why are Americans looking less like their European ancestors each year?
and don't seem concerned by it?
why are Americans looking less like their European ancestors each year?
and don't seem concerned by it?
The completionist is a complete brought shill at this point. Hes probably one of the blandest YouTubers out there
>Melting pot of shit
I have light hair.
please end us
I was made fun of in school for being "too pale" by my fellow "white" students.
many Americans have squinty spic brown coloured mestizo eyes now
it must be hard not even having the legal right to criticize your political opponents without being fined or arrested for hate speech, no wonder you're obsessed with claiming every american you meet who isnt a complete cuckold is a nigger or brazilian tier mutt
Is the Mediterranean no longer part of Europe or something?
Why are Britbongs the worst looking people in Europe?
same but I'm a quappa ad I was also goth in hs jej
I've seen swarthier Germans, faggot. Stop acting like Europeans are all fair haired Scandinavians.
looks greek to me. very european. not sure what's wrong with it.
Are you an albino or just white?
Where did you go to school?
No, it looks like a sandnigger
he's middle eastern I think
Pic related is me
Went to school in a 90% White city in Tennessee
why are Europeans looking less like their European ancestors each year?
and don't seem concerned by it?
If he'd shave the beard, he'd look like a fat central European that spends a lot of time in the sun to me.
>Jirard Khalil
He was born in the 80s, long before the refugee crisis, he is not european.
>Before the turn of the century, more than half of the residents of the United States were blue-eyed Caucasians
>that percentage has dwindled to about 17 percent
mongrelization or immigration?
What in the fuck happened to your eyes and mouth?
blurred it out to prevent doxing
>some random Jewtuber that everyone seems to recognize ITT but me
I'm getting too damn old for this place.
The Jews let them in and they brainwash you to not notice.
Most Europeans don't even have blue eyes. Stop falling for memes:
Probably because you're a shut in nerd. Go outside fag.
Looking a bit anemic, Damian.
>Hes probably one of the blandest YouTubers out there
He uploads regularly and bland is better than total retardation and idiocy. He's great if you think most youtubers are retards and the rest are pretentious morons.
I watch his shit. Show me somebody better who uploads shit on a regular basis like this fucker does.
nice hair desu
No homo
You look sickly my man. Get help.
>Most Europeans don't even have blue eyes.
but most Americans DID
You'd probably try to say Blackbeard didn't look like a European.
He looks eastern european or southern italian (mutts). The vast majority of Americans are pale white folk like myself. Blue eyes, blonde hair, superior aryan genes. Our people elected Trump, not the neoliberal globalist cucks like your countries continually elect. We aren't overrun with tens of millions of arab rapegangs. Western Europe is lost, whites in the US are the world's last hope.
>If he'd shave the beard, he'd look like a fat central European that spends a lot of time in the sun to me.
What the fuck?
Have you looked at his eyebrows? His brown eyes? His wide face? Dark hair, fleshy nose. You wouldn't find many people looking like that in Central Europe, if it wasn't for the ongoing invasion.
The decreasing supremacy of the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant demographic, the demographic that built America. Many of the Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves, seeing these subhuman continentals overrunning their land.
That's Jirad right? Funny dude, I remember his Soma lets play a while back
That and that stupid soccer trivia game lol
He's a cool dude
Anyways, Eiropeans reject us no matter what. No matter what happens to America, I don't think the concerns of Europe's opinions of us should be high on our priorities
>oily black hair
he looks Southern not central European.
alot of Europeans sure as fuck dont have oily black hair
I think this picture sums it up pretty good
He's Middle Eastern
Real Southern Italians look white
Piss on my so called 'ancestors' graves.
Fucking zogbot warriors, coal burning whores and worse.
Fuck the united states. Futureless NIGGER NATION.
Blacks aren't what you have to worry about, but your spics.
actually, Americans are not white
And parcel
darker ass and darker penises have been brought into the equation? m8, if you can't figure that out, you're most likely burning with the faggotry of a thousand erect sun cocks.
Is that jirard the finishist?
Finns are among the best Europeans.
techmoan. he has interesting videos if you're into that stuff.
Fuck you faggot I don't a fuck. Fucking retard.
You don't even live here, don't tell me what to fucking fear.
only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump.
I've been to your country many times and there were far more Spics than blacks, or whites (the American definition, anyway) for that matter.
Oh, shit, are you yourself a Spic? HAHAHAHAHA! The absolute state of burger/pol/. YOU ARE A SPIC!
>"N-n-no, Ese, we white!"
Seriously, we can't let him get the launch codes
QR code in pic related links to this vid:
War is unavoidable. Read: archive.4plebs.org
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valley, we can win easily all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and censorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easily spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
Read: archive.is
Watch: youtube.com
Lucky natural resources, what of it? Finns are intelligent.
Spics vs muzzies?
Don't live anywhere near Muslims, haven't seen one in person in 2 years. I will emigrate to your shithole anyway for higher quality of life.
>Finn's are intelligent
Yea because angry birds and santa Claus requires so much intelligence.
Alot of Muricans are swarthy but not all of them. Im not even bright blonde (anymore) or blue eyed but yet these traits have been in this country for literal centuries.
Don't live near spics either. Central PA is mostly Dutch and polish
Yeah see, his stuff looks okay, but it's not gaming related.
Lad, why are you bringing up Angry Birds? Grow the fuck up.
I didn't know that was a requirement
Which mutt are you?>
Well obviously it would be.
>hey suggest me an alternative to this gaming youtuber!
>uhm.... here's a guy who's really into cameras and sound equipment
Fucking nice!
100% you bong nigger
>and don't seem concerned by it?
Great point! Why wouldn't they want to look like proud British Anglos?
This guy could pass as swarthier Greek or Italian (Alpine-Mediterranid type), but his eyes are a little bit exotic for Southern Europe
Because the original founding fathers looked just like that.
I don't know who the fuck that guy is and I don't even know any entertaining YouTube channel besides techmoan anyway.
>Implying I want to look like I have fetal alchohol syndrome, regardless if the founders did or not.
>not watching beard bros
Dunno, American women seem to find us attractive. Maybe it's the accent rather than looks, but I'm really not one to complain.
>W-Well, I heard your women like us, so there!
It's because Anglos mixed with the swarthy races like Swedes and Germans, B. Franklin was warning the US
But they actually lost the war no?
"Cession of the Gulf of Finland islands, Karelian Isthmus, Ladoga Karelia, Salla, and Rybachy Peninsula, and lease of Hanko to the Soviet Union"
>using a painting of an 80 year old genius inventor as an example of what white people look like
I can smell your fear, Ivan.
Brits aren't even white.
I don't know what your retarded NEET brain is trying to convey
Calm down Ivan, I should've known you weren't a muddie.
OP pic is clearly some kind of paki half-breed
The niggerfication of society since 1988. Same is happening in Europe.
Finland´s Helsinki and United Kingdom´s London were the only capital cities in Europe that did not get invaded by foreign power during World War II.
Finland lost somewhere around 10% of their original borders and land, but did not get annexed by foreign nations like most of Europe.
Speaking of those countries that participated in the war. Switzerland, Sweden do not count.
I still have no idea what your swarthy ass is on about
a number of american have ameridian ancestries but are considered despite that as caucasoid
Ivan? I'm somewhere between a Patrick and a Hiyawatha, for that it's worth.
you might not have been invaded but you guys cucked out so hard there's a special subsection of cuckoldry named after you: Finlandization
A Mongrol then? I guess the memes are true.