>nazi soldiers tell Polish prisoners to dig a hole and bury jews alive to be set free >they refuse because its something too cruel for them to do >so the soldiers make the same offer to the jews >the jews start digging it immediately >when they are done digging the soldiers kill all the jews, turn to the polish prisoners and say >This is just so you know who are the jews and why we kill them
i heard this story but with captive russian soldiers instead of poles
Parker Sanders
>Why isn't this in the History books? Because it's bullshit made up by some retard in America?
Ethan Jones
>Offer Russian soldiers vodka instead of freedom >Ok comrades where are the shovels?
Bentley Butler
I hope this is true. But I doubt it. Prove me wrong OP. PLEASE!!
Joshua Butler
Kek, sides gone.
Brody Jones
Eli Phillips
SHUT IT DOWN!!! 600 bazillion jews died from aryan monsters, and you try to defend them?
Daniel Butler
>unknown Russian war veteran t. Bolshevik
Aiden Perez
Just because Brasilians have not achieved written history and can only rely on an oral tradition is no reason to say it is made up.
Aiden Baker
Yep. But i haven't found any reliable source of this story. Probably fake created by neonazi
Michael James
>Germans still using the word "Juden" when speaking another language This is probably fake.
Henry Scott
You mean by a Zionist Jew, like you
Tyler Nguyen
>Why isn't this in the History books? sounds like a made up thing that never happened, so probably because of that?
Colton Price
>probably fake as probably fake as santa claus
Aaron Ward
Just let it be true you fucking kike.
Kayden Hughes
>question a source that is highly questionable >"DURRR YOU AAH A ZIUNIST JOOH!" When I heard Sup Forums's average IQ is in double-figures, it initially surprised me.