Yeah Sup Forums

yeah Sup Forums
That's just how things have to be.

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Was that opinion piece written by a mudslime?


America must prepare for a future where struggle for white nationalism is routine :^)

Let me repeat myself:

How is this not already the case? Is this really news for you?


Or we can kick out all the nonwhites and have the CIA stop doing false flags.

Oh, I have no problem with this. The problem I have is that the left only excuses islamic and left wing terror. But the moment a right wing person farts, you'd think they're all ultraconservatives with how much they suddenly hate terrorism.

But terrorism works. You think our leaders would be as happy to sign away our countries if they were targetted for it in return? If they had to spend their lives in safehouses, and if every left wing rally was a risk of getting blown up like the pieces of shit they are?

The left condones terrorism to further its goals. There is no moral imperative to not use terrorism against them.



So White death squads okay then?

the americans for Sup Forums live in a bubble, the US has really hight crime rates, even when compared with sweden or britain, but they always project that europe is a hellhole, while living in a borderline first world 63% white country.

Pretty much this. Fortunately for us it takes a lot less effort to terrorize the left.

leftists need to prepare for a future where people get fed up and start committing terrorist attacks against them for everything that they fucked up

Next step are the gulags.

This is the beginning of 1984

be afriad

>americans for Sup Forums live in a bubble, the US has really hight crime
That's because Americans on Sup Forums don't live in blue counties user.

the problem with terrorism is not weather it is excused or not, the issue is that it gives politicians justification to further push further monitoring of the public.
If that would notbe an issue we could all lean back and enjoy the show, but the goverment surely uses all events to gain further controll

part & parcel.

Or... we can ban Muslims, Mexicans, Jews and Communists from existing.


americans want to feel better by mocking our flaws to forget their own,but underneth all the smugness there is genuine concern at what we are doing to ourselves

they dont want us to wind up like them...niggers everywhere

How can anyone see this shit and not realize that the people running your world don't care about you at all?

>texas is a white heaven(44% in 2012)
I would rather live in Vermont, Maine or New Hampshire, over texas or Nevada.
I really think lots of anons live in non white shitholes

>>texas is a white heaven
? did you reply to the wrong post.

sure, some shit is still funny, like your "weapon"sweeps by the police, that your cops dont have weapons etc. but joking about european rape rates while having 7 times the rate is just dumb

Was just thinking the same thing. It's the plot to 1984 come to life! Fuck. That book didn't have a happy ending did it

nah, during the election lots of people posted where they are from, im just bad at phrasing sentences

Can confirm

If we kick the niggers and skitskins out we don’t have to worry about terrorism anymore

This is fake, but it's fucking horrifying that I thought it was real at first

ah this thread again
>we'll prepare, just not the way the kikes want us to

I have a serious question that I need Sup Forums to answer:

Bill O'Reily and Sup Forums have said pretty much the same thing as it regards to mass shootings and the Second Amendment: It's the price of freedom.

I agree with this, by the way. I think that we should expect mass shootings if we live in a country that wants to preserve its right to bare arms.


How is that different from the mayor of London saying that terrorist attacks are part and parcel of living in a major Western city?

Aren't you guys just being selective in your application of the risk assessment?


well the second ammendment accually has the potential to benefit your country, eg resisting tyranny, and defending yourself, but importing millions of people from pakistan, or afrika has no real benefit, only drawbacks





>That's just how things have to be.
nah, we can stop the rich folk from killing people

It's kind of a moot point because, as you can see, the left already condones terrorism for that very purpose. They love their islamic cronies, because they can use them as an excuse to create measures that will be used to go after us instead.

In short, it will happen anyway. And the terrorism will keep happening, too. Here's what you will see next: Earnest appeals to listen to terrorist demands. Of course, the terrorism will continue, so afterwards you will see accusations that people are not doing it enough. They will point towards anyone who hasn't sucked enough islamic and marxist dick, anyone who hasn't apologized enough for being white, anyone who doesn't hate themselves enough, and they will accuse them of causing terrorism by not listening to terrorists.

These people are out to get us. By any means. I'm simply saying it's moral and just to strike back by any means. Anyone who has ever said "I can understand why they do it" has no grounds to object to a right wing person doing the same to them.

Isn't that basically the FCCs unironic argument?

>well the second ammendment accually has the potential to benefit your country, eg resisting tyranny, and defending yourself, but importing millions of people from pakistan, or afrika has no real benefit, only drawbacks

Though I agree with you, I just think that's a subjective opinion.

>I'm sorry goyim I can't help ya, this is just how things are gonna be.

The jewishness is too much.

Enjoying the cultural diversities yet?

who?>"I can understand why they do it"
how can you not, kill some people get shot go to heaven, all sins forgiven, and get to fuck vigins for eternity.

The solution in my oppinion should be racial discrimination. Why would you monitor white christians, when they are clearely not the problem, but sadly thats against the constitution.

sure you can say that the seccond ammendment drawbacks outweigh the benefits, but you cant really argue that the 2 million refugees in germany are positive for the country in any way.

what you retarded europoors always fail to fucking understand is that our crime rates are so high because we have quarantined the niggers and spic into cities where they just perpetually murder each other.

all the trash that we dont like dealing with just got aggregated to areas such as L.A and detroit, thats why even though 13k people have died in the past decade alone in LA noone gives a fuck because they are niggers

you on the otherhand have trucks flying through niece and you major metropolitan areas such as Brussels and Manchester get cultrually enriched monthly.

we have figured out how to deal with niggers, you havent.

This is actually not political at all and is just the reality of our technological progress.

It is only going to get worse because the average power and useful information a given human has is greatly increasing.

and it's OK
it's a brave future
and it's beautiful

>its only in the inner cities
NO. SHIT. Its not like all germans live in germany
also 20000interracialrapesperyear.jpg

there's that ass again

Not to mention that gun control does not stop mass shootings. Criminals, per definition, do not obey the law. The only type of mass shooting that is stopped by gun control is the random person going crazy and deciding to murder people.

And guess what? They can do that by other means. Which is why the deadliest mass attack in the Netherlands was committed by car. Not a truck. Not even a sedan. But a tiny, compact Suzuki Swift plowing through a crowd. Not even with the intent to kill them, either, but simply because they were between him and his target. This also shows, BTW, how the Charlottesville Incident was not an attack. Anyone driving into that crowd with the intention to kill would have had a better score than one dead moo-cow by heart attack.

Nobody called for increased car control after this attack. Similarly, nobody has called for increased truck control in the wake of islamic attacks. Instead, they quietly fill our cities with Merkel Lego, because they know the shit is going to happen again. And they WANT it to happen again.

My only problem with gun laws would be that we would have to exclude immigrants. They are a criminal risk group, and they commit all terrorist attacks in Europe. it's the same with Palestinians in Israel. They can't own guns, while Israeli's can. And that's also why they form the template of these car attacks, and also why you never hear about these car attacks when they happen in Israel: Weapon-owning citizens kill the terrorists before they can get serious kill counts.

European gun laws are pro-terrorist. European governments are pro-terrorist.

It's literally worse because of muh heritage we look at you guys as the founders of the white race so it's literally different when you give up the home base

Normalization is what they want. Fear, violence, depravity - they want these to be normal for us so we never are able to self-actualize. Ignore them and do your best to change others against them.

Well if we must accept it, we may as well profit from it goyim.

>on Sup Forums don't live in blue counties user.
Despite Obama's efforts, America is fairy segregated. High crime happens in culturally enriched neighborhoods, where most Sup Forumsacks don't live.
I do think American anons are too hard on Europe, but I think that's because of the trajectory your on and your lack of ability to do anything about it.

>importing millions of people...has no real benefit
And yet they tell us that the 2nd Amendment is the problem and diversity is our strength. It is insane how manipulated society is.

your point was that we have high crime rates, higher than your country. im arguing that all those crimes are committed by a small portion of the population that we dont care if they live or die. doubly the crimes that are committed in your country are against regular civilians, not gang members

kys, say what you want about "muh 63%" but atleast i can walk down the street without having to worry about a disgruntled "refugee" killing me.

in fact you better watch out, those are some thought crime you are committing there hans, you wouldnt want the police to arrest you for illegal thoughts :^)

It's like we don't know the meaning of "PREpare"

>Nobody called for increased car control after this attack
well cars have a great value to society, its not like iceland would benefit from them having as many guns as americans.
But for maiinland europe this completely applies.

atleast 50% of the population of america is in war with his own country, his own people; dont be scare of ISIS, be scare of the tyrone rodriguez sitting next to u at mcdonalds...
that happen when ur country is nothing but a pool of cum of the worst countries of the world.

There is also no argument against discrimination. The left has already embraced discrimination when it's sanctioned by their idiotic dogma. I want effective government, not politically correct government. Immigrant groups are filled with criminals and terrorists, so immigrants groups should be targetted.

Furthermore, if we want an undivided country (which the left doesn't, mind you) we need unified culture. So no more special rights for muslims. Anyone who doesn't like Europe as is, or refuses to adapt, should be removed. And Marxism should be banned completely, of course.

Why are some of you so retarded? There are plenty of smart Americans, but some of you are so taken in by this fake antagonism that you can't see the forest for the trees.

Your problems with niggers and our problems with muslims are fucking identical. Completely. In fact, a lot of our muslims look up to your niggers for that exact reason. We've got our very own, shitty version of the Bloods and Crips in our major cities, but they're all gangster-islam goatfuckers instead of niggers.

because some things are worth their price tag and some ain't

>Americans must prepare for a future where terror is routine
>National conceal carry gets passed
>Record number of law abiding citizens carrying everywhere
>No more gun-free zones, except in the vicinity of the president and other high profile people

Please Trump, make this happen

>America is fairy segregated
Pic related
> on and your lack of ability to do anything about it
sure, i completely agree, but americans calling others non white, or joking about european rape stats are just retarded.
>atleast i can walk down the street without having to worry about a disgruntled "refugee" killing me
where do you live? also pic related

Why do we have to import shitskins in the first place?

last part was for you

We just can’t cancel the diversity program, goy! Just get used to it!

Leftists do not agree. They don't like cars, they try to ban cars from city centres, they enact anti-car legislation, and they constantly virtue signal about refusing to use cars.

So you'd figure they seize upon this to ban cars some more. No more trucks in city centres "for safety". That sort of thing. But they don't. Because they agree with the terrorists, they think terrorism is good, and they want more of it.

Were selective based on the importance of having these things in our society.

Is this supposed to be a gotcha?

>aren't you guys doing a cost-benefit analysis here?
>t. A fucking leaf

no most likely a kike

Will it be possible to stay terrified on a long term basis? That is my question. Personally I celebrate whenever a multi cult attacks itself. I call them happy attacks.

Explosions stimulate the economy and that keeps your rulers happy.

get back to paving roads, you moron.

I also dont get that, are people really sad when the see something like that happen?
if you want to be a keynesian cunt you could just spend without accually blowing shit up.

The right to bear arms is a natural part of a free people. If the people do not have the right to bear arms and the government does, then a class distinction is created in which the political elite are suppressing the common folk by force. There is no way around this. If you actually value freedom you must support gun ownership regardless of the cost.

Muslim terror being part and parcel of living in a Western city implies that the presence of Muslims is a necessary part of having a Western city. There have been Western cities with few-to-no Muslims in them that existed in such a state for hundreds of years, so this cannot be true.

These ideas are not comparable.

>Muslim terror being part and parcel of living in a Western city implies that the presence of Muslims is a necessary part of having a Western city.

Not Muslims, specifically, but religious freedoms are the bedrock of Western thought and civilisation, especially in places like United States, which got most of its initial European population from Protestants escaping persecution.

Is it not logical to say, "Hey, we have to respect religious people and their right to practice their religion. HOWEVER, some of these people will be from a religion that is backwards and they may do some fucked up shit, including bombing and shooting people. We know this risk exists and we choose to keep religious freedoms despite this risk, because we value them more than we fear the potential for violence to break out in the name of a stone age religion."

The same can be said about the Second Amendment.

I should state, again, I agree with your points about the need for a citizenry to be armed and ready to defend itself.

because cars' purpose is for transportation. Guns purpose is for killing. Moron.

its not about freedom of religion its about non whites. You can have all the freedom you want if your country is 95% white, or like australia, mostly white and east asian.

Immigration should be a priviledhe not a right

>while living in a borderline first world 63% white country.

That's quite the exaggeration.


Gonna get killed by that love when the airbag deploys

whah i never thought about that