I'm going to experiment with getting 7 hours of sleep.
Like most, my sleeping schedule usually consists if 5 to 6 hours of sleep, with even 4 1/2 hours of sleep being not uncommon every now and then.
Well, I'm turning 28 in a few months. I figure to retain my youthful appearance, as well as my intellect and short term memory, I'll regularly get 7 hours of sleep.
I understand that CEOs and celebrities don't, but understand that they have access to grade-A healthcare, so they can balance their lack of sleep with regular on-the-fly doctor and physical therapist visits to maintain their body.
Basically as an average wage slave, it's actually illogical to your well being to NOT get 7 hours.
Are you dumb? That's about how much the average person sleeps.
Alexander Russell
Lol no.
That's the recommended hours of sleep. The average person has gotten less sleep, on top of getting interrupted sleep
Furthermore, I can almost guarantee you that the average poster here does not get a solid 7 hours.
Joshua Ramirez
Camden Foster
Xavier Taylor
Justin Reyes
yes, everyone in america is dumb and unhinged and gets way less sleep than they need to. i'm sorry you had to find out this way.
Caleb Gomez
Connor Williams
no, not everyone is as stupid as you. i'm sorry you had to find out this way.
Jacob Perez
>That's the recommended hours of sleep At least 8 hours is the preferred recommendation by sleep doctors.
Wyatt Bailey
You're an idiot, the average person gets at least 7 hours
Easton Powell
You need 8-10 hours retard. That's what I do.
Nathaniel Lopez
Kek i am neet and sleep on average 12 hours a day, come at me wageslave
Gabriel Hughes
Nah, for adults it's 7-8
That's factually incorrect, a revelation that can be found by 5 seconds of googling
Colton Nguyen
I want to fuck that guy
Robert Turner
While this is true and I have been a proper sleep advocate for years - as the results are undeniable. What does this have to do with politics?
Xavier Long
No, you need 7-8
Samuel Smith
Our health care professionals recommend 8 hours of sleep a day, and our health care and doctors are the best of the world. So you should sleep at least 8 hours.
Jaxson Hall
His nose is too big and his eyes are too small. Not fem enough to be a decent twink.
Based on almost every article on the Internet, it seems to hover around 7-8. With anything more than 9 being unecessary.
Interestingly I'm seeing 6 hours of sleep relevantly popping up as well
Perhaps you can work and function on 6 hours, though your short term memory won't be as Sharon as I'd you'd get 7 hours
Hudson Moore
7 hours a night is the only way to get healthy testosterone production. Staying up all night and sleeping like shit ruins your hormone levels. There's no such thing as experimenting with sleep, there's just going the fuck to bed.
Christopher Rivera
You can go with 5 hours sleep like Donald Trump does but there is a strange dynamic at work.
If you continue to only sleep five hours each night, you suddenly get flooded with energy and new will to live.
However, if you make the mistake of sleeping 8-10 hours one night on this schedule, you are completely FUCKED as your body will suddenly realize it has missed all that extra sleep. It will take days to get back to your 5-hour schedule.
Most days I'm of the belief that we live in a Matrix and sleep is optional.
Brandon Davis
*won't be as sharp
Blake White
You'll never go back. I used to burn on 5 hours of sleep tops and now I go to bed around 9. I have noticed major improvements in tasks that involve problem solving, creativity, and quick thinking. But, I work a technical job that requires performance in those areas. If I was a manager or something I wouldn't bother since being a manager just requires people skills and writing reports.
Ayden Rivera
Yeah, I've gotten 5 hours of sleep for the past year. I was fine in that I've still gone out and had fun and lived my life...But:
I didn't go the extra mile in cleaning around the house
I didn't put the extra effort in problem solving at my job
I didn't juggle my projects and hobbies (after work I'd either hang out with friends or maybe work on a project, or play guitar; never doing all three)
Elon Musk and Trump is an anomaly. To do that stuff the average human brain needs a full nights rest
Jayden Ward
I've gotten 3 to 5 hours for decades and I manage to stay fit and very healthy; if I ever sleep more than 7 it wrecks me, as does less than 3. Intellectually, I publish peer reviewed papers and lead teams of scientists and engineers, so even outside of my own perception it has clearly not had any significantly detrimental effect on my intellect.
Tyler Bennett
I get 7 hours sleep on average. Sometimes go to 8 and a half on days off, and usually 6 hours if I'm working an early shift.
Cameron Morgan
The older you get, the less sleep you need, sure it's due to the fact that once you stop growing, you start dying, thus you need less recovery and growth cycles in your sleep.
Cooper Evans
Im a doctor and i make sure i sleep 8 hours properly every night, its not hard.
Brayden Peterson
Have you suffered any break ups from girlfriends?
When's the last time you actively made new friends?
On a sleeping schedule like that, something has to give.
I refuse to believe you balance your best attempts at: Social life Love life Hobbies Aspirations Career
You know, all the above on less than 7 hours
Also, perhaps plaque is building up in your insides, as a result of your innerds working double-time.
If I'm making you feel uneasy, that's probably your body's way of telling you that you need more sleep
Robert Walker
Combined with evening classes, work, and lifting, on average I'll sleep between 5 and 6 hours during the day, between 6 and 7 during the week day.
I'm very productive during my days and that first thing you realize when starting that is how little time there is during a day and you can't constantly work so that's pretty annoying.
Sometimes you just have to idle to let your body recomp for a while, like I'm doing now.
Dylan Hughes
Nikola Tesla slept for 5 hours and had constant naps. Albert Einstein slept for 10 hours. Leonardo Da Vinci slept 3 times per day to a total of 5 hours. Ludwig van Beethoven slept for 8 hours, which is normal. Karl Marx slept stayed up at night and slept 5 to 8 hours any given time.
Matthew Garcia
I shoot for 9 now and I feel awesome. Before electricity and light bulbs, humans slept for an average of 10 hours a night, in two sessions called "first sleep" and "second sleep". People typically went to bed at sundown, then would get up in the middle of the night and talk, read, fuck (alot of babies conceived in between first and second sleep) or visit neighbors, before going back to bed again. Humans, in their natural environment, were meant to get 10 hours of sleep a night.
Thomas Perry
its not the length of sleep, it's the regularity. Any doctor will tell you this.
Cooper Lee
You don't need more then an hour a day, that's what I've been doing for a decade and I'm fine. I go until I can't go anymore, wake up after an hour go do a lap and a show and am good to go for another day. The only thing is you've got to be constantly moving. If I sit down, for over 15 min, I start to get sleepy. But a few shouts/foot stamps/punches later I'm good again.
Parker Carter
Forgot to mention, I don't do drugs or caffine or anything. Just painkillers. oxycodone and acetaminophen. And if anything those are supposed to make you tired, not more awake. So you could prob sleep even LESS if you weren't taking them.
Jeremiah Smith
The really sleep pill is staggered sleeping. I found the technique when I was working at bakery from 4am til noon, and had no fucking life because of it. Basically, every 4 hours you sleep for 30-45 minutes. You want to keep it was close to multiples of 15 as possible. It works like a fucking charm, I still do it now. I feel great and have maximum shit posting time because of it
Luis Reyes
>t. 14 year old
Josiah Scott
I'm 28. I started this when I didn't have time to sleep going into university. Didn't start the painkillers till I was 22 though.
Your that faggot narcissist that was complaining about your gf leaving you a fee months back. Not your blog soyboy
Connor Hughes
You look about 40 if that's you in the OP. This is what lack of sleep does to whitey.
Anthony Mitchell
and who is this semen demon
Christian Brown
Cause its SO easy to sleep that long. Why did I never think about it before? Just do it, yeah. I've been having horrible sleep and only sleeping 3-4 hours a night no matter how tired I am and suffering from fatigue and horrible memory and I was wracking my brain trying to figure out what to do. But thank goodness you came along OP. I never considered simply sleeping longer. You're a life saver.
Fuck you.
Kayden Taylor
I've really been struggling to figure out how much sleep is needed/optimal. I used to believe that "if you feel like you want to sleep then you should sleep" and that forcing yourself to wake up before you wake up "naturally" is bad
But now I'm not so sure. Sleep in general is so weird and I don't know what to make of it
Grayson Collins
I thought I had that shit, couldn't fall asleep for over a month. When I closed my eyes I just saw rapid flashing colors and nothing could put me to sleep, not even Ambien. It was miserable.
Asher Walker
>Lol no. That's the recommended hours of sleep. >Furthermore, I can almost guarantee you that the average poster here does not get a solid 7 hours.
>he fell for the Sup Forums is one person meme.
Also, you're a fucking moron.
Adam Parker
I make sure I sleep around 8-9 hours a night. I wear earplugs, a mask and sleep at an angle to ensure I have the deepest sleep possible. It makes a huge difference in my life. I'm 32 now but in my early 20s I was depressed and a loser. A lot had to do with not having the right nutrition and sleep schedule
Noah Morales
Aiden Morris
daily reminder that if you keep yourself physically in-shape you should also exercise your mind via meditation. do that for 15 minutes when you're ready for bed and you will be able to fall asleep instantly.
Ethan James
btw anyone got any life hacks for peeing in the middle of the night? I've tried not drinking water after 6 pm but I end up getting really thirsty and I still have to piss
Luke Moore
A quick google will tell you how many hours of sleep you need at varying ages,
I think kids its 8-10, teens/young adults 7-9(I get 9 usually I'm 20), and adults around 7-8 or something, I personally like getting comfy in bed and dozing off, usually having dreams, and waking up feeling alert, comfortable and refreshed. Like most health things though, its different for everyone.
Tyler White
Our sleep cycles are 90 minutes. So the optimal amount of sleep is 7 hours and 30 minutes or 9
Ryder Scott
>He cucks his brain daily Even when I worked 50 hour weeks I still squeezed in my 8 hours. Enjoy having your brain literally melt as you get older. The damage from lack of sleep is permanent and there is no method of recovery.
All you can do is fix your mistake now and limit damage.
Levi Hall
I slept for 10 and a half hours last night
What do those extra 4 hours sitting on Sup Forums mindlessly browsing before bed every night add to your life?
Alexander Walker
take the double sleep pill. Before industrialition. people would go to bed at 8. sleep for 4 hours and then shag, eat, hunt or whatever for about an hour and then go back to sleep for another 4 hours.
Nicholas Powell
Sleep now..
Nathan Wood
If you want to bang hot chicks, Excell at hobbies and make consistent good money, you'll need:
Good sleep Good nutrition
That's it. Don't worry about working out or any of that other fad bullshit
These are what soldiers looked like in the most epic war in human history, lol.
No gym membership or whatever is needed. Just sleep well and eat well, and you'll really see your social life, love life, and work life excel
Easton Foster
I personally know a 99 year old man. There are 2 things he does different than most people. He gets daily exercise and he gets plenty of sleep.
Isaac Rogers
Lmfao the damage isn't permanent, fool. The human body is an amazing machine that recovers itself just fine. Especially in your 20s.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
i sleep 2 hours after getting home from work and 2 hours again (4-6) before going to work It actually works But if you miss one, you feel fucking shitty, also the weekends mess that circle up I just fucking hate it to not have free time I work from 06:30 to 04:30, and i want to shitpost on Sup Forums for atleast 6 hours a day, so i developed that strange sleeping pattern
Luke Bell
I've went 8 days without sleep. I recommend trying this at least once in your lifetime, shit's fucking eye-opening.
Lucas Gomez
Just start taking zinc as a supplement. You will sleep like a baby, huge boners and more energy.
Liam Hall
Eat cannabis at night. Great sleep and doesn’t wreck your mind.
Matthew Richardson
>You can go with 5 hours sleep No you can't, not long term at least. I did it for years and It will catch up with you and you will regret it
Caleb Gray
>I've went 8 days without sleep I did a full 3 days once and I wasn't doing so great. I can't imagine 8.
Austin Anderson
I've found weed makes me sleep worse. It's an odd comparison but the only thing I can compare it to is how you sleep when you're lucid dreaming. I find when I lucid dream and I wake up, it's like I haven't slept, or maybe just like I haven't slept for as long as I've been asleep.
However I've also found that weed makes me feel better when I'm sleep deprived. I can get 6 hours of sleep then wake up and hit the bong and feel fine.
I did like 30 hours once, let's just say I'm good on the whole sleep deprivation thing
Brody Brooks
>I don't do drugs >oxycodone Really??? You should read about Hitlers addiction to Oxy. He used it to stay up for long periods of time and to improve his performance. Eventually it left him as a helpless drooling mess.
Ayden Hernandez
Sleep when the sun sets, rise when the sun does. Your internal circadian rhythm is toned to the rising and setting of the sun. This means you can comfortably get up to 12hrs a night, and that any sleep you get during the sun being up is inferior quality to when it's set. Ideally you should get between 10-12hrs a day assuming you actually are active during the day. The >I can totally function on 3hrs a night People are not even aware of how it's effecting them because part of being sleep deprived is not being physically able to properly evaluate your performance and feeling. Likely the lower and lower recommendations of sleep in the west is tied to interests of maintaining a stupid slave caste
Evan Mitchell
The damage doesn't happen in your 20's. You won't start noticing it till probly mid 30's, and even if it's not permanent it is very hard to recover from.
Jaxon Johnson
See the people ITT for example >You can definitely function on less sleep.. but make sure not to get more or you feel shitty You're feeling shitty because you've finally gotten enough sleep and are now able to realize how it's been effecting you up until that point.
Ayden Ramirez
Oxy is an opiate, they make you sleepy. Not more alert. And painkillers don't count as drugs. They are legal.
Kevin Torres
You're better off either getting 7-8 hrs or 4-5 hours. Anything in between will make you feel like crap. You need to wake up just as you finish a REM cycle, which typically last 3 hours.
Lucas Evans
I sleep only 2 hours max night, sometimes 4 if i have off weekends
life is too short for sleep and when you are young you gotta make money. I work 2 jobs, study in the evenings for a degree and use amphetamines. I also take cat naps at work and train at gym everyday. you only need 1-2 hours sleep at night if you take 3x10minute naps during toilet breaks and lunch breaks etc
>b-but muh 8 hours Do not believe the fucking lie, your body DOES NOT need sleep and can adjust, and your brain can adjust
just take amphetamines, stay busy and eat well: I maybe have 8-9 hours sleep a week and been doing this for years
Matthew Morris
you can definitely oversleep, I think it's comparable to overeating
I mean who the fuck hasn't slept like 10-11 hours and woken up and felt like shit the whole day?
James Evans
There's a handy website for calculating this stuf. sleepyti.me/
Asher Torres
>people with no actual jobs slept random amount of time Sounds about right
Mason Ramirez
OR take a 20-minute nap roughly every four hours for the rest of your life. worked for da vinci
Chase Gutierrez
Nicholas Sanders
I've gotten 9 plus hours for two decades consistently except for the one year I worked 2 jobs taking my average for that year down to about 4 or 5 Anywhere from 4-7 hours and I'm a zombie and just bordering on delusional. How do you freaks do it? I work manual labor so i move around and lift heavy objects all day for 10 hrs a day and less sleep probably impacts me more than others, but I can barely drive or walk on a 7 hour rest let alone 4 or 5. Sleep a full 9 hours for peak performance.
Christian Scott
that is handy
Jonathan Foster
>You can oversleep You really can't actually, when you get enough sleep you struggle to fall back asleep typically.
>woken up and felt like shit the whole day? This is normally due to something they did or didn't do the previous day. Like wasn't active at all, masturbated before bed etc
John Smith
Isaac Jackson
>Your body does not need sleep and can adjust Yes, it "adjusts" by turning off portions of the brain, suffering effects of massive amount of cortisol, and difficulty with memory formation due to no excess data pruning which occurs during sleep.
Brody Hill
That's what I do. Everyone ignored my post though.
Joshua Cruz
>How do you do it Normally they don't realize how lack of sleep is actually effecting them because it's been so long since they got proper sleep. Most "mental illness" symptoms these days derive from improper sleep.
Oliver Baker
poo posters are getting so annoying. even more than shart in mart 52% face posters
Michael Smith
this. i'm down to 1 hour with a few catnaps during the day. i feel fine. don't fall for the sleep jew. all it does is waste a third of your life that you can use to shitpost and jelq.
Jordan Butler
how long have you kept it going for? must be trippy
Jordan Bell
your sleep is in cycles. you are supposed to sleep until a cycle finishes, usually every 90 minutes. So your sleep will be good if it finishes when one of the 90 minute cycles finishes. If you wake up before the cycle has finished, you feel weird, sleepy, groggy, tired etc.
i try to sleep 6 hours or 7.5 hours. Either one and i feel great.
Grayson Mitchell
I wish I could just live in my bed, not go to work. I wish I could hibernate. Fuck this shit. It's unfair. I wanna sleep like a fucking bear.
Jayden Wilson
Calm down don't have a mental breakdown just yet
Hunter Russell
Sounds about right Just a year of doing it for 6 nights a week had me in shambles about to break down It might just be from how much physical work I do during a day, but sleeping 9 hours a day is perfect for the recharging of mind and body and less is a sin. SLEEP AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. HEALTH IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN SHITPOSTING
Anthony Anderson
>sleeping until 10AM
Gabriel Adams
>Sleep as much as you can, health is more important This, and I'll add - try to make as much of your sleep when the sun is down as possible. Up until half a decade ago practically all my life I had poor sleep. I've only seen nothing but improvement in generally all aspects of sleep since I've got onto a proper sleep schedule.
Thomas White
I begun logging my sleep hours in June of this year and stopped in August. I know I need more sleep but I'm addicted to the internet and spend many late nights online.