What did Laura Loomer mean by this?
What did Laura Loomer mean by this?
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she means shes had her mind fried by the alt-right echo chamber like everyone else on here
t. sissy faggot from londonistan who is getting replaced by ahmed
t. marxist globalist jew
her arugment is invalid in any way
>no goyim, I am not like those Jews, you can trust me, I'm a different kind of Jew
Jews try and control all sides. In the end there is no difference. Only shills try to promote certain groups of Jews. Unless Christianized, her soul still belongs to the Devil and is committed to Hell, as she still follows the Talmud and other unholy Jewish works.
>Laura Loomer
Fucking WEW lad this chick works for Ezra fucking Levant.
Getting Jewed by a Jewess about the Jews.
>W E W
As-salamu alaykum my muslim brother.
It’s a last ditch effort to make people side with her after she’s been outed as a hack.
stfu sissy
>he hasn't been spoken to by god
Lmao. Stupid nazi.
>Shilling for Christianized jews while saying not to shill for groups of jews.
Whatever you say, bro.
Lol FUCK Richard Spencerberg and Lauren Southernstein at this point, /ourgal/ just went nuclear! LONG LIVE WAIFU LAURA
Get into the gas chamber you faggot
Nice pic of Lauren Southern :)
wow she is going tila tequila tier
how long until the 'ironic' sex tape where she sneaks into Auschwitz and fucks a guy in a nazi uniform, ranting about reptillians and moon nazis between loads.
She's a Zionist Jew and fights with her Marxist Jew cousins.
That doesn't matter though, the Jew will always come to the aid of his kin whether they are left or right. It will always be YOU, the goy that loses.
Marxist Jews = Believe in race mixing, mass migration and equality, own all aspects of the media and governmental positions in the West, seek to destroy and punish white people for racism and the second world war
Zionist Jews = Believe in Greater Israel, will cause havoc in the middle East and export Muslims to Europe as a punishment to Germans for their persecution and to ignite the Clash of Civilizations so that whitey will support Israeli expansion whilst fighting their Jewish wars
She's a vain jew glory whore, nothing to see here, going back to sleep.
"Please don't figure out I'm a Democrat shill plant."
Laura is /ourpsycho/
Sad that zionist jews have so many conflicts of interest preventing them from becoming white peoples greatest allies
I guess she's one of the jews that desperately wants to integrate with the goyim. They do exist.
at some levels and at certain times, communism yes
why probing islam front when you know there's other considerations (including british common-wealth's tainted feminism)?
they are one in the same you dumb faggot
marxist jews propagate marxism around the globe to destoy countries in order for zion to remain the one prosperous nation
Desperate attempt to remain relevant in far right circles as her credibility circles the toilet.
Does it count if a Jew names the Jew?
Eh that's what I said, moron.
you're a false flag jewess roastie
Of courshe!
in fact the big JC man himself was the OG Jew who named (((the Jew)))!
this wont stop the coming holocaust
No. It's a Jew gaslighting the goyim.
I know he is in this thread right now
And some more
This is a pretty good trick by the kikes. They know that Loomer is an extremely embarrassing personality so if she is saying this stuff all the reasonable people who hate her will be reticent to say the same thing, even if they agree with her.
She literally admitted that globalist Jews control the media, a position that most of Sup Forums has taken forever. I just don't know what her endgame would be. Don't get me wrong, I'm not fawning over a jewess e-celeb but she said what everyone already knows.
with jews you lose
what the fuck I love Laura Loomer now. Pavlov says to pat her head.
>saying something everyone knows is somehow a groundbreaking move
Stupid goy. She's making you focus on the MSM. The only way to combat the MSM is to ignore it. They'll be irrelevant in 10 years anyway.
stop feeding the shills. the more you and that finn respond to them - especially before they even enter a thread - the more they'll continue to post in hopes of you responding or noticing them. this should be blatantly obvious by now. i see way more people blatantly trolling, rather than genuinely shilling, as a result of easy (You)s they get from you guys.
t.globalist marxist jew
Everyone that isn't a moth breathing retard. Small groups of people cutting the cable and turning the TV off isn't going to do shit. Most of this country are zombified retards who digest that shit 24/7. If more people knew they were being manipulated, maybe they would stop.
I know, this is something I have to remind myself often too. All I want is the shill op to become more widely known, nothing more.
Laura, those globalists are going to get you killed---or do it themselves.
Now would be a great time to make aliyah to a country that recognizes the threat posed by both Islam and Jewish apostates.
She is false fucking flagging you retards, she hates that the ship on being blind to the JQ has sailed so she has to pretend she is (((woke)))
And those people will not be effected whatsoever by some Jewess. What she has to say isn't aimed at them. It's aimed at (you).
This movement is to recover the rights of White men.
This means it has to be led by White men.
There is no loophole for jews to exploit when this obvious truth is realized.
This is the final redpill.
Loomer is a bag of shit with its own bag of shit.
Very true. Its unfortunate these people are brainwashed by the echo chamber - if only they lived somewhere more diverse, they would have different opinions. Being exposed to new viewpoints, new people, new religions expands your mind and makes you more tolerant. That has been my experience anyway ever since muslims in trucks ran me over, spilling my intestines all over the street.
God truly is greater than your twisted guts splattered all over the road
She is one goofy looking broad.
she jelly over all da hype lil Bens Milky sis is getting right now...
shills bringing the bantz. youre welcome to hang out after work too bra
>lel im 100% aryan bro
Who is she, and why is she relevant?
>people unironically think most of the people that disagree with them are being paid to do so
I fucking wish.
Damn...not a fan of hers, but she knows
how to stir the pot.
You gotta give her some credit, she's actually naming the Jew despite being a Jew herself. She had the choice to shut up and join them. Attention-seeking or not, she chose her stance. Not sure whether she's gonna go the "crazy" path, but it does suit her so long as she doesn't go too far.
>think most of the people that disagree with them are being paid to do so
let me live in my fantasy world where im arguing with a sea of bots to manipulate world events
Literally barfing
Nobody listens to white males anymore. Richard Spencer has been successfully branded an evil nazi. Jewish women connect with white women and Jewish women, an untouched market with more demand for reporters. Let's give her a chance rather than shut her down. If she stirs too much shit on her team, then it'll be obvious she's compromised but she might just be legit crazy due to her ancestry.
t. paco
Laura Jewmer aka Fake Lauren is an insane succubus who desperately tries to worm her way into any group so she can rape men and then blackmail them.
Her reporting on the Vegas massacre is the best in the nation, she got the official timeline changed twice and made LVMPD shut it down regarding future press conferences. Lauren Southern is more annoying, but Loomer's so Jewish it's almost funny. She doesn't try to play the crypto white card like leftist Yankee kikes.
>more than 140 characters
Confirmed shill. Only shills get the new limit.
>Fake Lauren
t. Real Lauren
Btw, Lauren Southern is aging like shit. All women should be sidelined on the alt-right and wear tasteful white bikinis.
she meant you're a faggot.
there's nothing to explain.
did you not know islam is babylonian talmudism?
go suck the jizz out of another cock, nether.
the jews in the past would die over accepting christ, it was a good enough shit test for the nazis
read these anons that's all you need to know.
i think she was talking about this