Hello Sup Forums does it exist a way to fight back against the islamization of the west?
A modus operandi by which we will be able to kill our enemies?
We europeans should join together the struggle against Islam and defend Europe like we did back in Vienna during 1683.
Give me everything that I might utilize to create propaganda against muslims and to red pill Classmates,friends and family members.
De-Islamization of Europe
Other urls found in this thread:
Just tell America that Muslims are forcing whites into death camps, worked last time
Please be serious
the Muslim problem is a jewish problem
'As Jews We Should Be Outraged That Britain Is Not Doing More to Help Refugees'
'Citing Holocaust, Swiss Jews Demand Open Door for Migrants'
'British Jews Lay Groundwork for Influx of Syrian Refugees'
'Jewish Groups Rap Washington for Lowballing Syrian Refugees'
'More Than 1,000 Rabbis Call On Congress To Welcome Refugees'
'Jews Push Washington to Admit More Syrian Refugees, Even as Some Worry About Backlash'
'How Young Jews in Hungary Are Fighting To Help Refugees — Despite Right Wing Rule'
'How We Move Forward Together For Refugees'
'Jews Unite Behind Push for Immigration Reform'
'It’s the ethical thing to do,” said HIAS president and CEO Mark Hetfield, of the community’s immigration reform activism. But he quickly added, “It’s in our strategic interest.'
Many Thanks user
And you too
Any European user that could link gov's files about immigration during the last 3 years in Europe?
I have Italy's ones and I already used them to win an argument with a teacher in my school
Orthodox Brotherhood?
also what pushed them last time was our armies make no mistake it will be the same this time
Romania x Serbia
And after that our Serbian brothers will take back Kosovo.
>implying the problem is islam
kys u retard fag
>muslim defending muslims
i expected no better
No wonder you have the French tricolour as flag.
How's the cultural enrichment going in your country?Are the negroids and the muslims giving you enough of their culture?
Islam was a problem in the Middle Ages and (nowadays)it's still a problem
The absolute state of Yatagan's sluts,also knows as modern day French people
i'm 90% sure he's not french, don't take the bait
t. orthodox turk
The problem are arabs and not a book AKA islam.
They'll behave the same if they were christians.
Tell me how cool are christian niggers
Well he might be baiting, anyway thank you serbian brother
The problem is Islam,that promotes violence towards violence.Just check Shaari'a 's laws and the fact that Muslims are told to behave like the prophet Muhammad,which wasn't a pacifist
>stealing and killing your own is equal to mass murdering/raping infidels
WEW lad
>teh problem islam
So the sandniggers dindunuffin. They goodbois? Blame the book.
If you cant understand this u retard.
It's simple -- help us meme Intermarium (aka Based Nations Alliance) into existence:
The first steps have already been taken (even Trump is on our side):
Together we will uphold the values upon which Western Civilization was founded, and provide a safe haven for white refugees when shit hits the fan and the race wars begin.
Islam is the problem and the ones who either follow or protect it are the problem.
Never said the muzzies dindu nuffin,bait harder faggot or did you baguettés lost your tenacity after Napoleon Bonaparte died?
More about it: geopoliticalfutures.com
>Claiming islam is degenerate means I consider muslims ok
Thank you Polska friend,I knew that Intermarium was more of a Baltic thing.I didn't even know about this European forum,it's new,but MSM never talked about it.
Plus: gov.ro
>the islam is the problem
>sandniggers and WE are the victims
nice logic serbian friendo
Yes we all know that (although Islam amplifies the problem by telling them its OK to be pieces of shit to 'kaffir').
Only way is to start massively redpilling the population which is tough with jew control of the media.
Second way is local political organisation. This includes blackshirt/motorcycle club style street level organisation as well.
Third way is winning an election.
>When not a single country in the world likes you,so you meme that some Slavic country is your friend simply because you never had a war on Eskimo drawing board
Visca Hongria!
I'm Romanian lol,plus I never said sandniggers are victims of Islam.
Get your shit straight or get lost lmao
>be albanian gypsy subhuman meme flager
>parents took the turkish cock the same day they came
>now you are a m*slim pig
>we europeans
>posts two gypsy countries larping as whites
Visca Cataluyna!
t. beshkim ramadani
do not worry you m*slim pig you are on the genocide list too and romanian friends will have a honor to remove you
Orthodox brotherhood is more important moron. This is why you lost Kosovo.
Lol Serbia and Romania fought the Muslims,It's more than enough to be friends.
Plus they never had wars which is something pretty much great given the fact that countries had gone to war since the dawn of humanity
>a gypsy being friend with gypsies
Makes sense desu
Ever seen a true Romanian or Serbian?Western Europe took many muslims and they are already outbreeding you,in 2050 the average german man will be black.
What does Romania have to do with this? Let's not kid ourselves, if a muslim came and promised higher pensions the caliphate would be installed the next day.
funny because we cucked Greeks,Bulgarians and Romanians into Ottoman submission
Lol,nope,Sandjak is your Southernshit problem.
Serbia had more wars with Orthodox countries than with Muslim or Catholic ones,inbreed retard.
Oh,wow,they defended themselves at the same time,that must mean they are friends.Genius logic.
Serbs also tried to help Muslims overtake you:
here we go another m*slim meme flager
tell me why are you pigs so afraid to use the real flags? oh yeah thats right because literally people will trust more a meme flag than a m*slim subhuman pig
Serbia lost Kosovo I Metohija because a degenerate named Alija Izetbegović called the International Community in and denounced "ethnic cleansing" of bosnians done by serbs.
Americans couldn't fight Serbs on the ground so they bombed them and serbs still managed to destroy """ superiour" American stealth bombers
There's only one correct method: fight fire with fire.
It wasn't the most practical advice, but success there WOULD do the trick.
Islam is an idea. To defeat it, you have to defeat an idea. Make the idea unpersuasive somehow.
Trying to force unpalatable concepts into the idea is a classic approach, as is the classier alternative of trying to reveal unpalatable concepts already in it.
(For purpose of that argument, negative future consequences are "already in" the idea.)
Another option, perhaps more promising, is to give people identities that are absolutely hostile to Islam.
If there is something that someone would never give up, which conflicts with Islam, that individual will never convert.
QR code in pic related links to this vid:
War is unavoidable. Read: archive.4plebs.org
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
Read: archive.is
Watch: youtube.com
ahmed, fuck off
>Ever seen a true Romanian or Serbian
No, cause they dont exist for hunderds of years. Pic related is your average serfian/romanian family today.
And i dont even know why you stil come here, your neither european nor white
This is the problem lots of french have lost faith in their country because of some presidents cucked to the bones and/or have been replaced by muslims.
It's sad for me to say that but I'm ashamed by my own country. Now the frenchs are not representated by baguettes, good wines or the Effeil tower, they are reppresentated by sandnigger, mosque and the shit women wear on their faces.
Its pretty much over. In a century or so all your grandkids will have to write Gregorian calendar alongside the islamic on their school assignments.
protip: Islam was opposed by Christianity back then. much of the West has given up on Christianity(iirc countries like de, se have less than 50% of natives who consider themselves Christian). you cannot fight Islam with a relativist group of people who are not held together by some core moral/cultural/political value system (what Islam is). as the western countries continue on this path Islam will only spread without opposition. as we saw in the balkans, as we see currently with countries like Poland, Islam will be opposed only in countries where Christianity still holds. it's a bleak future for many geographic regions of the west.
black pill shills gtfo with your whining t b h, you're not helping
Funny enough you use pics of gypsies and try to make me think they are Romanians/Serbians.
You are not proving your points neither baiting,you failed mate.
Pic of a real romanian.
OP u a faggot.
There is no fucking mention of Serbian help at all throughout romanian history. There is another country that fought your wars and helped your ass numerous times. Somehow you forgot to mention them.
breed dinko soldiers
>brown hair and brown eyes
You just proved my pint
White Skin matters more than the colour of eyes and hair.
Nowadays you can change the colour of your eyes and hair without many money or time,but what about the skin?
As I asked before,where do you come from?
The only thing to do would be to close the borders, ban private schools so the saudis cant build their brainwashing arenas thats the only way to stop the bleeding...
Show your flag amerimutt
Oh that's nice,in Romania we used to impale the sandniggers...But given the times,we could hunt them with attack helicopters
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Personally I have nothing against kikes, but I know a lot of white Europeans do, but even they should see that they are less of a threat than the Muslim epidemic and should kinda tolerate them if we don't want to be completely cucked.
You just can't compete with such based people
> We need more uppity G*rmans
Just replace the pope with a non cuck and call a crusade. Italy, Poland, Spain, and Portugal would form a glorious Catholic League and remove KEBABS.
Dude when you see retards like him badmouthing countries like Romania that is our really good friend, you know that its subhuman m*slim pig talking from Kosovo that is still under Serbian IP. Also always ignore meme flags talking trash about Serbia because they are also subhuman m*slim pigs who are ashamed of their shitty subhuman countries, and they know that meme flag is more trustable than a m*slim subhuman pig country.
Romania is the best country in the world, we will have another Vlad and we will become the number 1 super power after America and Israel fall to the ground
Dont know about actual Romanians but Gypsie immigrants are fucking animals
Kys. Romanians and Serbs are friends
>Talks about removing Kebabs
>Doesn't mention Serbia
lol what
Change your last name to something obviously Jewish.
Make propaganda and false claims that Muslims in Bosnia, Italy and France are killing and kidnapping Jews.
Get the support of Israel.
Get the Intermarium group to split of from the EU.
Purge the leftists under the pretense of arresting corrupt officials that sold dangerous materials to terrorists (it's funny because it's true).
Start a ''hidden'' Crusade by slowly poisoning them.
Cooperate with mobsters to take over their properties.
Legalize poligamy for our citizens.
Conquer them with their own weapons.
No... Ban Islam entirely. You cannot reform it, you cannot change it, interpretation is strict, literally in the Qur'an itself. Islam is not just a religion, it's a totaltarian ideology incorporating religion, law, and culture. It suffocates and destroys everything that isn't itself. Why should freedom of religion give Islam freedom to enslave, invade, and subjugate? Purge Islam from Europe once and for all.
All others countries (except Orthodox brothers and Poland)are run by little girls.
Romania number one exporter of Bauxite,all other countries have inferiour Bauxite
Aren't Serbs mostly Orthodox? I don't mind based Orthodox bros joining in the Crusade, was just mentioning the main Catholic countries.
>No... Ban Islam entirely
like thats gonna happen lol
I hardly doubt Poligamy will be legalized in Christian countries
Romanians,Serbs,Greeks,Bulgarians are mostly Orthodox.
The country (of the mentioned four)with the least amount of Orthodoxs probably is Greece with only 90%
If I was a V4 country I would without hesitation. You can logically, using only the Qur'an itself, argue that it is not a religion that should be afforded protection under freedom of religion. Any other country with a Muslim population well.... You have to be tough.
By Crusade do you guys actually mean Christianity vs Islam, or just civilized red pilled individuals vs Islam?
>You can logically
dude these leftist cucks dont care about "logically", and what Muslims actually believe. they just wanna virtue signal that they love brown people
Christians vs Muslims like the old times.
But this time we have the upper hand in both numbers and technology
You still have to use Logic to support your points,otherwise you are behaving like a leftist cuck.
Yea and Romanian and Serbs are both Gypsy subhumans that shouldn't breath clean air.
There's no actual Romanians. All Romanians = Gypsies.
Check out the 969 Movement in Myanmar.
oh no I get that, but in post-cuck Europe, banning Islam aint happening. And using logic is useless on brainwashed leftists, look at Sweden, they're literally getting gangraped and pretending its not happening
>Be African
>Be proud of Africa
>Suddenly realize you're just a nigger
I got your point too,but if we want to bring more sane people on our boat we should present Islam as a problem and give them proofs of that,not only slogans.
>be black African
>easily BLACK Serb and Romanian women because they secretly all want the BBC
Take it easy gypsy.
Nice,Thank you
Yes, please treat all of your countrymen well (even the gays), and treat all other Europeans well. No reason to ever lower yourself to
>You're a Gypsy!
>Oh yeah? Well you're a Mongol!
Stand together and you can drive out Islam. I feel tremendous sorrow about how my country helped Islam in the 90s, at least The Next Clinton lost the election. :(
True, but Muslims are all too happy to benefit and massively outnumber Jews, so they should not be given any free passes.
Yea internal struggles are not what we need at this point, we have a common enemy and cant be getting side tracked
It's funny to see that the only thing you africans can be proud of is your dick.
While white europeans and Asians land in other planets you increase your ego praising your easily cuttable piece of meet
When your Muslim refugees try to flee to Bangladesh but you kill them at the border anyway
Ooga booga go back to Uganda
>le 63% maymay
still whiter than 0% eastern euro countries