How do you redpill someone at uni who is smart and appears to be willing to listen without spooking them out?
How do you redpill someone at uni who is smart and appears to be willing to listen without spooking them out?
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Show them this thread:
subtle hints when you talk to them to make it seem like you're on to something
using history and baiting them irl
This is a trick question...they are not smart people.
being red pilled is the true IQ test, if you can think freely and analyze facts and calculate cause and effect, then you will eventually come to the same conclusion that all red pilled people have.
>they are not smart people
They are, they just don't follow politics because believe it or not not everyone has the time to do and think about everything
If they don't seem to care about politics, show them why they should. If they really are smart, they'll find their way.
Try the Hjernevask documentaries.
They are funny to watch and not too extreme.
There should be some on youtube
Just show them factual or statistical information that they're not aware of.
When they retreat to simplistic arguments or adhom attacks, point it out.
Weeks later they may eventually process the new information and change their opinion.
>You're not going to change anyone's opinion overnight.
> Hi Lain!
>Reading shit ten times and writing it down when asked to do it like a good little enslaved goy apperently makes you smart now
Im in a university as well dude, and the majority of people I've met aren't "smart", they are your usual faggot that spent more time learning useless "facts" than the other faggots which now magically makes him smarter in the opinion of dumb people.
Its ridiculous what retarded offspring this system produces, you literally raise people that have nothing but a piece of paper that now qualifies them to do a certain job, while people that might have been ten times better at said job, fail because they weren't able to get good grades in some other school subject that has literally nothing to do with it at all.
If you need a paper to proof that you're smart, then you're most likely dumb as shit but someone wants you to believe it, so he can build a system with loyal enslaved minds that will do his bidding everytime, just like they were thaught in school.
this the Hjernevask documentaries are the best thing to redpill normies with
Bringing up race, ethnicity or even nationality will almost always make them shut down. The best way by far is to try and convince them of libertarianism, they will almost always move towards anarcho-capitalism from there. Eventually they'll realize that we are in a demographic time bomb and that these ideologies are merely treating symptoms instead of the disease itself.
Because they've taken most of the redpilling steps themselves they are far more likely to stay true to themselves unlike people who simply buy a complete way of thinking from the start, these people are more prone to simply discarding their beliefs like they would discard an old bag.
If this person is smart, they will inevitably become redpilled on their own.
plus, people who don't first grasp economics tend to go in bad directions
T. College Dropout
Does it upset you that there are many people smarter than you? That, for all your skills in a single thing, we would rather damn your entire family before letting you earn more than peanuts?
Dance. Make my coffee. Flip that burger.
Know your place.
You could try to manipulate them by asking questions and leading them towards the answers you want them to give you
Effective for "smart" people because they often may be too big headed to accept facts that you give to them
Don't be truly racist.
You point out little things that make them think. And dont go full 1488 and sperg out.
College is filled with idiots just like you.
>spent more time learning useless "facts" than the other faggots which now magically makes him smarter in the opinion of dumb people
not everyone goes into social """""""sciences"""""" or some other meme class of degrees
Indeed, even if they stay at libertarian or anarcho-capitalist they tend to become civic nationalists atleast. This is much more preferable, the removal of welfare will reduce unwanted immigration at the very least.
Lmao, did you even try?
The fact that you had to respond like some nigger that just saw a statistic about IQ and race just goes to show how much that hurt you, so you respond like the butthurt weenie you are.
Do you honestly think shitting out the stuff Mr Goldberg just told you on a piece of paper magically qualifies you for a job?
I honestly admit that I probably don't know jack shit about my future job when I'm done proving what a submissive goy I am, and that Uni really is as much of a meme as everyone says it is, since good companies will probably test your skills instead of looking at your worthless degree.
All they teach in US colleges are liberal social studies these days it seems or one would have you believe.
It will be funny and sad when someone who wants an actual useful education now has to get a student visa to China or India, because that's all who gets hired these days for STEM jobs these days.
Yes but my point is that the entire school system is a joke.
It's built entirely for controlling people, no matter what the current political system is, so thats why noone will ever change it, but being sucessfull in it is the same as being successfull in big companies, your biggest qualification is your ability to bend over and lick other peoples boots whenever they tell you to, not being actually intelligent.
Tell them to meet you at your house and then watch this:
Tell them it was a suggestion from another friend of yours that is a pretty cool and smart girl or guy.
Another good one:
have them make a list of every one they owe money to.
Tell them how smart and attentive you’ve noticed they seem to be and casually ask if they notice things like (((fellow white people))) posts
QR code in pic related for this vid:
>tfw Zeitgeist is literally what started my path towards the redpill
I know it's sort of a meme documentary but at the time it literally made me question everything. Discover Sup Forums around the same time and the rest is history.
Never ever lead someone to the JQ. Always guide them gently from afar towards this point by discussing other issues that are not blatantly related to the JQ, but untimately have a nefarious semitic source. If you do this enough times, the JQ forms on its own within the minds of others. Much more powerful this way to discover something than to just accept what others have lead you to.
If they are open minded just give them the studies, statistics, documentaries etc one at the time. If negative experiences are already accumulated red pilling is easy, but most of the time you need to give it time. If he follows an ideology this will be harder, because the worldview has first to crumble and this is only possible with a high level shock or many experiences were the worldview just flat out fails.