Ask a tunisian anything

Ask a tunisian anything

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Why do you want freedom instead of liberty?

why there are so many tunisians in czechia?
whores looks like shit desu

what's it like being irrelevant since the end of the punic wars?

How many Cia niggers are in Tunisia. Do you have lots of immigrants waiting to go to Europe there?

Nah I don't think so
U find tunisians in italy and france

What do Tunisians think of their neighbours?

how do I get a traditional sand nigger gf? must it be arranged with the family first?

Its like being an american before 1776

why is tunisia under the world radar..

like back in the ancient times, wasn't carthage somewhere in present tunisia? like carthage was the main talk u feel me

Stop sending your rapists, thieves and murderers here!

Do you drink Celtia (beer)?

i can't even imagine that feel

Lybians are retarded fags algerians are nice but morroco is gay

gob bless tunis

Girls here are bitches they would suck your dick for a visa


Not me but everyone else does


Its the same shit people are just over exaggerating

he's not


Show me your passport.

literally kek'd

I like you Tunisia

Do you speak le français?

>] [
answer my comment u cherry picking sand guzzling bitch ass faggot

Oui je parle français


Why does your kind like hairy man legs?
Someone told me while on holiday that the local men were fascinated with his hairy legs

shut up muslim bitch come fight me
i'll knock the sand out from between ur teeth

A lot of terrorist are from tunisia that's why
Also no one lives in the fuckin sand

>Jordan is the Muslim leader


ty for answering my question

it makes a bit of sense now. I hope your country gets better and prospers for the future. You stay safe too.

We don't like hairy man legs


Maybe if your gay president didn't broght his democracy to the middle east everything would have been fine

scipio did nothing wrong

How does it feel to have the genetic inteligence to realise how great life can be without the shackels of Islam, as your children go to european schools and enjoy white cock, freedomz and alchool.

Just to come back to get brainwashed and have cutural chainz imposed by culture and family as both women and men get arranged marriaged and live a sad sandy life.

>yfw when Rome was actually jelly of Carthage sucess it had to bascily kill all the people and burn the city down.
>yfw when you actually were conqured by germanic vandals, and using Rome trade network life was actually not that bad
>yfw since the arabs took ya over y'all be living like chimps raiding the coast of europe stealing slaves to be send off to mecca/badgad and mali.

Did you let your thousand of ISIS recruits come back or make sure to let them die in the levant?
So are you know relieved of fundamentalists after the IS exodus?
Do solarcells relieve many poor people from their energybills in your climate?

Good for u ashtray
Dont worry ur shower time is soon

Lol your people are literally arab rape babies.
>get one life
>born brown
Why havent you kys yet abdul?

Nah if only muslims stop fighting with each other we can revive the ummayad

As far as I know we didn't let them in but u europeans accepted them to your countries

Where can I find those?

You ever walked a forest?
You got some afterall.

Because Im not a jew
U don't need to kys btw u can wait u will be thrown in the oven again
Plus north africa is arabised berbers

Northern parts of tunisia
Most of them are bitches

Now concerning solarpanels and whatever else modernity might give your geographic place an advantage again..
Anything positive you hyped for concerning your country?
Wanna hear something good from the other side of the mediterran for once.

Name one scientific advancement that came out of your nigger tier nation.
Name one.

why are they not wearing islamic clothing as required of women
isn't showing hair from a muslim girl haram?

We supported nazi germany since the 1933

QR code in pic related links to this vid:

War is unavoidable. Read:

If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.

If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.

Can I come visit you?


No since they accepted democracy in the country I can guarantee to u that the same thing that happned to iran in 1979 will happen here and of course u european will probably make the same mistake again and accept all kind of refugees
Just wait for a retarded presiden who will ask to become a dectator

how do you feel about your women getting blacked?

What do Tunisians generally think of the Arab spring? I understand Tunisia was the first country to be impacted. Do Tunisians see western ops behind massive political movements in Middle East? Or do Tunisians believe the Arab spring in Tunisia purely organic movement from the people? How do Tunisians view Saudis, Israelis, Americans and Iranians?

How about u name one of your inventions u jewish rat
U should take a look at the abbasid caliphate u zionist theif

>thanks for proving my point, about y'all inteligence.
most muslims such as arabs, niggers, lack any ability to work together.
Thats why Islam was a force to be reckon with it united the arabic tribes under religious totaritarian.

All of the Muslims empires, kept controled due to strong leaders, sadly niggers, arabs dont inheritly know how to work together.

Even if you manange to unite all the arabic nations, you'll never be able to grow with constant conquest.

Islam doesn't promotes free thinking, Islam doesn't promotes progress. Islam means to serve, and slaves or those that serve are only good to serve.

Islam took over crandle of civilization one of the most tehnologically advances places in the 500-600, the libraries of badgad, and the scietifical marvels were theirs.

Yet from that moment after Islam conqured the middle-east, everything kept going, only thing that kept islam going was constant streem of conquest and slaves.

Once you take that away, you only have the rich that benefit, everybody else, is a slave to faith, question it and you die.

Lets imagine the scenario

It's year 1700, and you are a muslim. You dream about building a flying machine and going to the moon.
Yet your imam says it's posible that some worlds are inacesible as the quran says and the moon is one them, and talking more about this will get you in trouble.

So my friend, what do you do?

Do you keep dreaming and trying to build a machine to travel to the moon, or do you risk getting your head choped off.

The only mention of free will in the quran is the fact that god allows you to sin, yet tells everybody else they can kill you if you do.

its complicated most of the clothing u see from the middle east is not islamic it is traditional
As for women I think it depend on her choice but goat fuckers think that they are god himself so they force women to wear some sort of clothing

Thats like say, do what we say or we gonna shoot you, your choice but know that god will it.
So no free will, no freedom of thinking, islam rules with fear.

Now let me tell you about our lord and savouir christ. Don't think of Chirst as a prophet which came to earth to spread the word of GOD, or as him as GOD's son or as GOD himself.

Think of him as a man that did nothing wrong, and showed us that even when the world is unjust, you can have the strenght to overcome anything, even when you are on a cross and your legs are crushed by a hammer, you dont blame the univers nor those that did that to you.

Mohammad is a dyslexic edgelord who couldn't write, yet he saw around him bad things happening, such as the jews and christians working together, he saw the degenarate behaviour of those that drink and eat like pigs he wanted to make the world better, yet power corrupts.

He was white, a racist slave owner, and power got to him, the power to say and do whatever the fuck he wanted. His exile in the desert and atempt to kill himself somewhat made he strong enought to create islam and take over medina, yet... his mind grew weak as power got him.

He couldn't win an argument so he would use force, this tehnique is passed down to all muslims, when a muslim cannot prove his point with words, he uses aggresion, both phisicall and verbally.

Because they inherit the weakness of Mohammad.

Rejoice, and take upon yourself the Power of Christ and become stronger and more !.

There is still hope for you my brother
Amen and peace be upon you

>yfw you just hate the jew because the jews throw out Mohammad out of Medina and cursed the jews as a people, ploting to show them. At first Mohammad loved the jews, he thought they can be friends, yet they humilitated him, as they told him he is not their prophet.
>arabs are bascily native jews, jews are nomadic arabs

Secondly there are plently of inventions done by the jews.

Eh, so theyll vote for islamists again?
Thought lybia and the IS would have made the case clear for most of your people that thats not a good route to take.
Now if you get a retarded president asking to be a dictator youd get rid of that democracy you seem to dislike.
You liked Ben Ali?
Whom you gonna vote now that voting makes a difference?

Sub saharin africans require a visa to enter here not like algeria
U europeans r crying about immigrants u should take a look at algeria
Plus tunisia is kinda racist towards blacks

It ruined everything

is tunisia mostly arabs? what kind of government you have? is it middle east "democracy" or what?

The people who threw muhamad of mecca were not jews
Plus we hate zionists
Just imagine if the turks kicked u out of romania and claim that its their own

Hol up, you telling me that the Tunisians wuzn't black????

>They did try, and they failed time and time again with armies 5-10 times larger.

Here is a question for you my friend.
If Islam is the rightful religion, why does God Favors Christians in battle?
There are plently of examples of Muslims zerging, and losing.
I mean it took fucking 200,000 muslims to SIege Rhodos againts 7500 christians Knights.
Plus God never protected them from the Mongol hordes.
If Islam is right faith, then why did God allow the slaughtering of milions of Muslims at the hands of the Mongols?
>Then i go back to romania conquring it and then whole europe plus the north of africa out of spite i guess and keep expanding my theory taking slaves where ever I go.

Why does God say it's ok for Muslims to own slave and to fuck then whenever the fuck you want?
First that would be adultery fucking someone outside of marriage, secondly thats abuse, thirdly humilitation and fear doesn't create productive and strong individuals. It creates bad shitty fucked up people that may convert out of fear.

Sounds to me like Islam aint that great in God's eyes.
When muslims tried to siege viena, it rained and the weather was awful on the way.
When Muslims tried to conqure rightful, faithful chirstians lands, they couldn't.

I said Medina
Mecca is something else

Nothing wrong with zionism
Imagine for one second.
Just one
ALL THE JEWS IN ONE PLACE, a place you can starve to death, nuke, rape, murder. A place that they cannot run away from.

Zionism is great, all of the world powers saw this and knew that you better make the jews believe that Isreal is the best place for jews. And slowly you move them there... you pay their bills , everything runs because you pay for them.

Until one day, they are ALL there. and you have the power and they don't


How is Carthago?

Bitches? How so?