I went to donate blood the other day and I read the "LGBT" section in the screening pamphlet. It informed me that "trans people will be considered by their self-identified gender." Meaning that a homosexual MtF who has high-risk anal sex with men all the time will be risked into the "straight woman" group and allowed to donate blood.[0]
>[0] The FDA revised guidance states, “In the context of the donor history questionnaire, FDA recommends that male or female gender be taken to be self-identified and self-reported." There is no deferral associated with being transgender, and eligibility will be based upon the criteria associated with the gender the donor has reported.
Transwomen have a higher HIV prevalence [1] than gay men. Despite this, it's the *gay identity* that has cooties according to the FDA. Not, you know, a risky type of sex that involves tearing delicate membranes with partners from a group that switch in between giving/receiving (thus spreading disease way more effectively).
>[1] Findings from a systematic review (Herbst et al.) of 29 published studies showed that 28% of transgender women had HIV infection (4 studies), while 12% of transgender women self-reported having HIV (18 studies). This discrepancy suggests many transgender women living with HIV don’t know their HIV status.
How would you feel if your mother needed to receive a blood transfusion and you found out likely HIV-laden blood categorized as a "straight woman's" was pumped into her veins, Sup Forums?
Im kveching right now, its like you wanna anotha shoah!
Blake Morgan
Omar Mateen did nothing wrong.
Jayden Smith
this is why fags need to be gassed
Ian Sanders
Mormons were right all along.
Gavin Gutierrez
wow my fuckin poor country now has officially better healthcare then xD
Gavin Garcia
(((They))) want to infect us all.
John Miller
Not for long, if they keep wasting money on literal fucking memes.
Elijah Reed
Nevermind accept blood.
Carson Harris
what about the SUPERHOSPITAL though
Hudson White
she's cute but that's one hell of a nose contour
Grayson Price
she always does it because she hates her nose
Jayden Martinez
based mormons
Carter Campbell
Would love to fuck her mouth and have her swallow everything i got.
Pic related.
Jayden Davis
>How would you feel if your mother needed to receive a blood transfusion and you found out likely HIV-laden blood categorized as a "straight woman's" was pumped into her veins, Sup Forums?
i call bullshit on it being both current year, with all our health and safety laws, and doctors not first testing if blood is contaminated before giving it to someone
>no user u can't climb that ladder at work without a permit
>its safe to inject this blood, i'm sure we can trust the donor never had unprotected sex in the ass
Parker Brown
In emergency donors they don't
Angel Perez
>Would love to fuck her mouth and have her swallow everything i got. shes into that
she got really slutty this year
Bentley Miller
Why can't they take blood and test it before its used?
Benjamin Lee
>she got really slutty this year More to this point?
Easton Bell
I think it's justice that straights will be infected with hiv, if they get it then they will be forced to cure it
Jack Peterson
cost on each donation is very expensive. blood is batched together and tested in groups. so one tainted donation ruins a huge batch of blood. also early hiv/aids infection does not show up on test for sometime despite improvements in testing.
it really is bad practice to allow any high risk group to donate blood
still we have to ignore good science and risk managment so fags can feel better about themselves
Elijah Smith
No. God sent HIV to tell you gays and the blacks of Africa to stop being retarded and stop being commies.
Dominic Diaz
That's totally fair tho
A few straights dying is nothing compared to the oppression you dealed out
Henry Barnes
They batch test bro. You can literally get aids from a blood transfusion.
Christian Peterson
John Cox
Is that all?
James Sullivan
this is too good. I guess lawmakers i commiefornia have been watching too much CSI and thinks you can just squirt some blood in to machine that say beepetiboop and gives you a definitive answer. Doesn't work like that. You have something called a false positive and you have some blood samples don't have enough of the infectious material in the blood for the machine to do the analysis correctly. That is why normal countries filter away the biggest groups that have a high chance of being infected, statistically.
Oliver Jenkins
Lol, wut? What's the point of that?
Ayden Young
It wasn't invented by homophobes as a bio weapon therefore you deserve to have it affect you
its gods will that lgbt exists.
Isaac Campbell
Isaac Green
how about a pic of her spreading her legs in short shorts for a "photoshoot"
Colton Myers
I'm disappointed
Nicholas James
Curiosly according to most studies the std rates within the lgbt community are rising very rapidly, even though society has become more tolerant during the recent years.
Jose Edwards
the place I donate doesn't or at least didn't. They got shit on about it in the papers. Fags are really the worst, don't they understand that their feelings are less important than helping people out? It's so incredibly selfish to make the efficiency of donation less important than their identity politics.
Luke Russell
A good friend of mine actually died a couple of years ago from AIDS as a result of a bad transfusion. Shit's fucked up. (It was actually one of his parents who got the transfusion before he was born, so he lived his whole life with HIV and most of it as an orphan because they both died of it when he was young.)
Ayden Foster
please make it STAAAP
William Moore
nothing new there we all know fags are degenerate
Ian Garcia
Considering the way hiv preventative meds work and the reputation of big pharma I would not be surprised if this is true.
Brody Morris
what the hell happened? Is this our fault for memeing her?
Evan Brown
I wonder why don’t they use artifical/animal blood?
Austin Harris
WTF. So you're saying there is STILL high chance of getting infected with HIV when you're in need of blood in United States or the UK?
Dominic Foster
i think she got sent a bunch of dick pics and tributes and she just liked it
Isnt the "bug-catching" fetish also very common among gays? Which is the fetish where people purposefully try to get STDs and spread them to others because they enjoy it
Easton Turner
This is the weirdest shit. Neither I nor my girlfriend could donate blood cause we had recently gotten together in a relationship. Yet faggots can donate blood as straight women if they feel like it? Wtf
Mason Jenkins
My side piece is this except with blue and green hair, she is a libtard except around me because I told her if she talks about that stupid shit around me she won't get my dick, it's so funny how hard they fall all over themselves when you are in control of something they want.
Aiden Morgan
homosexuals are reprehensible and all but bug catching is a small set of fags most likely
Carson Turner
Too bad i already got a Asian waifu :(
Connor Martin
afaik that's mostly an urban legend
Daniel Martinez
They test everyone here, but it takes about 6 weeks after you got infected with HIV until the test shows a positive, before that testing is useless even if the person is infected.
Christian Adams
Internet and hook up apps. It's never been this easy to get your dick sucked.
Brayden Ortiz
>[1] Findings from a systematic review (Herbst et al.) of 29 published studies showed that 28% of transgender women had HIV infection (4 studies), while 12% of transgender women self-reported having HIV (18 studies). This discrepancy suggests many transgender women living with HIV don’t know their HIV status. Um, where to even begin with this comment. These fucking morons will be the end of us all. Why in the fuck do we let these idiot near positions of power!
that's kinda sad I should go to Turkey and see if she'll open bobs at her weeb conventions
Tyler Cook
1) This isn't anything new 2) They have to test all blood now that they are forced to take faggot blood
Justin Ortiz
its not an urban legend, there are perverts like that alive
there's a video of a guy cruising a gay club and asking people about the youngest they've bedded and a lot of them brag about banging like 12 year olds. this is the mild side of that community
Leo Diaz
She has always been a slut..... She is a cosplayer for fucks sake.
Daniel Smith
Karma He probably was a nazi
Robert Allen
My boss' ex works for a plasma joint, they take it but they throw it out w/o telling anybody (it's even more paperwork if you say you have to dispose of it), and miss label other clean samples as that persons donation. This happens ALL OF THE TIME.
Blake Mitchell
The issue is that when they test for blood an inevitably find it filled with AIDS they can't use it wasting their money and the rest of the batch.
Levi Scott
To be fair,if any of you have actually go e to donate blood / plasma for $$$ you would know your blood gets screened for HIV every time you donate...
Ethan Gray
>"trans people will be considered by their self-identified gender." doesn't gender matter when it comes to blood?
Ian Foster
It's all screened anyway.
Matthew Sullivan
It is just not there yet in terms of safety for humans. Also donated blood is cheap. The cost of blood would shoot up once a blood "product" hits the market.
Buy your google "blood" (tm) can you just imagine.
We have perfectly good blood donated for free by good citizens. Why fuck that up so some shitdicks can feel good about themselves.
Jackson Brooks
she obviously got a taste of sex when she started dating the mongolian
and she wants more
Jaxson Howard
Knock knock, it's the 80s calling.
Logan Gutierrez
To be fair,you're fucking retarded for thinking that the same standards apply everywhere in yankeeland
Charles Mitchell
Where's the pic of it's dad being disappointed?
Juan Cox
There is now since the donor pool has been expanded to include men who have sex with men.
We solved this problem in the 80s-90s by restricting the donor group. I guess everyone forgot about the kids that got aids from tainted blood.
Did you know in America we do not except blood from people who got tattoos in the 80's still and any tattoos from E. Europe but we now except shit dicks blood.
Ethan Barnes
Any of you anons remember China's AIDS scandal of about two decades ago? theguardian.com/world/2001/jun/11/china.internationaleducationnews Appears you may get to experience it firsthand, though it'll be orchestrated differently. >allow HIV and AIDS to enter the blood supply >infect many >"Sorry user, if we had national health service you'd have access to retrovirals to stave off death." >"Give is socialised healthcare!" user cries. >"That's a good user, but what else will you give up for it?"
And scene.
Hudson Garcia
because they don't have the same blood types as us
Jordan Long
But they do doe it literally takes like 5 seconds lel
Henry Wood
No faggot blood for me, i'd rather die.
Matthew Walker
Most of the time they don't even bother wasting a test on it, they read the paperwork on a person, and if it ticks enough boxes they just throw it out or spoof it.
Carson Cooper
According to the literature I’ve read animal blood actually works in humans surprisingly well.
Landon Bailey
Technically that's illegal to do, but I know it still happens, and rightfully so. Yes it's a huge waste of money, but by law they are still required to do it even though we know pretty accurately which group of people are going to have tainted blood.
It boggles my mind that faggots think they can donate their AIDS blood.
Mason Butler
>It's all screened anyway. Oh, OK. I'm sure it'll be fine then.
No worries. Carry on.
Alexander Foster
really makes me think
Adrian Cooper
Jayden Wright
You can actually list this on your medical files :) You can also do it for racial blood, you can literally tell them you will not take nigger blood and they have to honor your requests!
Christian Wilson
I love Anzu
Brody Scott
is there a problem here, biggot?
Landon Brown
As someone who's had to have blood transfusions before this absolutely fucking terrifies me. Being anemic from an already fucked up disease and then getting the fucking HIV from some self righteous fuck who is hurting more than they're helping to give themselves some sense of moral superiority. Why not just start rolling patients off the top of the floor of the hospital, I'd rather be put out of my fucking misery than get a worse diagnosis.
Kayden Turner
Ryder Davis
They test in batches. So one positive result throws out many negative units. There is no individual test on each donated unit. It would drive the cost of blood sky high to test all donated units. To save money and keep the cost of blood low we test in batches. I just throw out the blood of fags and niggers at my location. The reject rate is really low at my donation center for some reason. I am doing my part to protect the blood supply. Do your part an donate. We want you you don't have tattoos are vigins and don't do drugs. All you do is masturbate and keep good blood.
Chase Reyes
All blood donation samples are tested for HIV, hepatitis, etc. They even tell someone their disease status if they accidentally give blood while infected, before destroying that sample. The main risk is if someone was only infected a couple weeks ago, before serum levels are high enough to detect the disease. It's a narrow period but it could still happen.
Austin Gomez
>killing Hitler for this LOL
>killing Hitler for this LOL >killing Hitler for this LOL
>killing Hitler for this LOL >killing Hitler for this LOL
>killing Hitler for this LOL
>killing Hitler for this LOL >killing Hitler for this LOL
Ryan Jones
they test it beforehand, the real issue is if a new disease springs up then it's a danger. The issue of fags donating blood is its just a massive waste
Christopher Reyes
everyone does for a price
Jace Robinson
>mfw gay and donate blood all the time
Do I really trigger people doing this? If so I'm definitely going to keep doing it. I don't even mention I'm gay lol.
Brayden Taylor
Back to drawing & stocking up your own blood for emergencies
Carter Murphy
Agree 100%
Gabriel Richardson
There are no functional artificial bloods, only volume expanding fluids to keep blood pressure up. Infusing a person with animal blood would immediately provoke a probably lethal hemolytic immune response.
Bentley Garcia
High risk of blood cells being "rejected" by body.
Blake Rogers
wanna know how I know you're a leftist?
Jason Cook
It's okay to donate AIDS blood.
Post those around and watch the numbskulls nod in agreement.
Charles Phillips
No and yes. Humans can actually can a certain range of pig, horse, elephant, and monkey/boon bloods. Why this is generally not ever done, though, is because there are transferable and mutateable viri and bacteria etc that we can share, and it can lead to a super-bug like HIV and Ebola...
HIV was created by giving african niggers monkey blood transfusions, this is a thing people believe for a reason...
Connor Gray
Absolutely perfect. Every country thats not AMERICA should have a cosplaying mascot girl so we the people can remember and maybe even care about your irrelevant spec of land.
Logan Nelson
My dad's barred from donating blood because he was in Europe during the 80s serving in the military. They have such stringent rules against the amount of possible butt fucking happening during that time but if I walk in wearing a dress and a wig as a 6'2 man they'll gladly take my infested blood and shell it out to women? What the fuck.
Ayden Bennett
I just have so hard time warping my head around the fact that Anzu is Turk. It's like... what...