>The signs began as a suggestion on the online chat space Sup Forums last month, a kind of Internet prank laced with ennui and cynicism about race and white identity in modern-day America.
>white Americans derisively referred to as “normies” in the white nationalist ecosphere will discover that American journalists and “lefties” hate white people. In the process, normies will stop regarding news outlets as credible. That would deal a damaging blow in the culture war, the post said, inevitably converting more “normies” to the white nationalist, alt-right side. It could be that easy to seed social disruption, the post implied.
>The episode is indicative of the efforts white-nationalist groups have made to recruit in and around the nation’s college campuses and other mainstream settings with claims of growing white maltreatment and expanding anti-white discrimination.
mfw the most benign sentence, claiming nothing more than being white is indeed okay, is somehow being understood as a white-nationalist, alt-right statement of war
Justin Reyes
Indeed, they cannot stand these 5 new words we've added to the 14 words.
Robert Peterson
I mean if you guys saw "its ok to be black" posters all over your area, don't tell me you wouldn't cry like little sjw bitches. You guys are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
Mason King
We've already seen this bitching with their freak out over the phrase "Black Lives Matter".
Juan Peterson
Stop posting this you fucking kike shill
Parker Hughes
19 words is the new
also nice dobulos! Heil Hitler! o/
Nicholas Long
Fuck off shill
Camden Butler
Lucas Reed
Luis Russell
But one is a true statement and the other is false. It's not okay to be black or Jewish. Subhuman scum have to rights
Jordan Ramirez
I'd laugh at their stupidity; who would be retarded enough to print an entire page black? It's like you want to give all your money to the printer ink company.
Kayden Cook
But have we figured out who this "4 chan" is?
Luke Thompson
dumb faggot
Ryan Morgan
He's a hacker on steroids, and probably dangerous. I'd buy a dog and a security system just to be on the safe side if I were you.
Alexander Jenkins
the entire point is to not have nazi shit on it. otherwise it loses it's sublety you fucking shill
Michael Smith
lol every fucking car in my town has a BLACK LIVES MATTER or COEXIST sticker on it.
Samuel Ward
Boy u think their ass blasted now, wait until they discover the 100s I spread across Berkeley last night. And I didn’t use no packing tape that the wind will rip off. 90strenth spray glue worked great when I needed them up in a hurry. Roll on cement was by far the strongest for higher elevation installation where you’d need a putty knife welded to a 30 ft pole to remove even a tiny piece. Good fucking operation so far lads I really like where it’s going!
Isaac Evans
There's really not an archive of this yet?
Jaxson James
we see this everywhere already
>it's ok to be gay k >it's ok to be black k >it's ok to be white WTF
Ryder Nelson
Asher Morgan
i carved it into a restroom stall with my car keys
Landon Anderson
He's a 300lbs guy with a heavy southern drawl who calls himself "Four Chins". He lives out in the bayou and hunts alligators when he's not hacking the election.
Robert Lewis
what a pretentious faggot word
Adrian Lee
ya but do you see these ones?
Owen Peterson
walk into any american college and you'll see hundreds of pro black posters right now. i doubt you could find a single college in america that didnt have at least 1 in the hallways right now
literally post traumatic slave syndrome
Wyatt Ortiz
Dont mlad shame
Brayden Morales
For the non-racist amongst us there's a certain amount of context and assumption that goes into that, it'd be assumed it was by BLM or a similar group whining about maltreatment and privilege.
Oliver Foster
>directly linking to wapo archive you dumb kike
Ethan Myers
>PTSD >Post Traumatic Slave Disorder Are they fucking for real
Lucas Hall
You're doing God's work there user
Hunter Taylor
>post-traumatic slave disorder POST TRAUMATIC SLAVE DISORDER
Jace Gutierrez
IT'S OKAY TO BE MALE should be next.
David Ross
>laced with ennui
Fuck that, anyone spouting eskimo nigger language is gonna get called out bigtime on here.
Camden Torres
Wait so if that's real don't I get 20 times the reparations he gets?
Luis Hughes
His name is Hiro Protagonist.
James Perez
Either they are idiots or liars. All of the information necessary to understand this is here. I've seen it and understand the point of it. So why do they not?
Christopher Cooper
It's funny, my university forced me to attend a talk about "post traumatic slave disorder" as punishment for drawing a hitler stache on my roomies taylor swift poster
Wyatt Parker
kys fags
Logan Cooper
Never forget the South African user who posted 30 of these flyers at his nig-infested university >Pic related
John Moore
not too bright are you?
Isaac Sullivan
Niggers would never come up with such a brilliant idea.
Brayden Fisher
This, you know they're desperately attempting to seem more sophisticated than us when they stoop so fucking low into the middle school thesaurus reader's word bag as to pull out "Ennui", as if any of their degenerate college student readers will understand what it even means, let alone view the world through its filter.
Brandon Foster
Meme potential
William Mitchell
Fugg are you the same guy that put them up all around near gilman
There are black lives matter riots on a regular basis
Owen Green
Kevin Cox
>forced Yeah, no they didn't, you just caved like a little bitch instead of standing your ground. Your school doesn't have any kind of authority to force you to do anything. Coerce, maybe, enforce, no.
Oh fuck, I just noticed that this is at Sac State. My exgf went there, what a fucking shithole of a school.
Leo Russell
I would mostly ignore them just like I do nogs
Kayden Fisher
Black lives matter protests caused millions of dollars in damages to our nation's architectural infrastructure, they looted stores, burned down entire city blocks, destroyed police vehicles, and attacked innocent people, including murder and rape, they beat an elderly man with his own oxygen tank, and all of this after years of disproportionate amounts of violent crime committed by the black community AGAINST the white community. Niggers deserve to hang after a race war.
Colton Flores
>Who is this Sup Forums? Hiroshima Nagasaki. An hiro Nipper Our dear leader.
Jaxon Carter
Good god they’re retarded. They still think we’re all stormfags.
Jace Sanders
how should you kill yourself? let me count the ways... > i don't have all day, just do it faggot
Jace Thomas
user did the right thing by submitting here. They could easily expel him if he didn't attend...
Isaac Diaz
Some of these were found in my neighborhood and someone posted on Facebook essentially condemning it, while admitting being baited into it. What? to save face? Libtard as they come.
Cameron Myers
Russia bot #01298-Lzx4 > he's "our" guy
Elijah Williams
my brother graduated from there. I'm so glad Ieft Sacramento to get my degree
Eli Wood
leftypol on suicide watch
Joshua Barnes
When a light-skinned Negro looks at you and angrily says he the product of HIS PEOPLE being raped by the White man over the years - look that black man right in the eyes and say that if what he says is true, then OF THE TWO OF YOU, the only one with a rapist ancestor is ... HIM.
>its ok to be black It is ok to be black... Your Projecting a Color on to a Person... Your the Problem... White is ok, like Paper, or Clouds(chemtrails). See its just the Reflection of light.... Black like shoe polish, or Charcoal is also ok... Its just the absorption of light...
Carter Howard
>efforts made to recruit in and around the nation’s college campuses and other mainstream settings they cannot help projecting.
Ethan Bailey
is he kill?
Levi Stewart
Colleges and universities everywhere. Here's a couple from my uni.
>End Islamophobia and anti-semitism. Anti Semetism isn't even topical in Canada.
>My x-rated life
Noah Gonzalez
>claims of growing white maltreatment and expanding anti-white discrimination "Claims"
Levi King
FUCKING LOST IT. That must explain their low IQ's.
Jose Edwards
>Serch for PTSD on google >Find first scientific jourmal >WE WUZ
I've figured out the MSM tactic that they're ramping up to: they're going to ignore the message and focus on "the secret white supremacist plot to trigger leftards", while ignoring the message. Basically ignoring the message and attacking the messenger since the plot has been very open from the start.
Tactic suggestion: fire up those twitter accounts and ask them "okay but is it okay to be white?" That'll help remind lurkers that the MSM really does not believe it's okay to be white, even if the evil 4-Chan monsters put up the signs in the first place.
Juan Nguyen
> (...) don't tell me you wouldn't cry like little sjw bitches. You guys are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. This is exactly where you are wrong, Leftyfaggot. Also please stop projecting your blatant hypocrisy onto your political opponents. It's already cringe-worthy enough to watch you re-define words after words in order to circumvent being called "hypocrites" within your own ideological circle, but we really don't need to take credit for your equally dumb tendency to blow up over "Microaggressions" and things that should be commons sense to any sane individual on this hellhole of a planet. Maybe you should pay a visit to your local college campus and spend some time in a safe space until you calmed down enough to use whatever pitiful amount of rationality left in your sad excuse of a brain.
Parker Baker
fucking kek even when told AND even after reciting a decent explanation of the plan they just can't help it
Nathaniel Mitchell
> online chat space Sup Forums why is it that when anyone tries to make any news about Sup Forums they sound so out of touch with the internet and reality?
they have no problem talking about reddit and what subreddit etc like they know how to navigate the site. Sup Forums has been around for a lot longer and yet these faggots still act like 70 year old ladies trying to understand the internet whenever they refer to Sup Forums in anyway
Gavin Flores
Get ready, scum. We are mobilizing the best meme-smiths the left has to offer. Check out the heat on this spicy meme.
"Kill whitey".
Yeah. You like that? No you don't. It's too dank for you, nazis. It's over kiddo, pack it up and go home.
Asher Brooks
Biologically, the MSM is trying to attack the vector, rather than the memetic virus itself. The meme is multi-dimensional: it's okay to be white, some people disagree, and the cognitive dissonance creates interest. However they can sidestep that by focusing on the site putting them up and all the discussion of what the goal is (triggering leftists into overreacting).
The obvious counter move, in my opinion, is to force the narrative back onto the five words. WE should not be the focus of attention in this. The five words should be.
Nolan Perez
I don't get it. Isn't it ok to be white ? Why investigate harmless flyers when there are bloodthirsty terrorists slaughtering americans ?
Owen Ortiz
because duh, it's not ok to be white
Austin Thompson
Well for one they are out of touch, and two the imageboard format isn't that complicated, but if it's not what you expect and you don't give yourself at least an hour to acclimate (like if you've got a deadline to publish a clickbait article) then you'll just mischaracterize it over and over and over.
Jayden Young
The artist formerly known as Prince and Michael Jackson both had mullets, Shaun King a good boi he dindu nuffin
Luke Johnson
I think it was less about the phrase and more about the widespread looting and destruction of property that came with it.
Josiah Bennett
It'd be great if you'd ask for clarification from these (((news))) article authors on twitter and in comment sections, just to get clarification. DO they think it's not okay to be white?
Bentley Morgan
>White Americans are "normies"
Lol will they ever get anything right?
I wish I could correct their shit.
David Smith
You do know literal tax funded propaganda goes into exactly these ads. I see them everywhere.