In 20 years (((they))) will make a movie showing they were all niggers.
Wanna bet?
In 20 years (((they))) will make a movie showing they were all niggers.
Wanna bet?
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Anyone else just see a bunch of scientists and their fucktoy maids?
Fuck women, useless whores.
CERN has thousands of employees.
in 20 years CERN will control the world
(((they))) won't be in a position of power to do such a thing
Who the fuck cares?
Literally all they do is accelerate a bunch of fucking atoms in opposite directions and when they collide, measure the energy of the particles that result from the disintegration of the hadrons.
They segregated themselves.. kek
That's what they want you to believe.
Yeah it's the same way in the United States. It's all smart white people who do all the real work and then some asians do bullshit.
That's how it should be
>in 20 years
>still a world
Lamoing at your brain
Why is this weird bitch standing like a fucking sped?
Who is the preggers semen demon?
>In 20 years (((they))) will make a movie showing they were all niggers.
C.E.R.N. 2: Revenge of the Atom
[smacks lips]*
*translators note; smacking lips is ebonics**
**translators note; ebonics is the inability to speak properly since the negro brain is underdeveloped
>"Lemme axe you aquestion about this inverse square root of this function" said Will Smith, glancing over the desk to his white female co-worker / love interest
80% are males, there's nothing wrong with a small percentage of women, as long as they aren't hired to fill in the gender quotas.
pregnant and horny
because lots of mentally ill people work at these places thanks to affirmative action
because people in physics/astronomy are spergs
t. someone in astronomy
Look at them, acting like they aren't trying to take over the world. Disgusting.
why did they include those 2 receptionists at the front in this picture?
Europeans,Oriental Asians,Eurasians and Indians.
Just like last time.
the question is how much generations will it take so there won t be any whites to complain about it
>how much generations
go back to libya, mohammed
You think the majority are the scientists? Big facility like CERN needs mop pushers with engineering degrees.
That woman at the front is giving me a funny look
Female Sandniggers.
It'll be called "CERN: Lifting The Veil"
she is a demon monitoring human cucks preparing the interdimensional gateway. she controls their dicks
Who cares about gravitons fuck off. Hurr lets unlock a worse power than nukes. Release zika mark 2 already hurry up.
They are a part of the team and deserve to be in the picture
She's fuggggggly af but she has those fuck me eyes
Loves choking and getting it ruff!
>mop pushers
"Hey who left the answer to this unsolvable equation on my chalk board?"
*Will Smith walks past with a mop in his hand*
"It can't be.........."
"The team"
LOL. Moron.
Never seen so many soyboy bugmen in one place
20 more years there wont be racism like now, it will shift to a new group prolly the wetbacks. Then they will be the most oppressed, yet still will invent anything that's relevant. Funny how ppl can be "held" back but later they discovered or did all this great shit....
The unspoken problems of race mixing.
IQ of offspring shifts towards the average for the race.
Certain genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.
Environment accounts for little or none of the USA racial IQ gap:
In academic standardized testing , the wealthiest Black children underperform all but the poorest White children and just barely outperform even them.
Even when IQ is controlled for, Blacks display higher measurements of psychopathic personality than Whites:
Violent crime correlates more tightly with race than with wealth or population density:
Race is also more tightly correlated to homicide rate
lol there are many experiments at CERN and even a single paper published there will probably have hundreds, maybe even thousands of scientific authors on there
but yeah everyone at my uni who works at CERN is very white
Try to learn what words mean before repeating them
>White people
>trying to create dark matter
It's a nigger factory
Cern literally beat by a microwave.
The guy on the left is probably Ukrainian, the chick in front is a freak in the bed.
See her calf's. shes just fat.
considering 70% of scholarly ppl have only 1 child i think that the odds of her being pregnant are highly unlikely as sheis having a muh career.
I guarantee every "male" in that room is a left wing voting effeminate queer who sits in feetie pajamas holding a cup with two hands and reading normie news sites
sorry for my poor english native speaker...but answer my question
Hey at least they have jobs.
There are thousands of people in CERN. Up to 10k I believe. Of course not all are scientists. But you know, when i think about this, I haven't seen a single negro on my visit there
>In 20 years (((pol))) will make a movie showing they were all 190 cm blue eyed, blond, and physicaly fit men
Racism: the recognizing of the inherent differences among the various human racial groups which determine cultural or individual achievement
The word racist was made (in to a bad thing) by internationalist globalist jewish commies in order to destabilized a existing nation.
They do this to take over the means of production and gain control over the assets of set nation whilst being foreigners themselves.
In Charles Malato’s Philosophie de l’Anarchie (1897) we find both raciste and racisme:
No doubt that before arriving at complete internationalism, there will be a stage which will be racism;
but it must be hoped that the layover will not be too long, that it will be rapidly surpassed. Communism, which appears that it must inevitably be regulated at the beginning of its functioning,
especially in regard to international trade, will bring about the establishment of racist federations (Latin, Slavic, Germanic, etc.). Anarchy — which we can glimpse at the end of two or three generations when,
as a result of the development of production, any regulations will have become superfluous — will bring the end of racism and the advent of a humanity without borders.
>only 3 asians
kinda surprising
In 20 years, they will go back in time and actually make the whole team black
is race mixing alright if it's just d to a, no procreation? reason i ask is this friend of mine enjoys being banged in the butt by blacks. he seems happy.
I was there when studying Physics at the Sapienza University of Rome and I know some people that ended up working there as researchers/scientist etc. and I can tell that the women there are just as smart and capable as the men, there's absolutely no pink quotas and the applications are only scrutinized on academic achievements. I was in teams with other women and, although the teams themselves were much less productive than the teams with only males, I can assure you that they are very able students and I'm not ashamed to admit that some (or many) are way better than me in the same fields of study.
Something completely different from what I noticed in the field of ingeneering tho...
Scientific discoveries will come to you but only if you say thank you for the collision semen demon
CERN itself employs only something like 2300 people, most of them obviously engineers that maintain the facilities and other service and administrative staff. The userbase is more than 10,000 - people from all over the world visiting for their respective experiments - and are NOT permanently employed through CERN.
Nah, but they'll make that preggo the main feature inventor of all and everything within 1000 miles of the LHC.
Not at all. You have to keep in mind scientists are not normal. They are in the top 5-10% of their IQ distribution, often easily in the top 1%. Woman scientists are not useless because they are outliers.
who hurt you
Are you really asking if it is okay to be gay. and get buttfucked.
you are asking this fora friend?
asian masterrace, white piggu genocide 2017
Is that a feminist convention?
what the actual fuck is this thing
cute desu
preggo cutie
the whore of Babylon
have you never seen a pregnant woman before?
Pregnant whore
The guy behind is obviously fucking her.
> Pregnant WHITE woman
> in the 52% nation
Magnus pls
Y u mean 4?
Do you need a shoulder to cry on pal ?
They look like a bunch of chinks and Jews.
you do realise that Cern is in Belgium right?
this is a psychopath
kek, you dun goofed. CERN is at the Swiss-French border. Also work on your reading comprehension. cheers
It's ok don't be jealous, you can admit that it's in Sweden
way to take it.
>flag checks out
It's in Switzerland you troglodyte.
which one of you fags is that on the far left?
Asians always do this.
thigggg ;DDDDD
>far left
probs some /leftypol/ fag
Kekd and checkd
Never , dumbass
She looks like she would be godawful to be around. Plopped herself right in the front too.
CERN is a meme
i bring shame to my family.
Jeebus what a semen demon
>being preg is hard
>2 pounds of batter
>kickity kick kick
>oh woe is me
>luk @ me i r qt
Now now
No need to be conCERNed about that, last time your family achieved anything the Kalmar Union died
Do you honestly believe Cern is operated by a couple dozen people? Kek Sup Forumstards should truly only stick to things they know.
Tge one in the front is 100% an office whore
I am doing my PHD in physics and i know like 3 of these ppl. God i hate this, its so creepy.
did you get to fuck the fat slut girl yet?
[spoiler] yes
Foetus is pressing on her bladder. Has to pee.