I wonder how many anons are just Russian trolls?
I wonder how many anons are just Russian trolls?
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> how many anons are just Russian trolls?
way too many
glad to see a part of Sup Forums finally waking up and calling out this obvious shilling.
im 1/8th polish
George Soros is Hungarian not Russian
I do not wonder.
there is no such thing as "Russian trolls". it's just another round of McCarthyism being doled out by the establishment to justify more spending on military at the expense of americans' health, education, and wellbeing.
stay poor, amerifats.
Didn't Sup Forums use to have a board just for Russia? They use to have such a strong presence. Never caused any trouble. Even made some good memes.
Now they hide in the shadows and behind IPs because they're fucking toxic and know it. What happened Russia? We use to be friends. Now you're so poisoned and hateful? WTF happened?
this is a russian troll
>there is no such thing as "Russian trolls".
>Being this naive.
>russian trolls organized irl protest
I think it's all russians at this point. You could argue that it's just online bots, but surely people on the ground aren't bots. I mean, they're people, aren't they? I'm sorry, burgers, but you're actually just russians.
What does Russia have to do with the shitness of Islam? The only way I can see them involved is if they're funding the pro Islam side.
Didn't one of pol's /ourgals/ turn out not to actually exist at all, and was just a bunch of Russian trolldiers larping in committee?
Except McCarthy was right.
Where do I apply for my paycheck?
Yeah, I'm going to trust this when they can't even fucking spell.
t. Russian troll
Was a random blogger no one knew that idiots like you will associate with us kys
well, i made this a while ago. Too lazy to fix that typo.
So I was right then.
Mike Cernovich is little women in Dagestan. I funnel her traffic through server farm in Cozad, Nebraska.
The Goyim shouldnt question Mama Merkel policies
Too many, with many of them in this building
>this is a russian trol
All of them. You're the only CTR troll here.
Found the russian
Bring in more people and when learning it was all fake, "we had a civil rights concern anyway, we didn't get tricked"
Not given a chance to voice their justification for going
Fires the neurons.
Also, this (library opening) was a controversial event happening anyway. I don't get this 'Russia hacking' narrative when it's more like 'Russia points out things are going on in the US that would make people angry'.
hello russian trolls
I am.
cyкa блять Ivan! They are onto us! ABORT MISSION!
plot twist, these articles are written by russian trolls
They are genuine, stupid americans who are manipulated into forming simple political opinions by your organized "news" -producing facilities, news which are then spread by facebook algorithms. There is ton of broof of your activities, mr ruskie
With his vast amount of wealth and power, we can be sure that he holds no allegiance to any nation, culture, religion, ideology. He and others like him exist for themselves and their entertainment.
I thought McCarthy was a Republican, now it's the Democrats who are acting like him.
p.s McCarthy did nothing wrong.
I am
You're Not getting your war.
Give Up already.
You are truly lost
I'm still quite confused why people buy this Russian interference nonsense so much.
And of course only Russia possesses that secret mind controlling technique which it uses against poor naive Westerners whose governments and "news" agencies would never even think of doing anything close to that, right?
Russian trolls killed my hamster
The Russian shills are easy to spot if you post photos of cum dumpsters like this slut, and you get flamed by a meme flag. Just look at this bad genetic failure whore!
>bots controlling public opinion
I'm genuinely worried about this for the future. Once computer models can predict human behavior and we get enough meta data you could program AI to control huge masses of people. This is more dangerous than an army of killer machines controlled by a rogue Sky-net AI.
It's like humans being programed what to think by a machine. Think about that sentence for a second. In the future, we'll be the ones being programed by AI. Russia's shill army is laying the ground work for this to happen. THANKS RUSSIA FOR DOOMING US ALL
serious question: how does one even get employed by these "troll factories" that the american fake news keeps talking about? if they really exist, i'd love to sign up. taking a shit on amerifats and getting paid for it would be my ultimate job.
Really only the lowest information people buy it now. Left and right brain havers, outside of talking heads, all know.
In other words, russians are the reason why (some) americans are stupid. If you're going this way you can just ban all alternative media, foreign NGOs and all russian accounts on facebook and twitter. Which is where they're going with this i suspect. I personally don't have a problem with this, it's just that it doesn't sound like something americans would preach to the world.
>finally waking up
wut? so wrong ,user.
we are all getting a bit sleepy just now..
getting so sleepy
so tired...
There are no Russians here or in charge of any rallies. The media is trying to blame Russia for the state of Anerican society, for which the media itself, from the rap-producing music industry to the 24-hour news cycle, is largely to blame. They hope that we’ll all blame Russia and come together unified by our distrust of Russia as a hostile foreign power.
Russians? There aren't any Russians here.
>Once computer models can predict human behavior and we get enough meta data you could program AI to control huge masses of people.
Yeah, it's fascinating. I think it can go even further to be honest. Imagine if there are exploitable and identifiable bugs in the brain.
Easy. Just have a Cyrillic username or log in once from a Russian proxy and congrats, you're now hired by Putin and his KGB special operations unit into the army of mind controlling hackers.
Fuck you nigger, she's beautiful.
it's fairly easy to make actual AI bots now, and yes it's going to become common. Not only for trolling but for just about anything in the service sector, like assistance, phone sales/surveys and whatever
I am a Russian troll.
I take many shits on babies and like to make hillary clinton cry
memes aside, people can't be this fucking retarded over there.
Sooner or later they are all going to wake up to these damn lying kikes and get fed up of their bullshit. Nobody likes to be lied too
we need to regulate the internet guys. only able to log in with your passport/government id and that id will be linked to everything you do online so we can stop russian trolls from influencing our elections. Sup Forums already uses ids to track our posts in threads, so its the next obvious solution to stop these fake accounts and hold people accountable.
I hope they don't find out the code word we use to ping the KGB for particularly important matters. This will interfere with our registration procedure immensely.
Cyka blyatt beratnas.
Mы cpaжaeмcя зa Poccию
Чтo eбaть ты пpocтo чepтoвcки гoвopилa oбo мнe, мaлeнькaя cyкa?
I'm a Russian troll
but i work pro bono
There is no "market" for western information facilities to infilitrate russian facebook and other web pages. Russian government is taking care of that, too...
>bear grylls
>oven grill
God damn, these russian memes have layers and layers of depth, waiting to be discovered.
>implying McCarthy wasn't right
Point out one person that McCarthy falsely accused.
so we should stop using russian VPN services????
There's tons of exploits already identified. I won't go list them here because I don't favor facilitating up the end of the world.
We're more than capable of fucking ourselves over if we chose to do. It's a road nobody's chosen to go down so far because those in the know are aware of the trouble it'll cause. But we're slowly being inched towards it by those who don't know. It's the kind of thing that deserves some public attention.
>how many anons are just Russian trolls?
All of them
Libshits really are going to try and blame every single thing they find inconvenient on Russians from now on, aren't they? Literally fucking no one believes them anymore after the "Trump dossier" turned out to be proven Hillary agitprop.
Yeah, I think its national shame to admit their people are so easily influenced. But its true, the russian facilities are one of the most organized, which means they have most influence.
There were tons of enterpreneurs from other countries too, but of course "russian menace" knocks the right bell in americans mind. Like there was this story about high school aged albanians producing false clickbait articles about trump & clinton, for extremely high profit compared to usual wages of their country.
Funny to think that murricans read their "freedums news feed" written by albanian schoolboy with vivid imagination.
This. This. A thousand times THIS. Mein Kampf is required reading guys.
Replace "Russians" with "Sup Forums"
i just want the redditors to leave
This place has been monitored by the FBI for years, and they aren't half the cancer than reddit is today
I wonder how many LARPers are the Russian trolls?
Since so far 0 of these so-called "confirmed Russian trolls" have actually been proven to be Russian... 0
almost all of them
I, Obama Leaf am their biggest enemy.
lol i knew it
If Russian trolls were this effective, their tactics would be studied by EVERYONE in politics. How the fuck can these vodka swilling slavs have such a high impact with such a shoestring budget? It is a mystery we will never solve.
>trusting MSM more than "russian trolls"
>obscuring Kremlin hand
Are you sure this wasn't written by hohol?
>spread kompromat
>their tactics would be studied by EVERYONE in politics
This is actually happening right now.
>Its another episode of le evil Russian hacker
>This time he is hacking into people's minds
Someone stop this madman already!
It's easy, you just gin up idiots to do the work for you. Sup Forums is a ripe place to recruit an army to push your stupid narratives. Just look at pizza gate, and during the election. Everyday there was a thread on Sup Forums linking a shit ton of memes and fake news from obvious russian sources with the intent to get people on Sup Forums to spam it on social media.
It worked great. You just have to take advantage of a willing useful idiot.
Because they're behind EVERYTHING.
Op stubbs his toe on a table? FUCKIMG RUSSIANS FAULT
Op gets rejected by a QT because he's a soyboy? FUCKING RUSSIAS FAULT
OP wraps the wrong Christmas Present? FUCKING RUSSIAS FAULT
If you didn't vote for crooked Clinton, you're a Russian troll.
no, just a shit ton of fake news being spread on the internet, and it's provable
They are probably being studied and facebook and google bosses have been heard about the matter (ye not the most convincing sounding fellows..)
The thing is, you don't need a huge budget nowadays. A Computer and internet connection might make you one of the most influental men on earth, if you simply know who you advertize to, and how to get your articles to have the biggest possible publicity.
What you basically need is an office space (not required) lots of writers (few hard working writers will also do) and computers with internet connection (almost everyone has computer nowadays)
no, this isn't true
The level of mental retardation and drone like behavior of the liberals in America never ceases to amaze me.
Fucking really? Russian Trolls? Fuck the fuck off you fucking idiots, god fucking DAMN you're stupid as FUCK!
cyкa блять
I've had enough of the red scare, which was real when they said it was fake, and now that it's fake, they're saying it's real. Fucking (((news))).
yea, really. It's well known russian groups created those facebook friends and conned stupid people into going to the rally they made up.
The sentiment was already there in those people, they just got conned via social media to show up and yell at each other.
>Germany isn't covering up migrant crimes
If this was even remotely true then the nsa would shut this shit down yesterday. Face it you leftist faggots, people have different opinions than you.
sounds like ruskie doublespeak to me. I don't think the netherlands are even a real country.
Ultimately, it's (((they))) who are the problem. Russia was considered just a cultural enemy by the (((media))) before the Sochi Olympics, where they manufactured fake news about gay bans and so on. That's because George Soros was initiating a coup attempt against Putin at the time to try and poz the country and replace him with someone more aligned with Israel's geopolitical goals. Putin responded by banning Soros NGOs and getting an arrest warrant issued. Right after that, all the Jews in America began demanding war with Russia. It's not a coincidence.
Neocons began pushing for a war with Russia in 2015, a war they thought they were going to get with a Hillary presidency. That's why (((Bill Kristol))) and others flocked to Hillary's banner, despite being ostensibly Republican. But then the unthinkable happened, and despite rigged polling and illegals voting, Americans still chose Trump.
So all the media can do now is savage Trump endlessly with slander, attack his voters by calling them "Nazis" (a very Jewish style of attack, which is also not a coincidence), and continue inventing Saul Alinsky-style LARP tales about how a country with the economy the size of Texas is somehow overthrowing America via Twitter trolling. It's fucking retarded and anyone with two brain cells can see what is going on here. All of Trump's biggest critics are Jews, all the people demanding war with Russia are Jews.
all this picture showed is that
>russian girl makes false rape accusation
>people believe girl, get rightfully angry about it under the assumption that it's true, including russians who care about their citizenry living abroad
And the reason the story was so believable is that we KNOW the germans covered up the new year rapes. It even has its own wikipedia article:
So don't give us that shit. And I can believe that they can purposely try to exacerbate the refugee crisis, but that's not the same as "hacking the election" or something. If they're pushing our immigration policies to the limit to show our citizenry that our immigration policies are unsustainable, that's still the fault of our government for having unsustainable immigration policy, it's not a psysop.
u should see how stupid the BBC watching Euros are
"I watched a 5 minute segment on BBC once so I'm an expert in American politics" - every euro lib
I am American and of Russian descent. I am also a troll. What kind of future is there for me, my children and the Yankee dollar?
Every single one of those NGOs are operated by neocon Jews. Amazing.
Demoshits are now actually listening to the very people who lied about WMDs in Iraq.
A fine example of a Russian troll right here