>be me
>playng hearts of iron
>i hear news in back ground
>"bla bla bla racist flyer posted on school"
>look over at news
>it's exactly what i expected
>"Its okay to be white" on a plain white paper
>"school is deeply concerned"
>cucked white guy: I cant belive something racist at the school"
>(probably) annoying black girl:"Its ok to be black,biracial,triracial,quadracial,bla bla bla"
>school principle:"We try to makke this school a safe space for everyone or all races(exept whites) and ethnicties and we are deeply concerned by this"
Leftists are really trying to push the whole "RACKIS WHITe PROPAGANDA"

Other urls found in this thread:

Stick to the plan.

Pic related is the QR code for this vid:

Do what you will with it.

Its actually better than ok. but don't tell the niggers.


Stick to the plan you idiot.

I honestly can't get more than 20 minutes at a time in to videos like that,I feel an actual pit in my stomach while watching these.I would actually rather live in the wood for the rest of my life than live in their dream world.

People are probably not going to watch a 2 and a half hour documentary.

Shill alert.

Stick to the original pic.

Only permissible variation is:
"Its okay to be an Infidel."

Just 10 minutes is enough.


>nazi emblem
fucking clown

>Only permissible variation is:
"Its okay to be an Infidel."
>posts an image that disagrees


Same here.
I already know the contents though.

Calm your goat drill down ahmed, the pic was made so dingus dindn't fuck up and false flags can be discredited.

Go fuck a goat you terrorist.

Call me for a good time!!

That poor fucking kalashnikov doesn't deserve to be touched by that... THING.

>QR code to 3 hour redpill video meant for vet lurkers.

Fucking no.

Nigger hate thread?

People used to.
Allowing normies access to the internet on cell phones was a mistake.


Hey, as long as it works!

B-but with "It's okay to be an Infidel" we can attack the SJW leftist crap on 2 legitimate front at the same time... :(

anyone who variates from the original message is a disruption shill. keep it simple and let the media reaction become the redpill

I'm not saying to put the QR code on the same piece of paper as the IOTBW sheet, its just another thing we can use, a different thing that I'm spamming all over the board.

Could the movement be expanded by posting "its okay to be Black/Jewish/Islamic" right next to the original one and then point to the hypocrisy when everyone only complains about the white ones?


In my humble opinion, the ONLY permissible variation is "It's okay to be an Infidel" , also without no symbols at all on the sheet.

>Stick to the plan you idiot.
he isn't interested in sticking to the plan. he's a shill trying to disrupt the operation.

get fucked Ahmed

QR code in pic related links to this vid:

War is unavoidable. Read:

If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valey (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.

If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valey, we can win easely all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and cencorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easely spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.

I love who leftists HAVE to fall for the bait. They have no choice. They can't just ignore it. hahaha

It's delicious.

oh fug :DDDDDD

Stop trying to inject extra meaning into the message, idiot.

The entire point is that the message is incredibly simple. The more you add to it the more you give them a way to argue against it or inject white supremacy into it. The simplicity of the original statement is its strength. There is no way to argue against the statement "It's okay to be white" without being a racist.

When you bring other anti-immigration arguments into the equation it lets them focus on those things and not on the original message.

Just STFU already.

oh fug :DDDDDD

oh fug :DDDDDD

So... is this actually working? Are people waking up to white persecution? Or is it just SJWs saying racist and people going back to their iPhones

Le epic troll meme keep at it anons. I see anti white shit on my campus errrryday

Hitler would kick the shit out of you

Hey shills, get a picture of Jared Taylor and add it to a post saying it’s okay to be huwhite. It would be funnier and a better wrench in the gears.


>"IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE" on white sheets of paper, like we're doing now..


>"IT'S OKAY" centered on white sheets


>plain white sheets of paper

The spectacle of watching liberals being triggered by completely blank sheets of paper would be something special!

YOu're going to fuck up everything you idjit galut

Why would that phrase trigger anyone?

> impossible to counter without violence
He's short circuited

Heres the list of media responses so far.

Theres also a ghostbin being maintained by another user, though I don't have the link to that.

Because they disagree with it.


Have ayyy lmoa say it,

holy shit those overractions

How innocent and pure that message is. Guys you've changed me. I want a white ethnostate so badly.
Let's make the most of our opportunities and achieve that wonderful dream together.

That's what he wants.

sweet, welcome borther

where did this meme start? When did this meme start? HOW did this meme start

Give me a quick rundown?

Expect Albuquerque in the news Monday. This city will flip out, so many goddamn beaners. Have 5 printed out.
Just curious, can I get arrested for anything (such as trespassing or anything else)? It’ll be at a high school near Rio Rancho. Just want to know what I could possibly be arrested for, because it is across the street from a police station and wouldn’t be surprised if the cops come and check out what I’m doing. Would crowdfunding be in order for possible bail should I, or any other person in another city gets arrested?

triforce or gtfo

> fuck up whatever you want to do by giving good detail about what, when and where you will do it
you just did it

>Are you Jewish?
>Yes but I dont see why you need to bring that up...
>The Goyim Know!
>Delete this


is quadroon a racists term?

if i said it to a normie would they have a metldown

Please link to the video.

In order for this to be effective, we have to express outrage at the media outlets. Write emails, comments on their sites, oldschool letters. Pose as outraged POCs and white people. As white people, even yourself if you want, compare your feelings to that of Jew during the Holocaust. Tell them how persecuted and marginalized you feel. Keep spreading this and pouring gas on it.

>spotted the libtard

"The episode is indicative of the efforts white-nationalist groups have made to recruit in and around the nation’s college campuses and other mainstream settings with claims of growing white maltreatment and expanding anti-white discrimination. The white victim construct is one that experts say, not so long ago, only had traction in avowed white supremacists, segregationists and neo-Nazi circles."
~Some black woman

Good job Sup Forums


Unless you are committing a crime like graffiti you can't possibly get in trouble with the law. Unless they get the Supreme Court to rule on this message being a hate crime, which would actually benefit us. Such a ruling would galvanize white people collectively, and we could finally start the cleansing.

"it's okay to be an infidel" is more relevant in Europe. It's ok to be white has no meaning here (excluding 100% americanized societies that have racial debates and quotas like the UK)

No fuck off don't change anything

>It's Okay To Be White
Now that is some radical centrism.

This campaign is sheer genius.
Thank merciful Kek that whoever was behind this is on our side.

i am thinking of doing the same , maybe putting a flag , and it will work because my country is getting the samy virus as you , people who love the niggs and hate the whites , so i will probably pick up a flag or just put papers

The only defacing I would accept would be a tiny "Sup Forums" watermark centre-bottom. It had better be in a lightish shade of grey too, so that it doesn't draw attention away from the main message from a distance.

No watermarks.
Keep the message pure.

Besides schools, where would be a good place to post these?

Attention seeking, identity politics, embracing diversity. Wtf happened to you bigots? Becoming that which you hate?

oh fug :DDDDDD

Starving africans? What a fucking lie, this nigger has enough practice eating to fit a whole pizza in his mouth.

I keep seeing different niggers trying to fill these baskets with water, there can't be that many of them who are this retarded, is this part of some voodoo ritual?

oh fug :DDDDDD

Anyone here have a link to the template?

its fucking text on nothing just fucking make it in mspaint you nigger


Außenstelle Deutschland: übernehmen Sie!

I agree don't dilute the message, why fix what isn't broken

oh fug :DDDDDD

is the end goal to get lefty's triggered over a plain bit of paper. like slowly remove a few words over time so they fill it in by them selves

>2018 person had heart attack after seeing plain white paper

that just sounds retarded in german... doesn't work

this is funny

>its not okay to be white!!!!!!!

just start doing the blank paper

i want to see them ban white paper

Is this ok?
i wanna make the SJW and prgesive scum of my country mad , and knowing my country it will get on the news

the phrase just started popping out all over Sup Forums, so I went to Sup Forums for an explanation, who will spoonfeed me?

Looks a bit off. Make it one word each line maybe.


i didnt make it like that because i tryed and didnt looked good

DIN A8 übrigens. Drucken, kleben, tränen sammeln.

That video is useless I hope you know that. It only communicates anything to people who already agree with it. You can't force feed a red pill. They don't force feed blue pills. The normies want the blue pills like you want the red pills.

It got on Tucker's show last night.


na, i bloib bam original. Sog RG er is a Nudelaug

they're right about it being propaganda though
and since the message has dubious provenance it loses all effect on normies
this movement is failing fast.

why are shills exclusively using meme flags? Are you actually such cowards, that you think the haxor can identify you individually by your flag?

Es ist okay, das Original zu kleben.
Ich versuche nur, maximal inklusiv zu sein und die Nachricht auch Schulversagern und anderen Englischverweigerern nahezubringen.

Hau raus den Scheiß!