So Martin Luther King was just another nigger kike puppet
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u have to go back
Yes this has been known for a long time.
Rosa Parks' bus bullshit was a kike operation planned for a long time too.
No he wasn't
Do you think "Judge people not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character" was filtered? I'd say he was probably controlled at first, but they lost that control and had to 86 him.
how fucking late are you?
>noam chomsky
did you just post that retarded fucking kike?
You clearly never came to this site before. Noam Chomsky is one of the worlds most intelligent people
>Noam Chomsky
>leftist pseudo-intellectual
fuck off shill cunt we have hated Noam Chomsky back in the days on /new/
Dude. Noam is old news.
We always respected Chomsky
like fuck we do your glow in the dark shill
Chomsky wrote to have holocaust deniers released from prison.
You can hate him, that's fine; but anybody posting on this forum would be absolutely devastated in a debate with him.
Get out, communist scum
He was actually pretty critical of Israel and their treatment of Palestine in his latest book.
Do you honestly believe we give a shit about Palestine?
Fuck off Nazi
>post a Pinochet maymay, the same Pinochet that sold arms to Israel and supported the rich zionists in his country
hahA xD
Long live Israel am I right xD?
so fucking what? most of us aren't Nazis here nor are we fucking dumb enough to be on board with someone's arguments because we agree on one point.
dumb cunt
sweetie, most of us are "NAZEEES"
Holy shit you're dumb
australia literally has niggers everywhere, no one gives two flaming fucks what you think
satan trips don't lie