Everyone here is probably in agreement on what is dooming our society – lack of morals, lack of tradition, lack of man and womanhood. Weak men bring hard times. So what are we going to do about it besides posting memes?
Here's one proposal; we pick a location, a specific town somewhere rural, and we gather together as like-minded neighbors who can work together to preserve what we value. We will make it the ideal place to raise a white family, and over time learn to become as self-sufficient as possible and learn to rely on each other so that we rely as little as we can on the government and economy which as this point is working toward white genocide.
Come discuss ideas for a Pacific Northwest community in our discord: discord gg/DUpd9k
You generally want to lok for existing towns, ones that already have existing infrastructure and utilities, but also has plenty of space and not too many people.
Isolation: Your town must be a good distance away from major population centres. Preferrable flanked by natural obstacles such as lakes, rivers, mountains, or even national parks. Consider all the possible paths in and out of the area. It also might be a good idea to not be TOO far from major population canters since many of your members will likely want to be able to hold down their normal jobs.
Geography: The land must be easily arable, the climate must be rainy enough to sustain crops and not require overly complicated irrigation systems. Good acess to water and timber is very useful. Acess to renewable energy such as hydroelectric dams is valuable, as is wind and solar energy. Also make sure it's not too hilly.
Threats: You must ensure that the area is not threatend by flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes, and other common natural disasters. It also must not be close to certain kinds of other "communities", the types that are prone to cimpouts the moment their welfare checks stop coming.
If you want to scout for a suitable location, download google earth and start looking. Exploring and understanding a certain geography takes time, don't be surprised if you find yourself confused after a few hours of looking around. Ultimately, physically going to a place and scouting with your own eyes is ideal.
Jayden Torres
Skills: To become a successful member of a sustainable community, your skills matter most of all, and there are many different skills that could be valuable to us. Any sort of medical skills are priceless. The trades are highly valuable, particularily carpenters, construction workers, electricians, plumbers, welders, ect... Any sort of skills with maintaining machinery, such as vehicles and equipment, even IT skills can be useful. You can make your own goods through woodworking, textiles, leatherworking, glassblowing, and metallurgy. There are also food processing skills such as making non-perishables, and alcohol. Consider how you can use skills you may already have in our community, to come up with ideas it is recommended you read up on survivalism and prepping, and familiarise yourself with what you will need and what might be needed of you in a community like ours.
Most of all, agriculture. Any sustainiable community requires many people with some sort of agricultural skills to feed themselves and others, even if you just own a garden. Agriculture takes time to learn as anything else, buying some compost from the store, tossing it into a pot and growing some flowers might be easy, but being able to grow large amounts of food from the same soil, year after year, is difficult. Ranching is also obviously difficult, but can be very profitable.
General prepardness: Everyone must own emergcy supplies, such as alternative light sources, tools, navigation, first ait kits, and so on. You must also manitain a supply of non-perishable food, fuel, and weapons. It's a good idea to store a years worth of non-perishable food for you and your family, maybe more.
Eli Taylor
Your home: There is no one correct kind of home you must build, everyone has their own needs and limits. But you must think carefully about what you want to prioritise. A basement or root cellar is excellent for any kind of long term storage. Consider building a Rocket mass heater, it’s a type of a fireplace that burns wood extremely efficiently, and pipes through a large thermal mass where it will release heat over a long period of time. Google for more info. This is also good time to mention that when the time comes you might want to get an axe and learn to cut wood, it’s difficult and dangerous, but also fun and rewarding. Chainsaws are easier of course, but nothing will make you feel as manly and independent as being able to cut wood with your own hands.
If you live in a forest fire prone area, take measures to avoid having your home burn down but cutting down any tree that could spread the fire to your house, keep your lawn hydrated, and maintain your local woods by removing fuel from the ground.
For further info look for blogs, videos, and books about homesteading.
discord gg/DUpd9k
Ryder Edwards
bumping for interest
Julian White
Angel Martin
Joseph Nguyen
Ryder Morgan
Why re-invent the Amish?
Nicholas Green
not sure where you're getting that idea from
Brandon White
Henry Perry
Wyatt Foster
Xavier Reed
Why the pnw...don't you realize that labor markets won't be able to handle a new inFlux of workers into the area that you wish to reside in ...like 5 computer programmers could destroy the whole industry of computer programmers in a town...or any other speacilaty
Charles Phillips
Easton Turner
is this somehow different in other parts of the country?
Bentley Jackson
this was a thread like this here years ago, basically discussing doing this in detroit; buying cheap land with a bunch of other polacks, being 'a light in the dark'
any oldfags still lurking that have the thread saved? i'd love to read it again
Daniel Garcia
Most areas of a country do not have an organized movement that Is looking to grow in the future...I'm perfectly agreeable with the idea however where besides like Seattle can this happen t.southeast us fag
James Martin
Whats the purpose of deliberately living near niggers tho?
The Midwest, Appalachia, New England are all good places. Honestly I think anywhere rural works as long as the land is affordable and the climate is good.
David Campbell
i can't remember, it was so long ago. maybe because land would have been dirt cheap, or maybe they wanted the future generations to be redpilled by default from living next to the degeneracy.
Nathan Harris
regarding cheap land; there always seems to be a certain crop of people participating in these groups who are looking for ways to spend as little money as possible, and that likely because they have none. My view is that it really isn't hard to get a job and save up the money you need, if you can't do that then you can't start an effective ethno-state.
Jose Sanchez
Oliver Lewis
Thanks Canada bro so is the plan to start districts like hunger game style across the us that we could trade with ...like have one in the Midwest that could farm...one in the pnw for hunting or timber etc..
Jaxon Murphy
New Zealander here, land is so expensive, but I will make it one day :C disregard the aus flag I work here
Christian Baker
I think it's a bit early to plan for the post-apocalypse, but you should primarily focus on whatever makes you self-sustainable
Chase Turner
Cameron Rivera
Luis Russell
Ayden Davis
Ok i dont mean it as a post apocalypse scenario but more of a decntralizerd white nationalism so its less suspicious...and the only way i say hunger games is because each district had an identity which i think is good for a community...i dont mean like we live is dystopic times...but worse case scenario is that there are multiple communities with multiple strengths that would be avaliable or people that would want to move wouldnt have to go that far
Jason Johnson
any community is going to naturally form its own identity
John Hughes
I really dislike this proposal, it's like putting your whole army in a limited space like in a corridor. it nullifies the full effect of their numbers. Having many of us spread through out the world is likely to put a challenge to the hard times from advancing. We don't win this war by going reclusive and becoming an echo chamber, we win it by being the bet warrior we can to crush our enemies and win out normies. I definitely commend your intentions but your idea will kill any chance of averting/transmuting our current hard times. If you're hellbent on going Amish, at least have more than one "fortress".
John Gomez
Canada user: I'm only going to say this once. Look up the Northwest Front. This is exactly what you're talking about, and they already have a plan (and a breddy gud podcast). Don't reinvent the wheel, join something already in motion.
Both sentinelese island is perfect, nobody leaves there accept for the the thicc niggo booties. They could be easily defeated and no human has really tarnished that place. Perfect.
Benjamin Phillips
I assume you have something tangible to show for your ideas? Criticism is easy. Doing something is harder. If you have a better idea, let's hear it.
Dylan Wood
best of luck to them but I really dont see them as anything more than a larp
Jaxon Russell
just bored on a saturday morning im not a dick but i always feel like i would have heard of that podcast if it werent full of larpers...these threads show up all the time on pol but there isnt any talk about the podcast...i dont really want to listen to hours of pagans vs christians which is what it probably is if they were doing something wouldnt they have had enough time to have started already
Carson Cook
Asher Cox
I get that. Look up the website. They have a plan, and it's well thought out. Covington has been in the movement since Rockwell's time, he's got the credentials. As for not hearing about it, what have our media darlings like Spencer and Enoch actually produced? What's their plan? It's all well and good to larp with tiki torches, but what are their objectives, and how will we know if they've made any progress towards them? 2042 is the year we become a minority, and tiki torches won't secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Bentley Harris
Brayden James
right now in sitting in the northwestern corner of iowa, far enough inland not to worry to much about any flooding, bad weather or large cities. I'm surrounded by farm land and surrounded by german and dutch communities. plenty of people have weapons and are generally independent drivin. i think it's going to be comfy here.
Jaxon Anderson
iowas really nice if someone wanted over lets say 100 acres how can i get
Levi Rodriguez
why do white nationalists love this revisionist, over-simplified historical analysis? the ancient mediterranean empires were way less white than any of you guys are picturing them, they also loathed the ancestors of modern northern europeans and the romans were only made recognizably white when the goths invaded the decaying empire.
Brayden Cox
Be Monsanto or be born into it. Johnson Country here lol
Andrew Rivera
Have you read their "Bill of Rights"? Sounds very commie-ish to me.
Look, maybe you're right man. But if you're going to start something, start it right (no pun intended). That bill of rights up there is flawed for example. "Shall have the right" is a dangerous phrase to put in a bill of rights. Rights aren't given, they're privileges embedded into the human being by virtue of being human. One cannot say "shall have a right", one doesn't simply lacks a right then boom, acquires one because a document says it is so. So to conclude canuckbro, maybe you're right. Start it the right way: rights are natural, embedded, ingrained into our beings by virtue of what we are. Also get a piece of clay that's fertile. At worst you'll be the only hope for the continuation of european heritage, and at best you'll inspire others to start their own thing.
Andrew Gutierrez
it doent matter where you they will come, after they have leeched and ruided what we have left behaind.STOP it here
Jonathan Garcia
enjoy your flatland full of nothing, tornadoes and drinking yourself to death
Jack Lewis
That's because they're national socialists, as I am. But this is Sup Forums, what did you expect? Lol
Leo Martin
Isaiah Long
Easton Adams
Luke Ortiz
Puts me off a little bit, most of the West is practically communist, and South America is for a very long time, so anything that even resembles it gets bad reputation from me. But I guess socialism can work if it's huwites doing it. Looks kinda like tribalism at a larger scale, it worked in Nazi Germany, seems to work in Scandinavian countries relatively well too.
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority): 1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data); 2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies; 3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies; 4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship. We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine. Read: archive.is/pzO4k Watch: youtube.com/watch?v=if1bo00_RVo
Easton Barnes
So with the rise of Trump, are we at the Weak Man bad times phase?
Nolan Allen
I mean, Western democracy is nothing more than a (((media and finance))) controlled oligarchy. Everyone should know that by now. The gate of pizza revealed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the people in the halls of our governments are unquestionably evil, and use blackmail to keep politicians in lock step with their agenda. This is the end result of democracy, though. Democracy is a short lived, violent, unstable little thing, and more so when it's controlled, guided, and shaped by the media.
James Gomez
how in the world do you perceive the west as mostly communist? like do you know what communism is and how it necessitates the collective employee-ownership of industry or do you just see governments spending taxpayer money on welfare and similar programs and think "oh yeah that's socialism/communism there"
If a thriving economy that's now the best it's been in almost 20 years is bad times, then I guess you guys are in the bad times.
Meanwhile we must be in the good times. Bankruptcies skyrocketing, unemployment skyrocketing, free speech declining, choice / rights fading, laws being removed or enhanced to make up for refugees, no more gold reserves dollar is collapsing oil industry, construction industry, fishing, welding, and pipefitting are all collapsing industries
Yeah liberals bring the good times alright.
Michael Green
The federal governments of any western nation will forcibly diversify whatever majority white towns you manage to build up. There is no ethnostate future in the first world unless it's somewhere remote enough that you can get away with actual succession because removing you would be too bloody for even their PR, like some small island somewhere in northern Canada.
Any plans that forget that western governments actively plan to replace you with brown people will fail. No matter what you build, they will take it and they will give it to non-whites if its in their territory. Any plans in mainland western territory are already automatic failures.
Adrian Reyes
Justin Gutierrez
Sweet Jesus I've been waiting for such a thread to occur since I've been on Sup Forums. Please make this a general. The idea sounds plausible,but the pockets require strong leaders and be considered legal by the goverments. After gaining political power and having big communities, more autonomy should be build up and political status quo and leaders have to be crushed in their dominance by organized campaigns on mainstream media,memeing People as head of states that serve the purpose.
But I consider it necessary at least to assimiliate some Normies into it,or at least as helpers. Basically conservative Sparta.
Ethan Jackson
it's about $3k-$5k an acre not including whats on the property.
Matthew Perez
Afraid of a little wind and open roads?? There is a small town every 15 miles where I live. A house is about $50k and if you like farming 5 acres will set you back about $100K. Prime farm land and we feed the world quite literally. Oklahoma gets the big tornado mostly Iowa once and a while.
Noah Lewis
Jaxon Green
For too long I've struggled with deciding which is best: National Socialism or Libertarianism. Overall, it seems to me NS manages to give comfort and well-being to the highest number of people, at the expense of a few freedoms. It is also clearly more efficient and preserves racial integrity, which seems to be key for a successful society, Japan being a classic example of success, and my own country a classic example of failure. On the other hand Libertarianism offers the highest amount of freedoms, at the expense of rewarding those with most amount of money instead of most amount of responsibility. In a society where Jews control and prints money like it's toilet paper, this is a huge problem. So I guess what I mean is, maybe it's possible to have a mix of NS and Libertarianism, or rather have a sort of Libertarianism, but that only recognizes the rights of whites. If whites can make socialism work then, maybe, it can make a racially conscious libertarian community work without the jews taking over.
I understand what you mean, communism has welfare systems but not all welfare systems are communist. I'm aware of the definitions but I'm not being highly loyal to the classical definitions of communism. Having lived in a nanny state under a communist party almost all of my life is bound to make me automatically associate welfare to the type of regime I live in. In a broad sense I also meant cultural Marxism with its LGBTQP thing, PC culture, hate speech, etc.
Jose Sullivan
Bentley Sullivan
Gabriel Wright
Nicholas Morales
discord gg/DUpd9k
Ryder Hernandez
I'm working on a form of this plan. I don't agree with every specific thing OP posted, but there is no use critising right now.
Part of my plan is the goal of controlling a counties government. If you control the tax spending of a county you control 90%+ of the property taxes (county, school zone, municipality). Not leeking taxes is really really important.
I'll share a version of a map I used to figure out which county to take over.
James King
user, I was once like you too. Libertarianism has failed us. It was the dream that we wanted to be true, but reality is far different.
Bentley Martin
Part 2 for you.
Dominic Jackson
Longpost, if you really want to read for a while.
Wyatt White
So weak men created both WWI and WWII?
Aaron Kelly
good map
Brayden Collins
Noah Roberts
This is what Mormon communities are like in many zip codes in the country. White and blonde super self reliant deeply spiritual and conservative super huwytes.
I'm joining the LDS church to get a hardcore loyal wife who wants babies and I'm a very non-conformist Christian overall, so it's fine to me.
I'm practical.
Andrew Fisher
Took a while to make.
I was reluctant to share it since I will actually commit to my plan, but Sup Forums is mostly larpers and non-leaders so their isn't much risk to sharing it.
Charles Jackson
Oliver Young
Thanks user, really appreciate it.
Ryan Baker
Mormons are pretty cool if you're willing to put up with the religion. They must be doing something right to maintain their culture to this day.
Sebastian Torres
No worries, man. I get you. I supported Dr. Paul in 2012.
Grayson Gutierrez
Ian Rodriguez
I come bring family
Alexander Torres
Charles Bailey
Caleb Jackson
Isaiah Roberts
Owen Adams
Jeremiah Lee
David Butler
discord gg/DUpd9k
Logan Wilson
Jace Hughes
Whatever happened to buying an Island? They're not even that expensive.
Jackson Campbell
why an island?
Gabriel Turner
Except the kikes are keeping conditions artificially good so we will slowly degrade.