On Sunday morning, President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will arrive in Tokyo, Japan. The President and the First Lady will participate in a Yokota Air Base event. In the afternoon, the President will have lunch with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and professional Japanese golfer Mr. Hideki Matsuyama. The President will then golf with Prime Minister Abe and Mr. Hideki Matsuyama. In the evening, the President and the First Lady will have dinner with Prime Minister Abe and Mrs. Akie Abe.
>7:20AM // 1:20PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart Hickam, HI en route to Tokyo, Japan
>10:45AM // 9:45PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive in Tokyo, Japan
>11:00AM // 10:00PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in a Yokota Air Base troop event
>12:05PM // 11:05PM THE PRESIDENT has lunch with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and professional Japanese golfer Mr. Hideki Matsuyama
>12:45PM // 11:45PM THE PRESIDENT **golfs with Japanese Prime Minister **Abe and Mr. Hideki Matsuyama
>7:35PM // 5:35AM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY have dinner with Prime Minster Abe and Mrs. Akie Abe
Benjamin Russell
Lefties sleep in until noon.
Julian Taylor
Just Trish posting >mfw
Kayden Martin
Good luck in Japan Mr. President
Parker Diaz
He was here earlier and is a more frequent poster than most known people.
I'm calling Virginia for Republicans right now, or at least a very close shave for democrats as the media has already begun making excuses for Northam.
Bentley Nelson
hey guys what happened to the nov 4 "uprising"?
Zachary Hill
Robert Adams
>Trump and Kim meet over the DMZ I WANT IT SO MUCH
James Wright
Be nice.
Connor Gonzalez
He was here like an hour ago m8
Lucas Martinez
God willing.
Eli Long
Cameron Morgan
Jackson Garcia
If you have a Twitter, social media account, etc. please go push the Northam is racist bit as hard as you can. They are incredibly fickle and hanging on by a shoestring.
Charles Williams
:45PM // 11:45PM THE PRESIDENT **golfs with Japanese Prime Minister **Abe and Mr. Hideki Matsuyama :35PM // 5:35AM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY have dinner with Prime Minster Abe and Mrs. Akie Abe
What anime will they watch together?
Josiah Young
Kellyanne looked ravishing last night.
Matthew Jenkins
Ryan Carter
Guys I'm worried here. I live in Southeast Virginia, a typically Republican area, and all I see are Northam and Johnson signs. Not a single Gillespie sign.
Can we even win in Virginia? Should we just give up now?
Parker James
we could only wish
Ryan Jenkins
Jordan Brooks
i predict a big nothing fizzling out for the protests today
Jeremiah Adams
Levi Gonzalez
New hairdoo?
Nathaniel Turner
My sister is a leftie. She's 43 and sleeps until 11am. I get up at 3.
Thomas Nelson
Dylan Phillips
Jaxson Mitchell
Ed needs to get at least 40% in Nova to be competitive. If he doesn't he loses.
I truly do not see what people see in her; I don't believe she is a very attractive woman.
Joshua Turner
t. ladyboy
Mason White
Google alters results based on YOUR fingerprint.
Fucking retard journo
Luke Phillips
It's also a different electorate in off-off-year elections.
Carter Bailey
More poofy Don't be rude
Nicholas Moore
It’s for memetic purposes only
Gavin Nelson
this is /President Trish General/ now
Joshua Miller
Do we have to go out and save our trashfu?
Caleb Ortiz
Me either
Gavin Morales
>every other news org is dead silent about northam really lights my tiki torch...
Liam Rodriguez
Should be infowars or worldnetdaily, drudge too.
Brody Allen
Mother Wolf
Jackson Long
Will they reach an agreement on who is best girl?
Jonathan Clark
Democrats still can't believe their "progressive" and "intellectual" base lost the internet to rural and suburban retards, therefore it was the Russians.
Juan Russell
Mason Martin
AWOO FRIENDS Chimpouts today right?
Josiah Wright
She looks like a crack whore. I like how she's loyal to Trump but she's ugly as shit. There are dozens of Trump affiliated milfs who blow her out of the water.
Anthony Nelson
Blumpf BTFO
Michael Price
Jeremiah Morgan
Zachary Cox
Russians are the reason Osoff lost
Colton Taylor
Nigger, never take anything for granted
If polls show your side up 10 points you strive to make it 12!
Grayson Barnes
Luis Campbell
>unemployment rate is STILL going down should this even be possible?!!?!
Noah Rodriguez
How did the manlet respond?
Cooper Sanders
same here. looks like a old dried out prune
Isaiah Rivera
Eh, she's alright for someone in her 50s who's had four kids. I think her attraction is more her demeanor, she's the warm but protective team mom.
Joshua Kelly
>tfw no cuddle bear to keep me warm on cold winter nights
Kevin Foster
It's Iowa!
Aiden Hernandez
The more useless shitbags we deport the lower it goes.
Henry Rogers
Pulling out the big guns
Of course, I'm suggesting that people go out right now and start shilling against Northam to drive the divide or else we may lose.
Hunter Powell
maybe he's a kid fucker too
Luke Cox
How can someone let their dog get so fat?
Nolan Turner
they never keep their promises
Grayson Sanders
>being proud of being the birth place of Wilson
Colton Butler
>... and it is horrifying >... and it is terrifying >the scary truth about... >the terrible truth about same headline every time with those assholes. what moron is actually tempted by low tier dogshit like that?
Elijah Richardson
So Trumps is no longer #Notmypresident ? Progress is being made!
Cooper Williams
What the fuck!? Illegal immigrants basically run this country's economy though!
Owen Martin
Day of the rape
Colton Sanders
Blueballed again
Owen Mitchell
>I will be the greatest jobs President God ever created My favorite trump boast
Jacob Howard
my appreciation for her is in her ability to go into the den of liberal snark and arguing with the most disgusting, manipulative people on the planet.
Jack Nguyen
So they're finally accepting that Donald Trump is actually their president.
Levi Johnson
Pretty sure it was larp/prank the whole time there bud.
Angel Martinez
>Trump calls Abe's waifu a shit >nuclear war breaks out
Jack Baker
The simple fact that Northam capitulated so much on sanctuary cities showed his internal polling was VERY bad. He took a gamble and it failed. We just have to wait for Tuesday to see how bad it was.
Christian Murphy
Hopefully he has a huge horny nigger for a cellmate.
Ayden James
If Kristol is against everything Republican now, how can he even be considered a Republican strategist? Is losing his winning strategy? Is that why lefty media outlets love him?
Ryder Barnes
it's a thyroid issue
Brody King
Do you expect a liberal to actually understand how things work? To them, car goes vroom vroom and that is all they need to know.
Jonathan Lopez
Gotta thank him for fucking up so hard
Henry Thompson
Its over. They have taken everything from us.
When will society fall? When is the reset going to happen?
Easton Ramirez
>having consensual relations with a grown woman is the same as harassing people as a faggot and fucking 14 year old boys in the ass Glad to know how they think about things.