You still support this, Sup Forums ?
Don't support this shit, they will fill up our country with goatfuckers
PS: I am catalan.

Other urls found in this thread:



HERE is the video








lmao germany 30% undecided
so a third of the population known the country is a sinking ship but are too cucked to defend her. will a strong leader be enough to turn the cowards?


Those are all PODEMOS, left wing voters.
The video I showed is PROMOTED by independentist leaders. you will not make Barcelona the new London motherfuckers.

This is leftist separatism, gentlemen. Same shit goes on in Scotland. They want independence so they can hand their country to foreign gibmedats in a silver platter.

HAIL FRANCO!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the official language of Catalan?

Israel is paying this (((independence))) attempt and also the memeflag you are using.

> www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/237441

in catalonia: Catalan and Spanish ae the official languages

>you will not make Barcelona the new London motherfuckers.


also Brussels/any American city is worse by far

Spanish as an official language? You'll have to get rid of that post hence if you want any support

Spain is a cesspool of faggots. Burn

I only support the Waifu Princess.

>tfw catalan crisis ended without spanish army gunning down communists on the streets

It still not ended.
21 December there will be elections, probably commies idiots will win again, and will try same shit again. Hope not. But maybe you will see what you want.

I don't think that's gonna happen, commies will lose and independentist übermensch will win again

You know very well if you are Catalan that the impact of the Moroccans was not very big and they represent 7.5% of the population.
And now you do not want to welcome refugees, are you going to look the other way?
The problem is the governament of spain
Do not get confused

>Win again
Like the last time that they had 39% of votes?

>TFW I’m going to Spain next month
Is Galicia, Andalucia, and the Baleares doing fine? I went to Galicia, Valencia, and Barcelona this summer, and besides Barcelona, the 2 regions seemed uncucked for the most part

never supported those communists and have been banned for saying all the idiot latvians supporting those commies should gas themselves

shit makes me livid I say

Build a wall around Catalonia.
If you want to survive cancer, cut it off.

When will the Basques have their referendum?

Spain i sincerely apologize that this communist m*slim bitch was not genocided

I'm going there in 2 weeks what can I expect user

>wave your dick around claiming that you are a real nation when you are a meme nation
>get your family genocided
>run to spain
>wave your dick around again claiming that you are a real nation and not a meme one
Spain you know what to do... You gotta finish the job for us...

impressive architecture outside, and poverty inside

maybe the independentists don't participate in the next elections and all this ends in a mental republic