I am back.. AMA




he s back

>declaring war on the entire world

please explain this pathetic effort

Mike Stoklasa? Is that you?

was not the plan (((they))) tricked us into it

Deep down I want to believe that all of these number sequences are coincidence.

Bold, dashing look! Sup Forums approves!

Wieso hast du es der Eva nie besorgt, du kleiner Schlappschwanz?

The plan had nothing to do with killing. more about removing. they would have had a land to go to if the war went our way

someone has to stop (((them))).
since everybody else likes to sucks their dick we must do what we gotta do. even it that means fighting 100 nations and failing horribly

our fuhrer is back from the dead!!!


Eve is here too. she reincarnated near me. want to see her?


How are you doing, Hitler-kun?


Is there a legitimate psychological gateway that leads homosexuality to pedophilia, Hitler? And is that why many people have a visceral dislike towards homosexuals, and many wish for them to be purged? Thank you for your time.

>I am back

I thought the 4th was the best day to come forward. on the eve of the Bolshevism rising

Do good goys still think this is true? Hitler called for peace.


What's our next step mon fuhrer.

>Return of Hitler

This can't be...

Big if true

early childhood is a mess, if someone comes into contact and redirects you, you will end up flowing down that river. but, some rivers flow on their own. some

>another double
the numerical gods are in your favor it seems

>checked again

okay you are back....

Why didn't you kill the jews?

Its hard today. the left are rooted harder than ever before. in history. to kill a plant we must suffocate it. to do that we must find its roots and miss guide them. I think Sup Forums already knows this

Kek is with us

they were the first to defeat Germany, tough souls. I am born as mostly German. in Australia ;)

Race war when?

Mfw hes from Australiaz fixed the old one

Let's kick the table.

What do they actually believe?

peace is what he wanted. just wanted Germany back.


..the jews will always kill themselves for profit

is it time?

>he had to be reborn as an aussie
We're screwed, right?

Darwinism to eh core. we must strive to be the best we can. otherwise we die. and it will happen

Aussies a woke. France is not. where would I be born if I had the choice?




Substantial if substantiated

btw, those guns you build where cuck as fuck in ww2. facing strait out. one flank and you failed. kek

Somewhere more relevant, like in Europe.




Kim Possible!


>hH id
>88 digits

Hard to argue against that. Welcome back.

Anyway.. the world is in bad shape my friends. there are enough of us to do something, we just dont know how. some wins here some wins there.
But, we need tactics that are subtle. like "Its ok to be whte" thats a start. flashing the swastika will only bring hate. I think we need a new symbol that will leads us into the 21st century. like antifa have. we need also. something to fight. not the jews, remember they were just a small part of all this. not now. we need to fight something to unit us. soros, is a pick. bankers. something even antifa will get behind. we need to unite the clans

>not the jews
>something even antifa will get behind. we need to unite the clans

Is this another fbi/cia psyop thread?

I propose Hitler mustaches and trench coats

here. is eva. she is in my life again. she is very much the same as she was

they are part of the problem

would you believe I am an artist, a published writer. and a muso? you could not make this up

I'm a back too

You probably switched sides this time tbqh.

>declare war on Poland
>Just wanted peace you guys

m-mien furher, I missed you so much



He's back, he's finally back after all this time....


what percentage jewish are you?

It's time...

>dey was good poles who dindu nuffin
just because they got thoroughly fucked doesnt mean they were completely innocent



Oh shit yes


Time for me the jews to get back in the oven?
Asking this for a friend.

P.s. put the jew in screencap plz..

How about this as a symbol, mein Furher?

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