Anyone want to comment on the fact that some Sup Forums boards have been overtaken by these conspiracy fucks, larpers...

Anyone want to comment on the fact that some Sup Forums boards have been overtaken by these conspiracy fucks, larpers, etc. , all within the last few years.

I remember 5th grade, getting on the boards and having intellectual conversations with experts on whatever topic that board specialized in. For example, /Pol introduced me to conservatism, libertarianism, and true liberalism. It was a platform for professionals to speak on topics that were too taboo to speak about elsewhere. They gave me the confidence to ask questions about race, culture, and religion, which my parents/peers/teachers had taught me not to talk about.

All I’m saying is, where are my people? Not the second wave or third wave Kekistanis, but the original memelords that weren’t nearly edgy enough to call themselves as such?

I miss that.

So tap water is good?

Building 7 was never hit by a plane

We all moved into the woods to let it all burn.

We are suffering from a low IQ normie invasion since the last election.

Sup Forums simply got too big. Wait a few years for the cancer to leave and it'll all be k again. Newfags will become oldfags and all that.
Unless we get another US election grade event. Then it'll always be shit.

we just lurk now

We all train in different environments. When you return to your former training grounds it shouldn’t be a surprise it has changed, for you have changed. What you need at every age of your life is different. Don’t expect things to stay the same. Don’t expect your eyes to see things the same way. Nothing changes, but nothing stays the same

I was in college working hard for my thesis and would have intellectual conversation and sometimes help from /sci. Now its basically /b tier clown fiesta.


>5th grade

>5th grade

Ok, well fluoride is bad but I’m not talking about the stuff that can be explained by chemists. I mean like the Nov 4 dudes.

>having intellectual conversations with experts
>on Sup Forums

>5th grade
>intellectual conversations
I hate this board

>intellectual conversations

Correct. We’ve all heard the bullshit theory made exactly to explain how it fell. Also, in the CNN video, the building had not yet fallen. I get it.


>taken over by conspiracy fucks, larpers, etc.
>implying there has ever been anyone else but them
KYS newfag

Then get the fuck out of here. Legitimately, you are the kind of person that ruins Sup Forums. Ever heard of Reddit? They’re looking for new people every day.

Sup Forums graduated to become a battleground, mirroring the battleground of society. Now nobody has time for philosophy.

>BBC reporter standing in view of WTC 7 claiming it was destroyed
>gets it

>5th grade
>platform for professionals
you really are retarded, user. you and all of the other fuckbois who think this site is the bees knees is what ruined it. also not following rules 1 and 2, because you fucking little faggots cant keep your mouth shut about my internet book club

No. I will not kill myself. How about you say something with value, you stain.

We're still around, but we were already a tiny portion of the population. This flood of nu-fags produces an optical illusion that makes it appear as if we disappeared when they arrived.

Been here since '08
Problem is pol just became the new b

If you want better boards look at different boards, blue boards in particular, or go to 8ch

Must be easy to comment aggressively when you don’t have anything interesting to say. Feel free to go to the q&a board and re-learn how to have a goddamn conversation.

And to all of you who act like the concept of “experts” on Sup Forums is such a far-out idea, YOU are the fucks that joined within the last 5 years, it is YOU who relish in the mass retardation that has ruined this great message board. So fuck you.

The few of us remember how it used to be. And someone made a good point that we change and our “training grounds” are not the same, but it doesn’t mean the training ground should have been turned into a Camp Camp.

Fair point. Thanks.

People posting fucking pewdie threads and shit. I've not even seen a Sup Forums is dead, I'm leaving post in, what a year now? And as for Sup Forums well that's just a porn board now

they just sit back and watch shit all unfold nowadays

i have nothing interesting to say because 1, this thread does not belong on Sup Forums. second, you think youre hot shit because youre on Sup Forums. ypu clearly missed the "avoided rules 1 and 2" pret of my post, so tell me, faggot. who told you about Sup Forums when you were in 5th grade?

I don't know. being a conspiracy fag, we probably don't have the same interests, but I have noticed what you talking about. Seems like people are adopting extreme values that are wholly un American.

Everything started going south after the second wave of newfags from Gaia online. Do you remember when "gb2gaia" was an insult? Because Pepperidge Farm remembers.

>Anyone want to comment on the fact that some Sup Forums boards have been overtaken by these conspiracy fucks, larpers, etc. , all within the last few years.

pic very related

>I remember 5th grade, getting on the boards and having intellectual conversations with experts on whatever topic that board specialized in. For example, /Pol introduced me to conservatism,

larpers, right? when was Sup Forums even created? i don't remember it.

>5th grade
>Sup Forums

so you're 15 tops


>i don't remember it

*don't remember it being here originally

They should all go to /x

Sup Forums wasnt a thing until 2011. so that means OP was in 5th grade in 2011 or later.
op is a fucking underage

This place was a lot better before the 2016 normie plebbit invasion.

Unfortunately it's still faster paced than any other news sources despite having to Wade through a literal shit river.

If the world was actually ending or a real happening like nukes occurred, you would probably know about it from here before anybody else that isn't military.

Fuck we probably beat the president to stories all the time.

>i remember 5th grade

Go out side and play kid, while the jews still let you.

at this point I honestly don't know what's worse, kekistani reddit faggots or contrarian christian faggots choking to death on their own pretentiousness
regardless, anyone with a meme flag should be banned

This is one of the main reasons I come here.
I want news and if there's videos, I want them unedited. That's what pol gives.

despite the literal shit river that needs to be waded through, it's the only news source i trust anymore.

>15 years old
>talking shit to people two to three times his age and no one can say shit cause hes right.
This gives me hope.

They are still here. The world is changing and group focus has changed.

Just because it physically hurts you.

Kangs an shiet

Your supposed to carry the flame and educate others, just like you were indulged.

Unfortunately your generation and below think a meme or pic IS a conversation nowadays...

There are far better boards out there for intellectual conversation and most people with any life experience soon get tired of having any meaningful convo with memes in return as answers.

All boards go to shit once they become popular as Facebook retards come over and turn the dominant discourse into whatever bullshit they talk about