Based Tucker shows the world some common sense.
Tucker's show: Is it OKAY to be White?
Other urls found in this thread:
When a light-skinned Negro looks at you and angrily says he the product of HIS PEOPLE being raped by the White man over the years - look that black man right in the eyes and say that if what he says is true, then OF THE TWO OF YOU, the only one with a rapist ancestor is ... HIM.
QR code in pic related links to this vid:
War is unavoidable. Read:
Blessed bread.
man every day I come here its always about race. Do you pathetic people ever talk about anything other than race? Do you understand how sad and pathetic it is to obsess over something as trivial as skin color? When you're an old man, on your death bed, you will greatly regret how ignorant you were when you were younger.
You sad obvious shill, when the whole jew backed MSM and jew backed alt-left thugs start attacking the white race, YOU HAVE TO START RESPONDING.
Fucking kike, you get the oven.
Tucker's presence pleases Kek
Blacks are deeply invested in race being the sole cause of their problems. And they blame white people for everything. Whites cannot avoid race so long as they have a phone, a television, read a newspaper, or turn on the computer.
>implying that Black people do not make every stubbed toe about race
Would you prefer whites behave as in pic related?
>be honest
>race is only skin deep
don't you feel ashamed for how ignorant you are today?
>because this is the only alternative to being a race-obsessed autistic sperg
QR code in pic related links to this vid:
War is unavoidable. Read:
If we want to maximize the chances of a hot war to be avoided, we need to achieve 4 main objectives (in order of priority):
1- Destroy the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valey (tech and big-data);
2- Destroy the globalist backed MSM that keeps lying to the normies;
3- Destroy the jew backed entertainment industry that keeps trying to manipulate the normies;
4- Destroy the globalist/commie entrenched grip that as taken over the education system and is using it to fill the ranks of the alt-left with Western naive children.
If we win the war against the anti-free speech bias in Silicon Valey, we can win easely all other battles because the left has nothing but lies, appeals to emotion, shaming and cencorship.
We have the facts and the truth on our side, if we can destroy the censorship, we can easely spread the truth and convert the non-retards to fight against the globalist machine.
Die shill.
You over-react.
>Imagine my shock
Just post the text, don't add pics or slogans or anything else you goddamn idiots
>I have bantz
>Americans take it seriously again
it's not as pathetic as someone who lurks on a daily basis a place that he finds revolting though, but i guess that cuckoldry and self-loathing run deep in the behavioral patterns of a leftist
>The Simplicity is the Point & It is Working
A simple declarative statement that ought to be the bedrock foundation of a rational conversation has the LEFT chasing their tails and gnashing their teeth.
Frankly, it is showing the Left to be orders of magnitude more unreasonable than even I thought they were.
It’s pretty much what we do on this board. Why go to a housewives knitting forum and bitch because you’re not a housewife and you hate knitting
You are right.
Simple words on paper.
No pics or anything else. I get it now.
The power is in the simplicity.
>shilling Ben Shapiro
fucking alt-lite cuckservatives are the greatest allies to israel i swear
He was right about Tucker being based.
Why not show that, user? There was good information and insightful analysis.
I don't even agree with my older brother on everything he says, but I don't expect to. Why would I expect to agree with Ben on everything he says?
>But he is right about the Tuck
FBI plz.
That father needs to be charged with child abuse. Destroying that child's mind. Imagine the shit that super cuck father says behind closed doors before he rapes his son
omg these filthy nazis!LOL
kek, I only became concerned about it because of how much you're concerned about it, shill.
>The potato-nigger strikes again...
I've seen you post a lot of this type of '''anti-racist'' faggotry on this board.
Tell me. Are you an actual Irishman, or are you some Nigerian nigger living in Ireland?
that would be a stupid thing to do. unless of course you're trying to fuck up this campaign
in a democratic and just society, sure. but not in a marxist one that's spent the last few decades teaching people that white folks are constitutionally racist and evil
Ireland have always been Sweden and Leaf tier cucks on here
This. If those fliers get disseminated like that, It will be from the radical asshole antifas false-flagging.
I love how that fat fuck is complaining about pennies for the hungry.
whites are subhumans
Nignogs aren't capable of self-reflection.
what's this font we're using? Wanna make me own instead of using this .jpg
IOTBW campaign has been successful so far, achieving it's goals of pointing out leftist hypocrisy. Hopefully it'll continue.
Heres the list of media responses so far.
Theres also a ghostbin being maintained by another user, though I don't have the link to that.
>A simple declarative statement that ought to be the bedrock foundation of a rational conversation has the LEFT chasing their tails and gnashing their teeth. Frankly, it is showing the Left to be orders of magnitude more unreasonable than even I thought they were.
How can the Left have a problem with the simple statement that it is okay (not better, not worse, just okay) to be white? But they are going batshit.
And showing themselves to be as unreasonable as the masked ANTIFA assholes who tried to shut down the First Amendment in Berkeley with fists and bike locks and big bottles, etc.
That's hilarious coming from you, Mehmet.
By the way. When are you and your cousin getting married?
Someone did some real work in compiling that list.
Sometimes, we talk about aesthetics, traps and the eternal anglo.
>a fucking sperm skinned neanderthal cultureless identyless white subhuman tries to talk down to his masters
Daily reminder that its not okay to be white.
Daily reminder that whites are subhumans without any culture or civilzation. daily reminder that whites are psychially and mentally inferior to other races. Daily reminder when you see a white subhuman in street don't forget to spit on his face and bully him. He deserves it because he is a white subhuman and he shamelessly dares to be in present with the same enviorment that BLACK man breathes.
/our guy/ I always liked him
>claims to be both oppressor and victim
wew fag
Watchu doin rabbi?
HE FUCKING COVERED IT???? Oh SHIT! I was hoping he would.
You're obviously baiting. But I'll play along.
>A bunch of near-adult roaches ganging up on a much younger kid and hitting him for no apparent reason.
Literal nigger behavior. You just proved how sub-human your kind really is.
This is autism at its finest. When I get time, I will read through the stories and calculate slant. My money is on most of the media coverage being negative, of course.
Can't Cuck the Tuck!
It's okay to be a white snowflake.
Demographics is IMPORTANT.
They are just prepping the bulls, user.
its ok tobe anigga its you know your place
Thanks, I don't mind if people want to add to it.
postin in an epic bread
>can't handle bantz
>immediately accuse others of not handling it
Text book faggotry on your part.
>these things never end well
This is the first time I've really understood what is happening, this shut started in some dumb thread and now it's moving the Overton window in the US
That's a good article. Defiantly worth the read
Join the general thread and share anything /IOTBW/ related!
glue water and a paint brush are perfect, please more people do this
wtf i love roaches and hate russia now
You're doing it backwards
I want to say /thread but actually
Always lose with the author's name.
>Catalonia flag
If we're going to start having flags for fictional countries, can I get one for Gondor?
t. cuckservative boomer
when a prominent and influential figure in the alt-lite is openly and utterly apathetic about white genocide, it is our duty to expose him on it and let as many people know about it as possible
you know, even the most venomous snakes 'aren't all bad', they just have that ONE aspect which is dangerous ... you know; can't like EVERYTHING about someone, amirite? :D
You're right. Ethnia is a thing tho. Almost the same
It's Okay To Be White
>be Sup Forums nazi/troll
>be so bored and degenerate that your whole point in life is triggering lefty nutjobs
>get the idea to trigger leftys by pointing out obvious common sense
>lefty nutjobs get triggered beyond insanity
god this timeline is awesome
God, it's like they're barely human...
Then what are you doing here? Aren't you gonna le regret it when you're old?
The minute y'all realize your golden opportunity to capitalize on this, by trolling yourselves, is the minute you also realize, y'all won.
Most of you recognize that this shit will get trolled/shilled in a negative way in a desperate attempt to implicate and associate you with "white nationalists" and you're doing a good job combatting that, as it isn't the message.
That said, please recognize the GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE by maximizing the narrative. Your efforts shouldn't end with hanging up a few clean, "It's Okay To Be White" signs. If you want to take this to the next level, you should be trolling the fuck out of YOURSELVES, right now!
We ALL should know, "It's Okay To Be White", right? Is it not? These signs aren't visually threatening. The message isn't implying white is superior, nor are they implying any other race is inferior. They're implying that the constitutionally protected right to be any race/color in the U.S., including "white", is merely "okay", no?
YOU are FORCING people/orgs and the media to ultimately CHOOSE how they PUBLICLY proceed to recognize and act on the message/signage, when addressing. You're forcing proverbial "them", into CHOOSING and PUBLICLY RECOGNIZING a POSITION on the factually, constitutionally protected right, "to be white" and you're FORCING "them" to publicly confirm whether they AGREE, or not.
Every time you see this in the media, you should be trolling the fuck out of these public schools, college campuses, businesses, organizations, the media outlets reporting on it all, etc. by turning it back around on in social media, phone calls, etc., directly ASKING "THEM", WHY THERE'S CONTROVERSY over this statement. Make YOUR UNITED MESSAGE AND BACKLASH KNOWN. YOU should be forcing "THEM" into the POSITION of having to PUBLICLY CLARIFY, CONFIRM OR DENY, ON RECORD, whether "they" FEEL and/or BELIEVE, that it is or isn't, "Okay To Be White"...
Now that 'IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE' has gotten so much backlash, will "FUCK TERRORISM" get the same?
Anyone have a link to the template?
Yeah, not sure what he's looking for on here. Maybe his commie general thread wasn't popular
An early redpill for me on niggers was when I realized that they're incapable of detecting sarcasm
10/10 Sup Forums
I just want to say, the Sup Forums user who hung those signs in the middle of the night has my utmost respect. Thanks to him, the movement gained lots of traction and got our simple message out there.
Here's the coverage so far
Really good read, user.
>Explains so much
YOU should be using your masses via social media tags, personal emails and phone calls, TO DEMAND these people, schools, organizations, businesses, media outlets, etc. places and MSM outlets reporting on these signs, publicly answer what SHOULD BE your next follow-up question, "Is It NOT Okay To Be White?", in their reply.
I know I like to stick to my usual political threads y'all, but TRUST ME, if YOU want to drive this narrative and get some REAL, legitimate traction on this, you'll collectively start to immediately organize your efforts to capitalize on the enormous potential and opportunity you have literally RIGHT NOW, to mainstream this message by forcing the REAL RACISTS, to "PUBLICLY OUT", THEMSELVES by FORCING "them", into the position of publicly responding to your massses, publicly demanding an official response.
Seriously y'all, besides Shia, if you take my advice on this right now and mobilize your efforts efficiently and effectively, it could absolutely be one of the most defining, historical legacies, y'all leave behind. DOOOOOO IT!!!!!!! DOOOOOO IT NOW!!!
You're not from around here. LURK MOAR before posting. We don't like your style
Sup Forums is always right
Charged? In your cuck country, he would be famous! he's such a progressive father!
Race is the most important issue of the 21st century. if you can't see that then you are blind
not understanding different subcultures use different lingo
>going public
Nice try Mr. Noseberg but I'm not getting arrested for "hate crime"