Does it bother you these white women want to become darker or is it simply another shade of white to you?
Where does Sup Forums stand on Tanning?
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I think pale is epic beauty on a woman..
Tanning turns your skin to leather. Whites should avoid it and eat more vitamin D rich foods.
Pale is pretty
If they go out in the sun and do it the old fashioned way, who cares
Sitting in a UV roaster is stupid
Burning your skin to look like something you're not is degenerate.
This guy gets it
It's really stupid to burn your own skin. I don't mind Balkan, Spanish and Mediterranean slightly darker natural skin though. They're all Europeans.
White looks better.
Natural tans look nice even on Nordic women.
>natural tan
my dude she is fresh out of the spray tanning booth sorry to break it to you
Nah it's a natural tan, she's always spending time in hot countries.
Tanning is controlled burning. Leads to premature ageing and skin cancer.
it bothers me a lot
pale is best
if I wanted something dark, I'd be into scatophilia, like a mere german
I am an extremely pale white woman and while I think it looks beautiful, people with tanner skin often look more toned. I say if you're pale, stay pale, it'll save your skin in the long run.
>All those dead cells
Getting a tan is fucking retarded.
if it can tan, it's not White.
I tan, it feels fucking fantastic. It helps your body produce vitamin D which in turn helps with T-level which makes you want to fuck like an animal. If you live somewhere without a lot of sun, I highly recommend it.
I look especially hot with a tan.
look at the inside of her arms, I'm sorry but that's not a natural tanning pattern. No doubt she spends a lot of time sunbathing but you can't deny that she's also spraytanned (not that it doesn't look great on her)
After getting fucked by Abdul.
Pale skin is always naturally preferred.
That is why skin bleaching became a common thing and why photoshop exists.
Does it bother you black men want to become whiter or is it simply another shade of light skinned niggers to you?
>I am an extremely pale white woman
There was literally no need whatsoever for you to mention your gender and you know it, you attention-whore. Tits, then gtfo.
retarded and vain and I'm glad it gives the dipshits who do it skin cancer
Redpilled, increases Vitamin D better than anything else and unlike oral or injected Vitamin D, you get more than one type from the parent compound. Vitamin D4 has no oral activity and there are no injections for it.
UV radiation also acts as a hormonal trigger for increasing the production of testosterone and has other unique functions.
Studies have proven that pallid people are perceived as sickly and less attractive which is why the Jews always say "muh tanning is bad for you!".
White people can tan and still look white. The only people who sun-deprive themselves on purpose to look white, are mixed people, which doesn't work because race is more than skin deep.
Also, to the first guy, Tanning does not "turn your skin to leather" unless you take it to an excess or are also a smoker.
Tanning is not "burning" your skin, that would be sunburn. Tanning leads to your body to naturally produce melanin as a pigment. This is a protective feature.
>Where does /Reddit/ stand on bleaching?
Does it bother you black men want to become whiter or is it simply another shade of light skinned niggers to you?
>That is
*(((they))) are
Why are you in denial of the obvious m8? She doesnt go to hot countries for weeks at a time to use tanning beds. Inside of her arms? Can't even notice anything which would indicate tanning beds. Stop talking shite. It's a natural fucking tan from sunbathing.
>Tanning ages and damages the skin
>This is still something 90% of women do
"why not Zoidberg?"
why the fuck do you want to look more like a spic or a sand nigger?
one drop rule exists for a reason. All blacks hate themselves, that is why they anything to breed with other races.
Yes, this is true, Steve. I always know when a poster on Sup Forums is female, because they always say in their first post when completely irrelevant.
People who are pale tend to get more dates around here therefore it's rare to see anyone tan other then construction workers
Bitch lasagna open bobs
Tl:dr stop larping
>UV radiation also acts as a hormonal trigger for increasing the production of testosterone and has other unique functions.
Yeah radiation is good for you.
pic related.
this is the only correct reply i have seen to the OP
i have only tanned a few times, during a long cold winter when my sister in law had a tanning bed in her house.
can confirm, made me feel much better about life in february in upstate NY as well as felt like i was getting an increase in t
Where is "here"?
Where i live being tanned is a virtue, most girls regularly visit tanning salons
>This is still something 90% of the white women do
Yeah goy, go get a tan, then. Stand infront of a 10000 degrees farenheit fireball, which radiates UV light. It's healthy isn't it? Go kill your skin cells.
the other way around is even more disturbing...saw a lot of indonesian women using bleaching lotions when i studied there...
>muh sun is bad for you
I bet you don't eat red meat either faggot
So she's one of those Instagram whores that get shit on for a fistful of dirhams and riyals?
Well you're wrong, jew.
A healthy, natural tan is nice, really. There are various benefits to doing it.
However, I hate people who use tanning machines, and especially those who overuse them so much that it cooks their skin. Fuck that sht.
Don't asian women bleach their skin to look more white sometimes? I think part of it is the idea (like in Japan) that a pale skinned woman is considered wealthy, because they don't need to leave the house and become SUNNED as a result of that. Funny how western societies prefer tanned on average [citation needed]
Degenerate, it's just being influenced by jewish media to believe a mixed race look is good when alabaster, clear white skin is literally the peak of beauty.
Getting color in your cheeks is not a desire to be black simpleton. We love the Sun. It brings life. We are literally made up of the very elements of a dead sun. Also, race is more than skin color. You need to think this approach through before looking like an idiot.
>not evening knowing the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
>being so retarded that he doesn't realize visible light is radiation
A tan does not kill your skin cells. The darkness is not from "dead cells" as you seem to imply in this post and especially your earlier post, but instead from the body increasing the production of melanin.
Pale is nice. Light natural tan is nice (from the sun not tanning beds). Tan lines are sexy. Also this is a shitty slide thread.
but in the world of identity politics every opinion is invalid unless preceded by your gender/race!
Your Larp sucks cuz clearly you’ve never met a Jew IRL... they worship the sun dumbass.
Marble skin and pisshair are gross.
guess I'll never go outside again.
The cosmetics industry sells whitening agents all across the third world. Why is this, if not because people have converged on the concept that the Aryan ideal is the perfection of beauty?
Jews are some of the palest people I've ever met.
that's gonna hurt
keep in mind that everyone here is ugly
I don't think tanning would be allowed if the feds could prove that it literally burns your skin.
Then again, they put fluoride in our water and dump chemicals in the rivers, so what do I know?
ok....but they also sell tanning products across the world
It's cultural, really.
Tanning was looked down on in the west,before - especially in wealthy crircles, as it indicated exactly the same thing you pointed out - it gives away the fact that you work outside and; that you were a farm worker or something of the sort.
But as the industrial age came, the attitudes towards tanning in the west changed. Being tanned, especially in Northern countries indicated that you were rich - because you had plenty of leisure time that you could spend on vacations abroad.
Again, either you haven’t met many or you’ve only met nerdy writers
If it's natural, well whatever, if you're intentionally trying to burn your skin to look more closer to a negro then no. Asians love white pale skin because it's a sign of wealth and how they don't need to work out in the fields. The more pale the better.
or the gingers
>Never met a jew.
That just looks weird man. Better white than whatever that is
Meh. Over here tanning is almost exclusively done by lower class girls so that they look as if they could afford a holiday in southern Europe. In consequence, tanned people look cheap.
If you are pale you are a degenerate. A real man is tanned for working outside.
>pic related
They do the same thing in the UK and they look like orange blow up dolls, it's disgusting
Men should always be tan
Women should be as pale as possible
If your skin looks lighter than this you are a degenerate.
We should adopt Japanese traditons.
If you're naturally more tanned from working outside I don't care, plus tanned people look better to me. But if you're intentionally trying to burn your skin to look "hot" then no, that's degenerate.
I go bright red outside in my own country. Hurts like a twat. I basically don't go out anymore unless it's raining or if I'm wearing long sleeves.
That's pretty interesting. The forces that drive trends like this would be hard to identify. Is there any good literature on this?
Tanning in the sun = fine
Artificial tanning = disgusting
It never looks real. There's this girl I know in my estate, rough as hell but was always really good looking. Pretty aryan gal. Drove guys crazy she did.
Couple of years ago she got addicted to tanning beds and she looks like a fucking mess now. It looks like she's wearing blackface, absolutely mank. Totally destroyed her looks and she's only like 22.
Girl could of been a supermodel before she started tanning.
Does it not go darker a few days after it's bright red?
>being pale is degenerate
Said the "european" with arab heritage from the muslim golden age.
I live in Florida so it’s pretty much impossible to not be tan. It increases vitamin d and shit too so it’s really not that big of a problem.
I despise your typical milk skinned fat slob, that's it.
The whiter the better
Yes, it becomes tan eventually.
Actually even back then the poorer people looked brown. That was because they were peasants working out in the field all day long.
Leave them be mate, pol is full of non-whites and morons that never get out of their houses, some of them don't even understand the concept of tanning.
I've seen thousands of Swedish and Northern European women in general coming here for vacation and tanning normally like everybody else.
I love pale skinned women. My wife is one. That being said, I also love laying out nude in my back yard for a nice all over tan.
tanning beds and lotions and sprays are fucking stupid and look terrible. but a natural sun tan is okay but i hate tan lines so for the most part tans are stupid
>Arab heritage
I guess you mean north african. Which is nothing to be ashamed of. There is barely any arab admixture in Spain. There is plenty of it in Israel tho.
Apparently Queen Elizabeth I and other wealthy women at the time used to use egg whites and/or white lead and vinegar to fake a paler complextion
>t. brainlet who failed school/university and resorted to manual labour
HAHAHAHA! "Reeel menn are brainlet dockworkers hehehehe"
This. It used to be that being pale was considered attractive because it meant you were wealthy enough not to have to work outside. Now being tan is considered attractive because it means you're wealthy enough to have time to lounge around in the sun instead of sitting in an office all day.
Pale is best, though.
Pale skinned women > Tanned women
Tanned men > Pale skinned men
Try to deny it.
t. pissed off nordcuck who can't get a natural healthy tan without burning.
have you ever heard of sun blocker?
I'm not sure, as I haven't really really read much about this subject, but I think that it has to do something with the discovery of Vitamin D, and its effects in on the health. IIRC it was discovered in the early 20th century, at a time when factory jobs were booming.
Don't get mad or they'll fuck with you...
Shit, just realized that already said exactly the same thing.
If you are not tanned during summer in sweden then people asume that you're retarded.
I cant even get a tan, i just get light red