Nov 4th is here and guess what it's a big fat nothing burger.. You fags need to stop wearing the tin foil hats and get out of your parent's basements
Nov 4th is here and guess what it's a big fat nothing burger...
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here's some coke let's see these fags defend their position on the 2nd civil war
I guess these pussy will just let this get buried since they don't want to fave the truth faggots.....
Op is a fag
Nobody really believed that. It's a fucking larp.
Its only 10am you think those faggots are awake yet?
still early
> (OP) (You)
>Op is a fag
>Nobody really believed that. It's a fucking larp.
lol with all the happenings going on now a days you cunts will believe anything
I'd say 90% on here knew it was fake the whole time. Sorry your life sucks so bad bro
you gotta wait til at least 12 pm EST, antifa aren't known for being early risers
i unironically like shadmans art and think it is fine
Yeah, guess we all forgot how spineless commies are.
you got it wrong 90% thought it was real we are talking about Sup Forums here only 10% of you actually have a non autistic working brain
also, 12 pm EST is still only 9 AM in California. You should probably wait til at least 12 PM in their home base before declaring they're not doing anything
commies don't wake until noon, then they go out for breakfast using the bursary gibs and talk about the working class. they'll get to it by 4pm or so
Sure buddy. Did your husband buy you a nice vidya console after your vasectomy?
>10 AM in the morning
>on a saturday
>everyone probably still sleeping
>hurr durr its a nothing burger
Its still early you fucking nigger.
well I guess you just proved my point. You still think something is going to happen! lol fag you are defending ANTIFA for being shitty you LARP
Nice soviet burger you have there, burger
It's still 7 AM in california you fucking nigger. I am not supporting antifa, I'm just saying you're a fucking retard for jumping to conclusions so fast.
it's 7:30AM on the west coast, you think these people are even out of bed yet?
I am looking forward to this. Hopefully, they'll get a visit from the Truck of Peace
fuck off LARP you want something to happen so bad you are defending the fact it's only 7:30 am if there was really going to be an uprising it should have happen at midnight think about it....
To make this work nationally they need it to be successful in NYC. This is the only place where you can disrupt a landmark or event that means something to the rest of the country. So these geniuses picked the goddam Marathon to disrupt. The Boston bombing affected NY athletes very deeply because of how serious people have taken the baseball rivalry, and because on some level we are sister cities. There is almost nothing you could do to make New Yorkers more angry than to fuck up the Marathon.
I'll add that however nonviolent these people say they intend to be, blocking streets in Manhattan automatically creates an emergency situation because ambulances need to use the same streets as everyone else, and the hospitals are in the middle of it all. Never mind that literally millions of people commute in and out of the city every day. Occupy was smart about this, confining themselves to parks and municipal buildings in the Financial District. These jackasses think they're going to descend on the central bread and butter of the most anti-Trump place in the country other than San Francisco (and maybe Boston) and change hearts and minds by fucking up a weekend the locals take very personally. Good luck with that!
Oh but I sure as hell hope they try.
point proven fag
>thinking anything will happen
Nazis are so dumb. You fell for our psyops campaign and now you look like the retarded paranoid freaks you are. We're all laughing, and we're going to be laughing more when you go outside for the first time in years to counterprotest nothing. The whole nation is laughing with us, as you and Drumpf freakout over nothing
>Start a protest when no one is around
>Police have an easier time identifying you
>Don't make nothing
If you want to disrupt peace you wait when a lot of people is around. Protesting at midnight of a Saturday It's like blocking a road no one uses, no one will think is important.
um in huge cities?? really you don't get out of your basement much do you! it's poping off on a friday/Saturday morning dumbass
You're saying that if they wanted to do they would do it in midnight. People sleeps at night, if less people are around you get less attention. You said:
>if there was really going to be an uprising it should have happen at midnight
But the majority of people aren't awake or working at night.
> (You)
>You're saying that if they wanted to do they would do it in midnight. People sleeps at night, if less people are around you get less attention. You said:
>>if there was really going to be an uprising it should have happen at midnight
>But the majority of people aren't awake or working at night. (You)
no the normies are awake and living life there is probably more than half the population out in the world enjoying their Friday night/Saturday morning in fact the reason it would have been so ideal to start it at midnight was because the older generation red pillers ( that dlnt gp out ) would have woken up to the news blue pillers have started the 2nd civil war.. swallow that pill and in fact my load because you're a fag
So you want to start a war when your enemy is not around? How are you going to reach everyone of them while they sleep if you don't have the manpower to do that? You wait for them to be congregated and then hit hard, you just don't start and wait for them to come.
there are alot of red pillers like myself that are not Autistic or fags or live in their parents basement that go out on Friday nights just because you are part of the 90% of autistics on this board and think red pillers only communaicte on Sup Forums... here is a news flash normal non tinfoil wearing red pillers have a life and would have been gravely affected if shit went down last night
And you think is easy to fight at night? How are you going to recognize them from regular thugs and criminals?
How are they going to differentiate alt rights from them if they are just hanging at night?
How you can know someone is the enemy if they are not congregated?
Starting it at night would reduce the force of the message because people will think is just criminals attacking and stealing.
fucking LARP they were uniforms umm have you seen the photos of ALTIFIA??? They look like a fucking gang get real anyone not wearing the black pants and hoodies would be considered the enemy pretty easy to spot fag
you're the only one that believed it, buddy..
What is this picture from?
Literally every thread about today was nothing but anons calling it a nothing burger. Only ones that perpetuated it were shills in the first place
really look at all the push back and saying it's too early I'm getting... fuck off alot of Sup Forums is just trash now a days and will believe anything that supports their position
So they are going to attack people who don't dress like them that night? Including their own members who didn't received the message, normal people, centrists, workers, police officers, people who supports them, etc, etc? You think that would really work? Just killing everyone at sight? This Groups are not the infinite franchise, senseless violence doesn't convince people.
bye, newfag
>maximum damage control.jpg
lul antifa for months promised us a "day of rage" and it's a big fat nothing burger. Can't wait to read the cryposting on /leftypol/ because we'll be mocking them for the next year about this shit
the only thing pol won't believe is that you're not a faggot
Collateral damage is part of war fag... if you wanna prove a point you gotta go big or go home
What was supposed to happen today?
lol are your feelings hurt nothing happens fag?
i agreed w/ u that pol will believe everything, just not that you're not a faggot.
btw u type like a spic.
lol true!! hahaha most of Sup Forums is so sad right now.. damn basement dwellers..
So they attack civilians, police and the army comes in, they lose popular support, their organization is dismantled, and its opposition gets a better spotlight because less than a million of people believed they were able to take the rest of the country by themselves.
You didn't planned it through, do you?
Antifa didn't promise a fucking thing. You got baited and swallowed it whole. You are so fucking dumb it's a miracle you remember how to breathe. ahahahahaha
um I thought that was the point.... get rid of Trump and start a Revolution. correct me if I'm wrong but doing what you just wrote was the plan to up root Society. fucking LARP
Yes user, having the army and the police shooting and blowing you up is a successful revolution. Losing the support of the population is a must if you want a revolution to work. Killing your people is the only way to convince them that you're a better option.
You can't read, right?
lol well so do you fag!
#1002321 of something Sup Forums has memed for literally days, weeks, MONTHS, has turned out to be yet another nothing burger.
You people are so fucking gullible. Then again you believe what Alex Jones says, so I can't say I'm surprised at all.
>having the army and the police shooting and blowing you up is a successful revolution
Revolution Canadian style?
soyboys don't even start getting up until 1pm, and it's only 11:30am on the east coast
Hillary was going to come out as gay.
I'm not the one who's spent the last two months shitting themselves over an entirely fictional "Antifa revolution", friendo~
Well ladies and gentlemen of Sup Forums here you have it. ALTIFA is on the board showing his/her true color and being butt hurt that their plan of kicking Trump out was not succesful. This could be due to their incompetence or laziness in life. or perhaps it was due to the entitlement they feel they deserve. Fuck off LARP and do society a favor.... blow your brains out
>overreact to this PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
could you be any more obvious
Where exactly in NYC will they hit?
I'm chilling in Manhattan and wanna get in on this shit
of course in the time of posting this u already replied again. autism at its finest, brothers
Wow, Paco, go back to school, your reading comprehension and English is shit. Do you even have the age to post here?
It's raining in chicongo so maybe they called it off
Chicago flyers and billboards say 1PM
They won't, they're idiots. They'll always have some stupid date coming up to watch nothing happen.
Don't bother trying to dissuade them. Lean into it and encourage the stupidity, it's fun and really easy.
super spooky. this is what im expecting today
Man, I was really hoping you guys were going to do it.
I get a shitload of my entertainment from American issues these days.
Guess I can sleep now anyway.
It's not afternoon in USA yet, things are not even moving yet according to the chronograph of antifa.
>at least 3 threads a day of WATCH OUT BLUMPHKINS NOV 4 IS THE END
>response is 95% "yeah whatever i'll be getting drunk in my house while you retards tear up your own deep blue cities"
>4th comes and nothing happens, changing nothing for anyone on this board
Sure showed us
oh darn we got trolled again drumpfkins btfo amiright