Russia and other eastern-european countries proof that if you are white and have high IQ it doesn't necessarily mean you are successful
Russia and other eastern-european countries proof that if you are white and have high IQ it doesn't necessarily mean...
Blame communism.
why is south europe so dumb?
>Slavic intellectuals either shot by Nazis to destroy national identities or shot by Communists for having high social class
The dumber the country is the less white they are.True story i see way too manny gypsys and turks larping as romainians.The older generations were white as fuck,if you walk today in a highschool you feel like you are in India or Turkey.
Also our education has been on a downwards spiral ever since communism fell.What they dont tell you is that communism had a really good and strict education system,now with capitalism we alos lost 30 years there will be only sub 90iq gypsys left here.
t.Highschool math teacher.
Not an argument
After gaining independence Ukraine is only getting worse
turkish blood
So most of Europe literally has below average IQ? Explains a lot of things
d e l e t
just a glorified albania
>Not Asian
t.Americn 56 % Tyron Gonzalez
Both of these maps are so inaccurate that it makes my insides cringe.
Anyone intelligent in this country leaves after middle school to pursue their careers.
There's also the "guns per 100 citizens" which is pure meme, there is only one person that i know who owns a gun - and he uses it for hunting purposes.
Our elderly are absolute retards and all of our bright minds have already left the country.
I was offered a free trip to Ukraine - with a guaranteed job and education, and i declined.
The reason why we're perceived as dumb by these "statistics" is absolutely because of Western propaganda.
You bombed our cities, poisoned our youth, took our intelligent, and you're telling us that we're stupid on top of that.
Turkish blood? Serbian women used to kill themselves if they were carrying a Turkish baby, and they would gouge out the eyes of their son's so they wouldn't be taken and recruited by the Turkish army.
Serbia was crushed by it's allies, it's enemies, the communists, NATO, Americans - and you're still taking all of our bright minds to work in your countries. That's the kind of people we are, amerifats. :^^)
According to your op why should it matter? I thought being white didn't mean anything. Make up your mind, Ivan.
anything below 100 is brainlet anyway, so who cares.
Wow, someone is butthurt
>I was offered a free trip to Ukraine - with a guaranteed job and education, and i declined.
when you were offered?
Because now everybody with IQ higher would 89 would decline to work and educate in Ukraine
These maps are inaccurate as the person who made these uses tests 50 years apart and combines them.