So, why do people deny the Holocaust? Not wanting to troll, just genuinely curious as to the thought process of those who do.
So, why do people deny the Holocaust? Not wanting to troll...
Numbers do not add up
The denying is mostly to piss of lefties. Most agree that it highly exaggerated but to varying degrees. Also, the Jews have changed the story themselves.
Not everyone denies it, OP.
the question should be, why would you believe the holocaust?
people here are just larping about the holocaust denial.
Its used as a tactic to keep cancer from spreading. When summerfags and other cancers like le reddit show up to the board the stromfront shtick keeps em away!
cuz it didn't happen
1 group to piss off jews
2 group on shaky evidence of 6mill and gass chambers
3 group delusional
Right wingers are professional fact deniers.
Climate change, evolution, the holocaust, the list goes on.
It's not like Jews weren't gassed. There were people that died. But 11 million? That's outrageous. That's like 70% of ww1 if you only count military casualties. Ww1 was 4 years and the Holocaust started killing people in the span of about 5 years. And that's from only 6 death camps.
they were stuck in bad conditions and im sure a lot died but not 6 million and they weren't gassed. maybe half a million at most due to sickness and starvation.
what a stupid question to ask
lurk moar dumbass
Even as a kid I thought it was extremely suspicious that any skepticism of holocaust was taboo, it's bizarre that an earnest desire for the truth is met with scorn and derision
People don't deny the Holocaust per se. The Holocaust can mean (1) bad things happened to Jews as a result of the National Socialist German regime which wanted to exclude them from Europe resulting in the killing of hundreds of thousands of Jews in Europe during WWII, and (2) 6 million Jews were murdered in concentration camp gas chambers disguised as shower rooms.
(2) is very easy to debunk. But most reasonable people agree with (1). Many thousands of Jews died as a result of shootings by Nazi execution squads and a lot of Jews in concentration camps died as a result of starvation and disease. The real areas we ought to be matters of historical research should be in determining as accurately as possible the magnitudes of Jews who died in this fashion and the extent to which the Germans were morally responsible for the deaths caused by concentration camp inmates who died of starvation and plague.
perfect time to make up stories about your enemy. the incentive is there to create bullshit.
Ask anybody who just learned about WW2 in highschool what happened and they will all tell you that the Jews go shoa'd why is that? Why doesn't anyone know about the 50 million Russians who died? Or all the other people?
The Jews have taken center stage of the event, and WW2 is almost synonymous with the holocaust. This alone is proof enough to me.
But as said here, the numbers don't add up, the numbers have been changed by. Look at the news today, there is not a single event which is reported on without propaganda, do you really think the holocaust is just a factual portrayal? There is no such thing, not now and not in history.
For the simple provable fact that there weren't 6 million jews living in central-west europe in 1938.
why do (((they))) push it?
Would have needed to transport, kill, and dispose of about 3600 people a day or something while also running one of the largest war efforts in modern history. If an intent could even be proven the means to do that have not.
I question it, not deny it. I think it's a bit exaggerated that's all. In my state, the schools teach an exaggerated WWII history with actual propaganda that has been debunked by the Jews themselves and if you question anything, you can be arrested for "disrupting the education of children."
Are you sure it was 6 million and not 5.99 million? Stop disrupting class or you will be punished.
That's why.
Reminds m of pic related.
Mostly it seems like most conspiracy thinking where people just want to feel smart because they have forbidden knowledge and don't want to lose that feeling by actually employing critical thinking, however Holocaust denial has the obvious motivation from the people who push it that it makes National Socialism more palatable.
Eternal reminder the Holocaust happened and all "debunking evidence" is bullshit purposefully taken out of context:
Like this for example, he probably really thinks this but it's because he saw an image macro posted on here using statistics taken from AFTER the Holocaust purposefully mislabeled.
I don't think anyone can deny that SOMETHING happened but the wildly varying reports from every involved faction should give anyone the creeps, just it should with any massive historical event. People gradually become skeptical of something that gives absolute ethical immunity to an already untouchable group of people. Its how lefties are skeptical of tax laws for the rich, but i cant understand why they stop at only the regular rich and not the super rich.
No one worth their salt claims there are more than 2 genders.
It's so obviously bullshit, I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. Come on, you can see through the shit of the so-called "survivors". But have you got he pair of bollocks necessary to publicly deny it? The fucking kikes and all the traitorous scum that take their money have even made it illegal in some countries to even question the validity of their claims. They are the scum of the earth.
because neo-nazis know everyone hates nazis so they try to portray them as dindu nuffin good bois and make them more likable
Almost no one denies jews died. It's the numbers, and the whole story
>people died
Thanks angela lansbury
Because evidence is required to hold beliefs
why is it illegal to question it if it happened exactly like they say? not wanting to troll, just genuinely curious as to the thought process of those who defend throwing people in jail for wanting to question or debate historical events.
go tell a black guy that slavery actually was a hoax and tell me what happens
what does slavery that every race experienced have to do with the holocaust? would you happen to have a black brain?
why don't you do it? why don't you tell a black guy that slavery in the south never existed and it was just a hoax? you simply want to debate a historical event after all
Both those things would work really well at nowadays.
go back to dinosaur island, ausfag.
The Nazis weren't evil and didn't care about jews (that much), it's just propaganda to make them look bad. Truth Does Not Fear Investigation. This is exactly why the Nazis hated Jews, wanted to kill Jews and I wish the Holohaux really had happened.
why dont you go to tell your neighbor that he had a pink elephant in his backyard? you simply want to debate a historical event after all.
Because this is backed up by facts already, idiot.
>thought process
In reality it was around 74,000 Jews that died in WWII. None were gassed.
so are you saying black slavery never existed?
>This is all just satire, right guys?
That sounds kinda hot
Because there were no gas chambers
This has always been the most glaring red flag for me.
im sorry i have to break the bad news to you bro, but you have an 80 IQ nigger brain.
so you have concrete facts about something that happened 200 years ago but not enough facts for something that happened 70 years ago?
That's not a crime
Because it's impossible to discern facts about it. Question anything, you get called an anti-semite.
That said, holocaust deniers are full of shit. Like most conspiracy theorist, they focus on a few 'facts' and pick apart small inconstancies to discredit the bigger picture.
denying the holocaust is not a crime either in America
There are over 5,400,000 missing bodies. Do you know how hard it is to burn human bones to ashes?
>6,000,000 people were burned to death during a fuel shortage while supply lines were bombed out
lol ok
Were their crematoriums? Yep. Millions were interned in POW camps at various times. They were good-sized cities. It was a necessity.
Enough to cremate 6 gorzilllion in 3 years? Nope. Not even close, a ridiculous proposition. In fact the handful there actually were were multiplied many times over by fake ones built post-war... and still not anywhere close to enough. This is all thoroughly documented. Plus it's basic math.
Were jews treated for disease and delousing? Yep.
Were jews "gassed" in some sort of overly complicated Rube Goldberg method of mass killing? Nope.
Did jews die? Yep. Especially towards the end of the war as there wasn't enough food and supplies to take care of the Germans themselves, much less jew POWs. Why do you think the allies found camps full of ALIVE albeit starving jews? And the dead jews found, dead due to starvation and disease? GASSING DOESN'T MAGICALLY MAKE YOU SKINNY.
Did 6 million die? Nope. Again, basic math in regards to the jew population post-war. 300,000-900,000 died in camps do to a combination of disease and starvation. There was NO multi-million scale organized mass killing.
Is history written by the victors? Yep.
Has the holohoax been used to maintain jew control upon the world? Yep.
The Holocaust:
No, I`m not, apparently. Please, enlighten me.
it would be a crime if the founders hadnt predicted exactly what would happen. your nigger brain has no concept of prediction or inductive reasoning though.
Because Jews are ethnoreligious supremacists who are completely full of shit.
The Holocast is akin to mass Virgin Mary sightings or Jesus in burnt toast. Imagine that those people had 120 verbal IQs and ran the media and schools, all of them shilling the same delusion.
why do you deny slavery?
Because it never happened. There was no intentional program for murdering any of the work camp prisoners. You'd know this if you'd researched it even slightly.
There is no proof of gas chambers
Where did this jew go???
This. If the numbers are a lie, what else is a lie? But I honestly think it happened, just dont believe the official numbers or some of the stories.
Yeah but that story doesn't fit into a Jewish religious framework. It's much better if some fantastically large and numerologically significant number were killed in Moloch ovens by cartoonishly evil goyim or whatever. Just like in the Torah! Oy when will their horrible sufferink end?
I agree with you completely by the way.
Less than 6 million.
But the russians were killed by jew bolshevik led machine, so it's kept under the lid.
>be a jew
>get thrown into the "bears and eagles" cage by hitler
Post your facts of genocidal gas chambers.. prove it to everyone right now!! Good luck.
Some people don't believe in Santa
post me prove of slavery now! good luck
A lot of the kills counted in the halocaust didn't happen in the camps. There were a lot of jews, "degenerates" being executed on the streets during the occupations. Also if you look at other genocides and their timespans then the halocaust begins to make sense. It was the first industrialized genocide with huge logistsics and a massive capacity to kill per hour due to the sheer size of the camps (women and children gassed, most men died doing labor/exucuted by rifle.) This was over 4 years mind you and 11 million isn't much compared to the total lives lost during the conflict. 30 million soviets died in Stalingrad in just a year and ~10 million germans (rough estimates on the top of my head but it was a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio)
honestly I just don't give a shit about it and I'm sick of hearing about it. it's constantly used by the jews like muh slavery is used by the niggers.
what also bothers me about it is the absolute refusal to allow anyone to question it publically. point out inconsistancies is akin to heresey. oh no muh 6 gorillion is true goy!!! the worst thing that ever happened ever!!!
Oh yes, that's why the germans built huge incinerators and a massive reinforced underground bunker in the middle of a labor camp with tiny vents and a cyanide canister chute on the top.
>Hitler was right! The Jews are a menace and should be physically removed!
>What about the Holocaust?
>Totally made up! Hitler never harmed a single Jew.
I don't deny it. In fact, my grandmother's home
was occupied by SS during the war in northern Italy....but I know the 'Holocaust'
exaggerated to demonize nationalism.
What is this 6 million thing for jews? Why exactly 6?
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
There are so many bs claims about it that you start questioing everything and many people go overboard. There are extrreme m lies about the holocaust ,but jews were killed definetly
All death camps on east side
>le satire
>n-no goyim believe me! the shoah was real
fuck off, faggots.
Jewish religion states that when 6 million are sacrificed, their homeland will return.
>be a jew
>survive getting gassed six times
>be a jew
>see hitler personally burn your father alive at the stake
dude not even 500 000 germans fell at stalingrad and about 1 million soviet soldiers
over the whole war not even 30 million russians died and only about 6.5 million germans and that is counting the civilians
people were rounded up, and people did die. digging deep into what was recorded and printed from multiple angles, the resounding answer is that what they teach in schools is simply not the truth. And it's so far away from the truth, you're left wondering what agenda was at work collectively involving it.
>be a jew
>get electrocuted into dust cartoon style by james bond villain contraptions
And why was Hitler so angry?
Dude what? Are you a nigger?
A fucking leaf. Better watch out, your government might come after you.
>be a jew
>get turned into a jewess ladyboy by hitler
>why do people deny the Holocaust?
Because it didn't happen.
I wish it had.
At this point jews must be immune to zyklon,since everyone in a jewish family including toddlers got gasses so many times
the topic is the holocaust and this faggot walks in and shits up the thread. great job.