What went wrong with Greece?
What went wrong with Greece?
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not being white
White people happened that's what. Daily reminder that white people are disgusting degenerate creatures.
Not white.
In a country desperately in need of paint and upkeep, they chose "Direct TV" and sit around as their homes fall about all around them.
Christianity killed the Greek
they're next to pic related
the global economy doesn't value agriculture as much as arbitrary financial products
For being literal faggots AND chucking to the EU
Mohammed sucks clocks in hell.
Sorry but Greece doesn't seem into global economy. It moslty has local, turistic and and agricultural economy.
Fuck off irrelevant shit
Horrible culture.
The people are selfish, corrupt, entitled, cheating us the norm, their opinion of themselves is way too high and they thought they were first world when they weren't.
They are also unable to take the blame for, or even try to fix their own mistakes. Shit's fucked
I'm in Cyprus at the moment (Limassol) and it's rather run down.
They were completely fucked before already and had a word for new debts to pay off old debts over 2000 years ago already.
>American geography
Yeah it’s a shame they let the buildings look so shitty
None of their problems have any inherent connection to the euro. Stop being so deluded by shitty Propaganda
Would only work 20 hours a week and retire at 40.
>American geography
To be fair, the average American that posts on Sup Forums seems to be around 13 - 14 years old. He may not have taken a class on it yet. Each state's educational standards vary.
Irrelevant countries calling each other irrelevant
Nice try german. Buy up all industry in europe, destroy competition because protecting own companies is verboten -> nuh-uh it wasnt the eu, wasnt the germans again. Paypayapayapayapayapayapay debts but you cannot reduce military spending greece lets go eu refugees welcome wir schaffen das.
they don't pay debts
It was an stock market bot that fucked up.
I am pretty sure we made a bigger impact in history than Malaysia, burger boy.
Oh and do you watch your wife getting fucked by niggers on daily basis?
you are just a manipulative turkish subhuman in france whocherry picked a bad image with bad weather
is the only true religion
diaspora shitskin
I love Mexico!!! That place on the corner has the best taco's!!
nothing unique. they are the canary in the EU coal mine. Oxygen running out for the whole system.
op is a turkish subhuman in france
op is a turkish subhuman in france
op is a turkish subhuman in france
Centuries of muslim occupation destroyed it forever mon ami. And now France is doing it on purpose
thats wrong shitskin
op is a turkish subhuman in france
You sound like you've met a few Greeks. The ones I have met have zero concept of things like honor and responsibility. Their problem is primarily cultural.
I haven't met a Greek that hasn't disgusted me on some level.
the turks
its an immigrant
like you sneaky albanian subhuman writing the same shit in Greece threads
op is a turkish subhuman in france
op is a turkish subhuman in france
Wait, a german, the most cucked nation on earth besides Sweden, is calling me, a fucking 100% Scots-Irish, a shitskin? HAHAHAHAHAGA germans, whew
I am a Greek
and op is a turkish subhuman in france
Jesus Christ dude, read a fucking book.
Dude, we all know that you can't speak greek and are from a Turkish minority in greece
>divided states of america
>calling anyone cuck
>live in a culture less shithole
>elected a nigger twice
>elected bush twice
>helped destroy Germany twice
>destroyed Sadams Iraq for Jewish overlords
>get into debt for college
>shitty expensive healthcare
>get shot
You americans are degenerate cuckolds.You are the one who spread liberal shit all over the world.
You are the one who is a fat nigger.You are the one spreading fat acceptance.You are the one who spread homosexual and transexual shit.
You are the one who is producing degenerate nigger music.You are cancer to this world and England should have never let you go.
people make up many lies about me
then other people repeat it and change it over time
op is a turkish subhuman in france
Constantly getting involved in wars, people turned very greedy in the past century (which led to the crisis).
Things are getting better now though (China and US already investing billions because they think we're recovering), new generation is way more based than our fathers
Also not paying debts played a big part in accelerating our recovery topkek
You could easily change that by speaking greek to Greeks who call you out, but you never do, why?
Got something to hide?
the image you posted is one of the many places in big cities with old buildings. We almost never renovate, however this is changing from 2018 where there are plans for a fourth subway line
The chinese bought hundreds of apartments near the central areas and are already renovating them so I guess more areas will follow. New constructions are way better though. It's just our past that isn't polished and still persists. I'm fine with it personally but it doesn't look very nice when it's not in rural areas kek
Despite what we Greeks believe, we are the people with the lowest IQ in Europe. Everyone is fucking brainwashed by the media, youtubers and tumblr. We think that we know everything while we know shit and everyone wants to undermine others so he is "better". We follow every God damn trend from other countries, so we are gradually losing our national identity. I love my country so much, but I fucking hate the people here.
op is a turkish subhuman in france
i wish i had Greek friends or a Greek girlfriend
op is a turkish subhuman in france
op is a turkish subhuman in france
op is a turkish subhuman in france
Trust me you don't want Greek girlfriend :P
There are plenty of Greeks in this thread, go speak greek with them.
>Tax evasion is a Greek national sport
toppest of fucking keks
these are the things that went wrong with Greece though
we have forsaken the face of our fathers
fortunately the new generation remembers and that's why we're recovering
just imagine every other nation being is such an ugly position yet managing to recover in less than a decade. Literally impossibly
But not for Greeks
Greeks are better than other people
Lol ok!!
They were occupied by niggers for centuries.
they all dislike me and they are not flexible like real friends
if i had a question i would have to wait hours until i get a reply
many subhumans here are also slavshits and albanian immigrants
op is a turkish subhuman in france
and op is a turkish subhuman in france
Socialism happened
op is a turkish subhuman in france
and they are still pure
op is a turkish subhuman in france
op is a turkish subhuman in france
All the greeks left. They now live in melbourne. All that was left in greece was smelly arabs.
>and they are still pure
thats not true you shitskin
op is a turkish subhuman in france
Maybe he ment poor
you shitskin newfag dont know what that image means
op is a turkish subhuman in france
oh shit lmao
oh well nothing out of the ordinary
subuhmans jealous of us Greeks
Greeks are direct descendants of Greeks
there are not many people with pure ancient ancestry like me
op is a turkish subhuman in france
4th crusade happened
Fall of Constantinople happened
Ottomans happened
Germany happened
What characteristics define you as pure greek?
the turkish subhuman in france is very jealous of Greece
he has many cherry picked tanned or dark Greeks
he comes sometims to turkish threads in int
hes very sneaky
op is a turkish subhuman in france
most canadians on Sup Forums are immigrants
op is a turkish subhuman in france
op is a turkish subhuman in france
seems he made you upset giorgio
makes sense
i like your new style, just bluntly exposing the subuhmans using their own words
but i never liked this subhuman
i know him longer than you
he has an asiatic mindset
like most turks
he is similar to the turk in australia who posted anzu pictures everywhere because she was turkish and had light skin
actually i dont like writing here
i would prefer beating up those people or killing them if nobody could find out
I am blonde, white(not Turk filthy brown) . Do I count as a pure Greek?
if you have a Greek face then yes
>american education
op is a turkish subhuman in france
yes but the albanian kind of niggers
op is a turkish subhuman in france