Reminder that there is no rational reason for alcohol to receive special treatment that doesn't boil down to muh feels or muh culture. From a 100% objective point of view alcohol is by far the most damaging drug out there, to yourself and to others. So how do you justify your hipocrisy?
I don’t justify it. I drink in secret so that I don’t become a hypocrite. You aren’t a hypocrite until others know of your degeneracy.
Eli Williams
Not only should everyone abstain from alcohol, the govt should prevent sale of it the same as recreational drugs. The Baptist prohibitionists were right and their opponents were Catholic non-white drunkards
Ethan Turner
We tried to ban it, but it was too difficult to.
Levi Morris
>You aren’t a hypocrite until others know of your degeneracy. That is by far the most backwards definition of hypocrisy I've seen. The factor of others knowing of your afflictions is irrelevant here. You are still a hypocrite if you consume drugs but condemn others for doing so.
Adrian Gomez
>calling anything degenerate when you browse and post on Sup Forums love this meme
Chase Anderson
> Russian > lecturing others about drinking Stop interfering in American politics, Vlad. I can handle my liquor and can stop drinking any time I want. As long as I keep my weaknesses a secret, they aren’t weaknesses, and I’m perfectly justified in criticizing those who demonstrate their vices publically.
Cooper Robinson
>Stop interfering in American politics, Vlad This thread has nothing to do with american politics. >As long as I keep my weaknesses a secret, they aren’t weaknesses I don't think so. You are still a degenerate, just secretly. >criticizing those who demonstrate their vices publically That is a whole another thing, noone likes people who flaunt their vices, its just common sense.
Andrew Evans
I'm high on morphine right now.
Jace Richardson
Prohibition doesn't work.
Colton Morgan
I can do whatever tf I want, if that means kill my self so What? 'Merica you fucking heathens. (Bald eagle flying, fireworks in back groind)
Brandon Young
I believe it should be harshly taxed and regulated, but it's abundance in modern society and the place it holds in our culture makes it untouchable in terms of prohibition.
John Peterson
No American culture is just degenerate. Americans binge on everything, including alcohol. I don't see Parisians doing kegstands.
Tyler Lewis
>t.Muslim Go shag a goat fucker.
Juan Allen
Gracias Macri por aumentar el 17% de impuestos al alcohol, ahora los negro de mierda van a tener que ir a laburar para ponerse en pedo. Mi prediccion es que los accidentes de autos bajaran en porcentaje y los empleos subiran gradualmente.
Asi señores se hace un pais, con orden y disciplina en donde hay que ponerlos.
Gavin Brooks
Kevin Spacey fucks little boys in secret, but that doesn’t make him a degenerate, does it? Hermione wasn’t a degenerate as long as we didn’t know how she pleasured Harvey Weinstein’s wizarding wand. Ignorance is bliss, my election-hacking friend, and others’ ignorance is our strength.
Charles Bailey
Nothing wrong with having a glass of whiskey and a smoke etc to relax every now and again. There is everything wrong with drinking a dozen beers chasing some shots like a complete fucking slob though. There is everything wrong with being a drug using faggot too.
Wyatt Kelly
They would with RWDS
Anthony Murphy
That’s the only way I get to sleep, dude.
Christopher Gutierrez
Please, please, please learn some economics. Prohibition doesn't work. It just makes life more difficult for all the smart, competent people.
Joshua Peterson
Ahh, so you're embracing it, my bad. That is an admirable stand that I can relate to. Carry on my dude.
Jayden Reyes
Alcohol was a way of preserving food and producing potable liquid. Humans have evolved to digest it. This has been going on for thousands, if not 10's of thousands of years.
Excess in any form is degenerate. Moderation is strength. You are not strong.
Asher Mitchell
Either I drink or I snap. You don't like it remove the Jew's and femnazis that have destroyed my future and the west as a whole.
Ryder Ortiz
I'm 2 months sober and feeling great. Booze is faggy and turns you into a loser. At last i truly see.
Eli Scott
Being Polish and all, I spent most of my life gloryfing vodka. I still see it as a superior alcoholic beverage for many reasons, but a while ago I realised that alcohol is bad for you, period. Stop drinking it people. Right now I just use it on certain social situations when it's better to drink a little to gain the trust of other resourceful drunkards.
Henry Sullivan
We don't need to go back to prohibition, in Argentina the alcohol industry is getting a 17% tax increase, this is a good thing, because cars are lowering taxes from 10% to 0% and tech is getting a 0% tax as well, lowering the prices a lot, promoting good consumerism and increasing sales on stuff that you can make good use of.
Josiah Bennett
Alcohol is indeed fucking poison.
Caffeine-only master race reporting
John Smith
>Prohibition doesn't work Look at marijuana usage stats in states that outlawed it 10 years ago vs now Look at alcohol consumption rates 1920s vs now >Learn some economics I have a bs in business
Luis Gray
I can't speak for other people, but I don't have any hypocrisy.
I've always said, and always will say, that drugs and alcohol are degenerate.
If we didn't live in a world where 90% of people are retarded, we wouldn't have things around that hurt us.
But like the giant fucking babies that we are, we want our baby bottles, and we will only keep getting more and more and more.
Imagine a father letting his children vote on when they had to sleep, if they could do drugs, if they had to do homework; that's our world right now.
Adam Green
>alcohol is poison pretty weak poison bud Humans can drink daily and live just as well as their temperate neighbors its all about moderation
Benjamin Garcia
the only people opposing alcohol are m*slims and r9k-tier basement-dwelling virgins
James Sanchez
Any indulgence has the potential lead down the path of degenerate escapism, the question is whether the culture that surrounds it is net positive or not. What are the values that have traditionally been associated with alcohol outside of overindulgement? Adulthood, maturity, refinement, class. All positive ones. And the other drugs? Adolescence, immaturity, peer pressure, rebelliousness, pretentiousness, pseudo-intellectualism, underachievement. As you can see the distinction is obvious. Drug culture is inherently degenerate and should be censored at all costs.
Justin Murphy
Who cares if someone makes the choice to put something in their own body? All drugs should be legal. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't belong on this board.
Daniel Brown
It keeps water from going septic, white people have genes specifically to metabolize it.
Obviously this is of no interest to an Argentinian but for white people it is part of our culture and even our genetics.
Jacob Brown
I very rarely drink alcohol anymore. Maybe just a few times a year on special occasions, and then it will just be a couple of glasses of whatever. I never crave it and don't particularly enjoy it anymore. When I was bluepilled normie from 15-21 I used to drink it frequently and go out to clubs absolutely shitfaced and get a horrible hangover the next day. Now when I get a whiff of vodka it makes me nauseous. Alcohol is a disgusting drug.
Carter Jackson
Go back to Twitter, Dequan.
In a world of retards, too much freedom will destroy us.
It's not just about some nigger getting high and slowly killing himself, it's about some nigger getting high and then driving his corvette down the highway and killing a family of 4.
Blake Barnes
Alcohol unlike drugs has been a part of most European cultures for thousands of years, maybe more. But it's abuse is a serious issure though.
Gavin Rogers
>I don't see Parisians doing kegstands. Alcohol is forbidden by Islam.
Logan Edwards
But weed is degenerate, keep that shit banned.
Josiah Sullivan
I make my own mead and ya can't stop me.
Jackson Morales
>Go back to Twitter, Dequan. I'm not black. >le drugged driver meme Driving under the influence is already illegal. I use drugs, but I don't drive. Most people wouldn't.
Brayden Brown
>Implying various drugs have not been used by various civilisations for thousands of years Lets legalize murder and rape, because you know, people have done it for thousands of years
Andrew Howard
"weed" is not degenerate, smoking it is.
Nathaniel Hernandez
cool, that's your opinion. Live and let live. Don't be a statist.
Hunter Smith
It's easier to be moderate with alcohol, because you can measure out how much you're taking. Smoking or ingesting drugs is a lot harder and getting high deprives you of your reason, which is why getting drunk is also a sin.
I'd be curious to know if you could smoke weed/do drugs without getting high, but I doubt it.
Carson Fisher
False equivalency. A consumable that has the potential to be abused is still not the same as as acts of violence.
Henry Thompson
I don't drink
Luis Jenkins
>muh culture Where do you think you are? Culture matters here, pothead.
Cooper Lee
>Don't be a statist But I am
Lucas Peterson
because i like all drugs, including alcohol
Luke Cook
Fuck yeah. If you're going to drink alcohol, ferment your own.
If you're going to smoke weed, grow your own.
You will respect your drink/smoke habit much more.
Eli Wright
Then you don't belong on Sup Forums. I swear this place is going to shit.
Benjamin Diaz
You're behaving black.
And it's an example.
Drugs don't only affect the person using them, they affect everyone around said person.
It's fun to say "let's just make everything legal' but that's not how it works.
Carter Ward
>statists don't belong on Sup Forums Jesus Christ ANOTHER retard that doesn't know where he is!
Nathan Sanchez
Alcohol created the world we live in.
Colton Scott
There needs to be a cultural change before a ban.
Evan Perez
Techincally Sup Forums is a functional anarchy. So by that a vast majority of us do not belong here, but we are anyway.
Mason Martin
Only losers drink, FACT
From early age it is thought that drinking is "cool". Gov has easier time controlling such addicts
It's a good thing our govt. is not intersted in controlling us then. And I know full well what alcoholism makes of people.
Nicholas Lopez
Moderation is the key
Blake Cook
That makes no fucking sense.
If what you're trying to say is that some people have genes that can digest alcohol... well that's true for almost all individuals on Earth. Primate ancestors were eating rotten fruits at one point.
But that doesn't mean drinking alcohol is a good thing. Ancestors of humans have evolved to survive while consuming that poison, but survival isn't the only standard for health. Alcohol should be taken when there are no alternatives for consumption. So unless you're in a jungle with no fresh fruits, it's not the most healthy thing to consume alcohol.
Oliver Ramirez
alcohol is humanity's friend
would you abandon a friend?
Christopher Cox
>not being a alcohol I have disdain for you people
Anthony Reed
It has other uses to it can be used in lieu of pain killers or disinfectant
Thomas Hill
I know it's poison but it's the best antidepressant that I know.
Evan Wilson
Alcohol is degenerate but only because it's literally carbs. Drinking alcohol is a sign of low self control and probably means you have low test. Having one drink a week is perfectly acceptable though.
Jaxon Turner
I've stopped drinking entirely. It makes me feel like shit and make horrible decisions. I'm not saying I will never have a social drink again, but I honest to god think getting drunk is a shit idea. No alcohol in my house, not touched any for months.
Parker King
It doesn't have to make sense. White people have evolved with alcohol. Yeast is just as much of a domesticated organism as dogs, cats, cows, pigs, sheep, etc.
Bentley Edwards
>alcohol >antidepressant
Alexander Williams
You're not wrong not to mention most of use are relatively normal
Angel Cook
Works for me senpai
Ryan Davis
Stay mad you smelly, classless potheads and heroin junkies.
Noah Fisher
It's been years since I got drunk. Last time I drank I had 2 pints in 2 hours and had a headache for the rest of the day/night. Looking back on the days when I used to regularly get shitfaced I have no idea how I used to do it.
Zachary Brown
Fuck off Yang
Anthony Allen
>In a world of retards, too much freedom will destroy us. No, it will destroy retards.
Josiah Peterson
>White people have evolved with alcohol
We evolved with (Plant name omitted to avoid getting people addicted but it isn't marijuana) until the last century when it was outlawed. Evolving to an intoxicant means that your body might be slightly less prone to the negative effects of it, but it in no way effects the effect it has on the brain and the receptors it targets. Alcohol is a xenobiotic solvent, it isn't good for the body.
Liam Gutierrez
Booze is the devil. Ruined my life 3 times. Sober 2 years now red pilled and Rdy to rock. My entire outlook on life changed and now I see the world for what it is without the cloud of intoxicants
Aaron Powell
If you say the word "moderation" you are are addicted to alcohol and you have an addictive personality. Moderation just means "It's not a problem YET, so fuck off and let me be self-destructive" Then you start to get fat, have shot energy levels, irritable, and wonder why you have ED. Then you breakdown and lose your girlfriend and your family has to spend money on you for psychiatric treatment. Then you come out with nothing but a washed-up body with health problems.
>I'm le """"""""moderate"""""""""
Julian Barnes
That would be great, but that's not how it works.
We coexist with retards; they have jobs and lives like we do.
Retards might be designing your future security system or driving your children on the school bus.
In our society, retards don't get thrown off cliffs, they can easily get important jobs.
I want what's best for society, not what seems "fun" or "cool."
Nathan Robinson
Does anyone have that image where they make a bunch of jokes because the OP said: "Ma'am your son was killed by an alcohol"? They then made jokes as to how retarded the OP is.
Kayden Sanchez
Who cares if society has to collectively baby themselves for your sake than so should you have to pay taxes for my sake.
Hudson Parker
I quit drinking.
Caleb Evans
>If you're going to smoke weed, grow your own.
Sorry sweetie but I consume high quality concentrate from local professional processors. I can't "grow it at home" and if I did it would much less cost efficient and much less healthy (smoke vs vapor)
Henry Garcia
This is how simple it is in hindsight after you quit. "Wow that shit sucked and me feel horrible".
Jack Fisher
The problem with prohibition the first time was (((organized crime))). If a serious attempt to curb that were to take place, the results could be better.
Mason Hall
You speak as though you do not have the willpower to enjoy things in moderation. I hope your AA meetings are going alright. Stay strong. Be sure to make your apologies once you get things back on track.
Noah Diaz
Same thing when people complain about video games and the internet, while sitting in front of the tv 6+ hours a day. Lack of self awareness.
William Miller
Found it.
Lucas Anderson
As a person who went through highschool in multicultural suburban America I can confirm that acquiring tobacco and booze products as a minor is so difficult as to make you resort to picking up partially smoked cigarettes from the street and drinking whatever dusty swill you find laying around. The same could not be said for weed however and it was quite prevalent but even then the restrictions on items required to use it makes youths resort to all sorts of unorthodox methods like soda cans and plastic bottle pipes. Elsewhere in the world, drug, tobacco, and alcohol use among youths may be more prevalent due to lack of enforcement in consumer restrictions. Even then youths elswhere don't tend to get into half the trouble youths in the US do when they come of age since they may have several years advancement in experience and there is no retarded 18 to die 21 to sip rule.
Ryder Davis
>The problem with prohibition the first time was (((organized crime))). Even without the mafias making alcohol gangs would still form up and do it either way.
Hell mafias would be created just to produce and sell alcohol. > If a serious attempt to curb that were to take place, the results could be better. Prohibition was a serious attempt even to the point of the government poisoning the alcohol killing up to 10 thousand people.
You Puritan fags never win. You can't have fun so you want to fuck up everyone else's.
Justin Jenkins
An alcohol here. Booze in moderation is not degenerate - those of us that can't moderate are. >t. 27 days sober
This, if you can handle it. Some of us can't have just one.
Congrats Sup Forumsros.
It's almost like banning things just creates a vacuum to be filled by criminals and a black market. It's almost like anyone who isn't economically illiterate could've told you that.
Colton Rogers
Thanks, and saved. Haven't seen that one in a while.
Jaxson Sullivan
>Prohibition was a serious attempt even to the point of the government poisoning the alcohol killing up to 10 thousand people. I'm gonna need sauce on this.
Jordan Long
>tfw I can understand most of this just from working with mexicans