all the feminists immediately start screeching, demanding people lose their jobs, labelling it misogyny
>actually written and edited by women
>no one has bothered to look that up, so they keep screaming that it's the fault of men and patriarchy

How can we win if they blame us for the moronic shit they're doing to themselves?

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It takes all of three seconds to go to a website and confirm who wrote what. But no, HATE MEN!!!!!1!

nobody likes the loud people that scream at parties

especially not drunk girls

The only input I get and it's from a Swede that missed the point. Fuck me.

> that missed the point.

I didn't miss the point, I conveyed the shared belief that the drunk screeching girls at parties that everyone hates, are the feminists today, who still screech and nobody likes them.

Just ignore them

Fuck you lot, don't leave me alone in here with this Swede!

The loud ones are the attension seekers. The self centred ones who will ditch you in seconds for the next Chad

Don't worry, the burgers are here to comfort your poor soul.

>magazine knows screeching hag is a total partypooper
>portrays her as "fun at parties" and then add the last part, because you know she'll screech

>she screeches and shows everyone that she's not very fun to party with, having no sense of humour at all.

Her face is, off...


I'd put it in her butt

By considering that allusion to her supposed sex-life is degrading, isn't she slut-shaming herself ?

>mfw I misread her name as Daisy Jewis

We got yer back Bro

Umm.. its called 'internalised mysogyny' shitlord. i.e. anything bad a woman does can still be blamed on men. Checkmate virgins.

they have to blame someone, or it's their faults

Crazy girl = crazy sex

Be white male.
put on a dress
claim to be a woman

Be better at being woman than women.
5D checkmate.

>little blac...


>How can we win if they blame us for the moronic shit they're doing to themselves?

By blaming them.

so many slags

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