What the hell is this?

What the hell is this?

click it and report back

4 letter agency


They really need to know how to target their adds better and send that to /x/ instead.

>not using ublock origin


I've been seeing that to. Link leads to what sounds like a company that does remote viewing. Not liking the owl mascot.


Politically Incorrect, abbreviated as Sup Forums, is a board dedicated to current events and political discussion on the imageboard Sup Forums. It is one of the most popular boards on the internet dedicated to politics, and has gained a reputation as a hotbed for fringe beliefs.

Gov proxy company used to alter reality through the power of belief and thought similar to what meme magic did in the 2016 election. Very spooky.

Data mining company. They want your name age sex location ect so that they can index right wingers. As if it would actually work lol.

It's a thinly veiled data mining scam that promises to help you learn how to "predict" the future based on the way you think about things.
It sounds as if they plan on conditioning people a certain way desu

People with an axe to grind post questions as thinly-veiled trollbait in order to get other people to comment based on their pseudo-intellectual viewpoints. They then try to ram their own viewpoint down your throat.


I followed the link, and it's asking you to join to post why you feel yes or no about stuff. Scrolled all the way to the bottom, sponsored by Forbes and an .AI company.

I figure, if only, someone is trying to create a predictive database for use with polling data and finacial purchase/investment.

Sup Forums peeps should join just to fill it with lies so the thing doesn't work.

Couldn't really gleam more w/o joining or caring about it.

>"We're building a community of open minded people!"
>Literally just saying yes or no
>Sponsored by (((Them)))




This. I guess its internet day at the retard school.

fuck, i already filled it out. it's not an application? fuck.

The best mtg mechanic

Its a predictive Collective intellegence company (as opposed to artificial intellegence). There are like 3 coming out of the wood-works right now. The idea is actually very interesting and the fact is they need dissedent opinions for their software to work, hence the ad here.

The idea comes from the "law of crowds" or something. Groups of humans are better at predicting things than the best supercomputers and (((experts))) as of right now and they know it.

And how much they pay for my info?

Allows you to look at the top card of your deck and keep it there or put it at the bottom. Pretty powerful tbqh


its called an ad.
its what plebs see when they browse the internet.

I bet they have been inspired by Superforcasting by Tetlock.

25 posts and no one had yet mentioned he's a phoneposter.

No thats Sup Forums. He is talking about the ad.