Redpill me on mandela
Redpill me on mandela
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Communist terrorist who ruined South Africa
R u 4 real?
He ruined their Rand too. It should be official UN policy to treat any country that has the same person on all of their bills as a cult.
CIA operative
South Africa's apartheid regime was about to purchase nukes from Israel...Americans got jealous, put Mandela in the spotlight in order to destabilize S.A and keep them nuke free
he was nigger
He was an nigger
Not quite. The Krugerand still holds its value properly, and in fact was quite popular as a vehicle for holding physical gold in the US until Ron Paul got things switched up.
The copper content gives them a unique orange tinge as well as a clangy tone when you flick them.
A violent terrorist who has been effectively white washed by the MSM
I can only show it to you, you have to take it...
Your average nigger communist terrorist.
Also created a new method of torture called "necklacing"
Other than that , he dindu nuffin
Sold out his homelands
total kike
Do they still mint them?
Ja. The pricing isn't competative for bullion anymore, but they're neat anyway. It's like a rememberence from a White country (the Whites where there first) and then if you find one in the wild you won't be all like
>wtf is this
A nigger who, because communiggers promoted his baboon ways, has statues in honour of him erected in central London.
He comes from a capoid tribe in South africa.
Less white people lover than hollywood will tell you, but still your average political prisioner turn leadership.
Tx, I thought this was fake OP (looks like)
Communist war monger. Zulu Chief thinks SA was better under Apartheid. Proof is in the pudding. SA is disgusting, all European disapora need to go home to safety before they're butchered for stew. He won a Nobel peace prize for being black, just like Obama.
You know those pictures of niggers with tires on them burning to death. He did that to people. He is a literal terrorist.
He basically turned a former British colony and the most industrialized of the African countries into a third world shithole with rampant crime. He probably got the Nobel Peace Prize for his "great work".
Well done, leave it to the niggers to ruin everything.
I can't get over the fact that they were a nuclear power before apartheid. Seems alien to think of South Africa as a serious country in the world.
His wife literally tortured white children to death and he did not divorce her at the time. It's in his Wikipedia page.
Israel sold them the nukes, as you might know. Back in the day it was quite a prosperous country, and many whites of various sorts went there to live the good life and invest in it.
It's a perfectly nice place except that the Jews installed communism into an invading force of niggers and that's like the D-D-D-DOUBLE KILL for a nation.
look on the net for "Israel nuke deal South Africa".
he's a terrorist that liberals and we wuz like to worship
His wife Winnie is Idi Amin level batshit insane, had her own little cadre of murderers, and corrupt as fuck.
So, US?
Probably just racist Sup Forums lies.
he was the co founder of the Umkhonto we Sizwe and they killed a lot of people maybe he is talking about that
Mandelas wife was more into necklacing than he was. She said something like "with our matches and necklaces we will purify this country"
Mandela was still a piece of shit though. Singing "kill the boer! kill the farmer!" and refusing repeated olive branches from the SA govt. All he had to do was call of his terrorist monkeys and they'd let him out of jail but he refuse to denounce the violence.
A racist niggerterrorist that destroyed a previously-prosperous country with the help of retarded virtue-signalling Western hippies.
he curbed lots of the far left wing niggers quest for revenge
He died in prison
Sources indicate he is a nigger
Morgan Freeman will make a saint out of him.
Niga your country did.
You have mandela statues everywhere.
Anti-white communist who served time for bombing civilian targets. Genocidal, as communist paramilitary organization he founded had this as its anthem:
Yes that's Mandela singing "we have pledged ourselves to kill all whites", then proceeds to spew liberal talking points.
Swedes gave him Nobel Peace price which is like icing on a cake.
Shimon Perez got a peace nobel.
It's stupid people like you that makes people turn away from White Nationalism. You fucks are literally the reason white nationalists are considered weird and cringe. Mandela was no saint, but he was not evil either. Stop trying to make him out to be some kind of monster just because he is a nignog
He didnu nuffin he a good boy he go to school n shieeet
When are we going to kill tha whitey boi?
Necklacing is not evil? Is that accepted in South Africa? Or are you too brainwashed in school to know anything other than pro-Mandela propaganda?
>called for the killing of all whites and bombed civilians
>married to a sadistic murderer
>turned the country into a god forsaken shit hole
>never expressed any remorse
>not evil
pfttt hahaha wow.
Black Africans should be claiming for the return of colonialism, few white leaders were as sanguinary and cruel as Mandela and Mugabe, for example.
I get that they were opressed by ebul whitey but... it's okay to kill your weak ass because you say so?
Or your mom or your white neighbor because they live in Africa?
Now, now. We're trying to escape primitivism?
>redpill me on x
>one post by ID
(you) are all fags for taking this bait
I don't understand why everything is Jews to pol. From what I know Africa's commies were sponsored by North Korea and China. Blaming everything on Jews is intellectually lazy.
>I get that they were opressed by ebul whitey
But they weren't. Niggers went to south africa willingly because t was the most prosperous and safest place in africa. Niggers are not native to south africa the indigenous people are the bushmen, the people from the gods must be crazy film.
This guy gets it
Childkiller terrorist, also black
Communism is Jewish. You are intellectually lazy.
If you take into account that it was the Jews that started and financed the Bolshevik revolution, it would be strange if Jews didn't have a part in it.
But you are correct, to pol some theory is instantly refuted if someone with Jewish ancestry has made great contributions to it.
Pol found a subject they wanted to discuss. Who cares if it's bait?
Mandela was a freedom fighter who fought for the rights of all South African people. He was a hero to all - both black and white.
>Mandela was no saint, but he was not evil either.
Your definition of evil is skewed. I don't blame you though. You're a product of years of social conditioning.
So everything China and USSR did in the 30s through the 90s was the Jews? Lol.
That's not when the Jews staged a revolution in Russia.
Catalan nigger
>mandela was a hero to all
Kys retard
I say we take his status down in DC
He died in prison in the 1980s of our original timeline, until CERN used the particle accelerator to switch to a different, slighty different one.
>>Phone fagging
Nope, South Africa developped their own nukes but destroyed them before the blacks got to power so they wouldn't chimpout and destroy the planet
The argument is that everything that resulted from communism is Jewish right? The time period I used is arbitrary. Is everything those two countries did internationally the fault of the Jews because they are communist or not?
>Redpill me on mandela
Are we still hungover in the afternoon, or did we start drinking in the morning?