Arguments against diversity/multiculturalism?


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There aren't any good ones.


It's only used to get cheap labor.

Work with indians in IT... They don't mix and they're billed at half the rate. It's a sham.

Also they're even more racist than white people. So are asians.

Aside from cute paint buckets that don’t mean anything, how about the fact that “diversity” (I.E. letting a bunch of uneducated brown people into your country) is directly linked to higher crime rates, lower average IQ, higher STD rates, and basically every other negative attribute that a society can have. You can literally google “skin tone world map” and match that to which countries are the shittiest with perfect accuracy. This is not a coincidence

>2 between Finland and Estonia

>posted from the US

You're so wrong.

Meme pictures aren't arguments. There are no good ones.

identity politics, division, schism

melting pot, assimilation

is the bottom even actually possible, though? it's more like submission.

Sorry Helsinki is lost already to nuclear physicists

Robert D. Putnam drove a stake into this vampire's heart. You ought to read him.

>Community connectedness is not just about warm fuzzy tales of civic triumph. In measurable and well-documented ways, social capital makes an enormous difference in our lives...Social capital makes us smarter, healthier, safer, richer, and better able to govern a just and stable democracy.

Multicuturalism destroys unique cultures that can only develop separately over time in isolated groups.

Diversity of groups can only be maintained by keeping groups isolated from one another. Deliberately mixing groups and enforcing and equal mix of unique peoples leads in the long run to all places and peoples become the same. This destroys unique traits and cultures of the people living within the diverse/multicultural system or forces groups to conform to the social and political customs of whichever group has the strongest influence in the area in question.

Diversity is best preserved through separatism and the rejection of multiculturalism as it allows each diverse group to thrive and develop their own customs and cultures free from the imposing and often destructive nature of rival cultures.

Multiculturalism is a word used to deceive the populace. There will always be a predominant culture. Multiculturalism is simply a way for them to force a people to change their ways by injecting aliens into society. The native populace, weakened by a materialistic and hedonistic values, tolerates the new commers way of life instead of assimilating them by force (spreading them out, not letting ghettos form, this includes things like china town).
Now you're faced with a very simple problem: you have a passive native population mixed with small culturally different groups who will not give up their way of life.
Who do you think survive through the generations: the passive people who bend over to other culture, or the agressive ones who would rather die than give up their culture?

Here you go

This just demonstrates that whites and blacks, being both tribal and bestial, cannot live together in functioning societies and that both need to be caged for humanity.

Once again, no good arguments.

That is a good argument. You even agreed that separation is necessary.

>Arguments for diversity/multiculturalism?

2 can play that game

cherry picked statistics is not an argument tho
your taking data from different unprivileged 3rd world countries when you're only talking about the USA

there isn't a good one
god allowed people to have sex regardless of skin colour
if you want to pick a fight, pick a fight with god


this social narrative never really bothered or stood out to me until i got to college. i noticed the student body was already quite diverse, with whites being the minority in many instances. yet the importance of diversity is still emphasized very aggressively in the university marketing and policies, in almost a borderline threatening tone.

>cherry picked statistics is not an argument tho
Top kek

Cherry picked statistics is exactly the game progressives play. For example, they mention blacks are killed disproportionately by police, but completely neglect to mention blacks also commit crime disproportionately which therefore leads to more encounters with police.

Don't tie an anchor around the ankles of those trying to escape drowning. That's fucking cruel.

commuinism is against human nature, because it's a change that is affected on humas by humans

capitalism is human nature because the system naturally developed into what it is today

ethnic/racial segregation is against human nature because it;s a change that is affected on humans by humans

diversity is human nature because the system naturally developed into wht it is today

If you support racial segregation you are no better than a communist

(inb4 "da jews/rothschilds/nwo are shipping refugees into europe to destroy the beautiful perfect supreme white race therefoe it is not natural", this is not true)

blatant appeal to nature

US national demographics (approximate)
Whites: 63%
Blacks: 13%
Hispanics: 17%
Asians: 5%
Indians and undefined: 2%

>Look at the demographics of the elite schools like Univ of Chicago. You'll be in for a surprise when you see who's under represented. Yet the blacks and Hispanics continually whinge. Either they aren't checking the numbers or they're incentivised to keep lying about white supremacy.

You best be kidding. Segregation was the natural way to go until very recently, blacks were viewed as lowlife slaves.

>yet the importance of diversity is still emphasized very aggressively in the university marketing and policies, in almost a borderline threatening tone.

You notice how the university's responded to the it's okay to be white signs, yeah? "This is a unacceptable challenge to our diversity. It will not be tolerated."

pretty sure that was fake news

Lower wages


i'd have no problem with colleges adjusting representation to match the national or state population. that would be very fair, wouldn't you agree? however, that's not what's happening.

man people of different skin tones have always lived among oneanother, this is historical fact whatever your opinion about other groups of people

btw heres a video of a russian lady getting fucked by black guys

well humanity is a herd

this picture implies there is something inherently positive about being racially pure which is not necessarily true.

A comparison of multicultural nations with homogeneous ones.

>historical fact
Is that some sort of joke?

Friendly reminder all scientific, technological and cultural (high end, not banging on drums naked around a fire) have been made by whites and asians throughout history. If those 2 didn't exist the rest would be stuck in the middle ages bashing skulls. You know, like africa and middle east (minus the tvs, guns and other tech). Face it, niggers, sand-niggers did nothing of value for the planet and society. They only bring disorder, crime, disease and lower the global mean IQ. We have no need for their sub-human culture.

Goyim, I have to say, the rainbow argument is pretty strong.
S...S..Shut it down..

>still posts with cuck flag


One can only hope europe will get uncucked and deny entry to all sand-niggers and prob deport or wipe the ones already here. Plus some countries in europe are still uncucked and hate them, mine included.

By this metric im white because of eye color. Kek

i agree that under-representation of certain groups can be a bad thing. but what is that under-representation relative to? in a state college, "representation" should be defined with respect to the state population. even private colleges get money from the government.

this concept of "diversity" is something else. i suspect it has more to do with political agendas or other ulterior motives than with fair representation.

ottoman empire bro, muslims christians and jews and blacks and arabs and west asians... do you think they all stayed in the same place? nah bra they all moved around and mixed and lived with oneanother. Bro even in the far east of your country I'm sure there's chinese/mongolian folk who are living alongside ruskis.

what is algebra

not really an argument

filthy slav

KEK. What an idiot.


Just look to the multicultural/racial countries, their societies tend to colapse sooner or later, violence, low communitarism,lack of empaty, social caos. a complete disgrace

Well let's just take US blacks' murder rate and compare them to US Whites' murder rate.

Actually I'm not a slav, I'm from a romance country. Not that slavs aren't 10 times better than any nigger or sand-nigger though. You can take all the sub-human sand-niggers you fucking potato eating fuck. Or maybe you're a sand-nigger immigrant? Is that true, ahmed?

btw americans have a very different idea of diversity to europeans. In europe it's not white/black/asian/brown it's irish/french/polish/german/scandi etc. There are irish people crying about pollacks moving here. Fucking brits are the worst for it. They are literally europeans like you!


How about the fact that it doesn't work?
You have to be the most retarded degenerate kind of nigger to think otherwise.

Yea. Europe (and I mean europe the continent not the cuck european union) needs to stay with the bants and rivalry between different countries (or remove that since we are all europeans afterall). We don't need murican diversity here. We don't need sand-nigger muslims coming to shit on our cities with their barbaric culture and sharia law. And we certainly don't need to make special laws for those people. It would be ok if they came, respected the culture and laws and shut the fuck up. But instead they take over districts in major cities, demand special attention and etc.

> Arguments against diversity/multiculturalism

without the EU your country, whatever it is, would be 20x more of a shithole than it is now

Let’s look at the Ottoman Empire for a sec... it had a millet system with the purpose of keeping the different people in the empire separated in order to minimize conflict. Christians teamed with foreign diplomats in hopes of running out the Jews and Muslims. And how did the story end? With Muslim immigration making the empire pretty much homogeneous. Wow, a great example they was.

No it wouldn't. And when did I say I am against the EU? I am not. I am against the lax policies and attitudes of the EU that allows sub-human sand-niggers to come and pollute the place. EU is fine, they just need to get uncucked and stop listening to sjws.

south africa
Ancient Rome

I could go on, but you're a redditor

The ottoman empire that got completely crushed and lost everyone but turks and earned eternal hatred from everyone who was under it, that ottoman empire?