Other urls found in this thread:
That's honestly a solid comic. I'm surprised to see "it" making anything that isn't dripping with trans agenda.
This honestly looks like a bad trip
SJWs are so mentally ill it's insane
>when you want to write a book but your mom wont let you
Sup Forums btfo
>tfw no stronk gf to carry me
>a facerape victim, a shemale, and a retard all walk into a bar...
>claims she didn't abuse her child
>let her child cut their dick off
does anyone have the "assigned white/black" one
seems like i dont have it saved
>cutting off the best part of a t-girl
Truly sickening
>make believe hitchens preaching about equality of the sexes
mean while in reality:
Bigger noses you say?
Wtf is with these word bubbles....did CRTL+ALT+DELETE change their art style?
They don't cut it off, they turn it inside out so other dudes can fuck it. But when they give hormone treatments to little kids, their dick remains child sized so there's no enough material to work with. Basically it's fucking retarded no matter how you do it but that goes without saying.
>i'm a woman now
"Hi bartender my name is brianna wu"
What the fuck, that guy got good! Honestly, that's perhaps the only real trans comic I've giggled at.
>awake during surgery
>being happy about this shit
I don't know what's worse
oh jesus christ user
too early in the day for guffaws
I guess Stephen has a sense of humor after all.
The entire left wing political spectrum was a fucking mistake.
>Chris Chan unironically got a gf post tomgril saga (they broke up but still)
No excuses
>i'm a woman now
what is this "hon" meme? /lgbt/ content uses it a lot. is it like xir?
the eternal kraut strikes again
Someone swap the 'fragile woman' with 'toxic man' and 'chivalry' with 'feminism'
>the faggot trans thoughts
please tell me sjws don't actually think like this
Sup Forums isn't even this paranoid
Ok just not in my mouth yet. Every day we stray further.
>obey your parents
What if they're pushing that shit on you, then?
Best cartoon that creature has ever produced but I'm still not laughing. I suppose if you keep throwing shit at the wall some will stick.
Atheism is gay
please stop posting
My eyes actually watered looking at this
these threads are my favorite
>tfw operation is a failure on your new genitals look disfigured
>literally just recognizing physical features which point out gender
wait a minute, I think it's onto something
y tho?
>tfw the qt ginger teacher died
At least the BLM fag died too
The epic of Chris Chan is fucking amazing, How will it end? Will he an hero as the ledgends fortold?
did someone say LOL thread?
Take that, non-mentally-ill people
This author is a raging Marxist, so I'm sure he hates Dawkins now. I used to read this comic pretty regularly when I was younger and dumber, and never EVER has he mentioned islam. Plenty of handwringing about "religion", though.
How will the cishetero patriarchy ever recover?
dead or not id still smash
You. I like you.
A+ kraut humor.
Stop with this shit infecting the thread.
I'm pretty sure I can find a quote for that.
>Matthew 10
32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. 34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
Why left is so unfunny?
but this is a LOL thread
the perfect place for KUROposting
Man what's the deal with this cat
>You're a man!
>Yeah, well your mom is a drow priestess!
I've only got up to page 52 anyway
Eat shit. Some of us are enjoying it
This is the most effective way I've yet seen of proving that leftists are a bunch of semi retarded, unfunny knob-ends.
It's what trannies call other trannies who don't pass. It's an insult
It's not a gut buster or anything, but this one actually is mildly humorous if you do that think about the author's politics and just take it as pure absurdism
>"Stop enforcing the amerimutt meme! How can you not tell it's obvious divide and conquer!"
>see this
why does it fucking hurt, pol?
That's actually impressive.
Holy shit.
Is there really any defense of leftist points that isn’t a reductio ad absurdum of the alt-right?
>i'm a woman now
is the punchline the fact that the world is already as heavenly as it can get via atheism?
Did Shad draw this???