Antifa or blackout...
any of this happen yet?
They're still sleeping senpai. Give them another 8 hours.
These are some of the laziest, weakest people on Earth. You can't expect them to get an early start on waste bin toppling.
sure, shit is hitting the fan hard already, get out there already
Subhumans only come out at night
Antifa is a honeypot.
Blackout is a LARP.
dude, give them time to wake up and meet someone for their noon o'clock 1st fix of the day.
>Nov 4th
>the day Antifa didn't deliver
-Spat out my coffee reading that.
Motherfucker, you're getting a (You) for that commentary.
bump sauce
Cant find any info on the possible blackout. Can a gracious user help out some fambalam?
My lights just flickered and I have bad gas today
They won't start the civil war in New York until 2PM. You know, cause if you were going to overthrow the government you would post online when and where
We got fooled by the Russians trolls AGAIN
old school backups keep power grid up in event of emp or hack. today, turn off newschool and prove unhackable oldschool backup kicks in seamlessly.
prepared minds and levers keeping 'merica safe from NK emp or extreme DOS/hacks
and also, to spook antifa about communication capabilities on their special day
Nothing big is going to happen. This is America and we are all too lazy for anything to happen. Everybody knows that our government is a bunch of satanist queers but nobody gives a shit enough to do anything.
>people surprised antifa didn't "deliver" on a threat for a civil war that Sup Forums itself invented
ya'll niggas need to stop false flagging yourself into believing the shit you post
I woke up happy this morning thinking today is the day those antifaFags will have their day.....I'm still waiting. Fucking lazy fags cannot even wake up at a decent time.
Well yeah they don't have jobs or anything.
You have a real talent for writing barely intelligible drivel.
probably has schizophrenia