>sunday mornings >the worst of fox news channel all we need is shepfag and that one nigger faggot >and juan
>inb4 kennedyfags she's an ugly 90s hipster
James Young
Don’t forget to Vote on November 7th Virginians
Parker Young
Very rude of you
Levi Cook
Can Gillespie really win? I want to search Twitter for #VAgov on Tuesday night and see Democrats screaming in anguish, should I get my hopes up
Jonathan Taylor
i-is it okay to be white? awoo...
Wyatt Gonzalez
Daily reminder that: Hillary is the legimitate president of USA drumpf is a failure antifa is a legit organization that fights against the evil George Soros is a philantrophist, honest and succesfull businessman Jews are based Blacks are superior Whites are subhumans It’s not okay to be white
Christian Stewart
LA Times mocking Sarah Sanders' appearance.
We know the soyim and the minorities won't be outraged because their own rules don't apply to them. But never hurts to show it to the normies.
Christopher Miller
Exit polls got the white margin right so I'm trusting them.
Jaxson Adams
Jose Reed
It's not ok to be Anglo
The other kinds are alright
Evan Morris
>average LEGO toy set $9.99 >sold the "muh wimmins" set for $24.99 I knew there were some smart people over there
Benjamin Foster
did that nig just lie about Roger Stone
Christopher Jackson
Joseph Torres
Nathaniel Stewart
Looks like the Kebab shill is back to ruin comfy hours. Antifa must be mobilizing soon.
Noah Davis
If you are in Virginia and didn't vote for our guy, and you didn't make any attempt to help us get our guy in then you're screwing us over. No excuses whatsoever.
Angel Williams
Charles Carter
Yes he can. Voter demographics alone put the race within 2-3%. If even less blacks vote than expected and whites vote for him as much as they did for Romney, Gillispie easily got this.
Austin Johnson
Thomas Johnson
>wanting to be anything other than Anglo Wew storm penis
The people blaming "Russian bots" are the people who leech off elections, not the people running in them. They tell their clients these idiotic lies so they can stay in business without ever being accountable for anything. It's a snowjob.
David Collins
>Mobilizing >rolling out of bed
Jace Powell
Leftists are hypocritical trash. Don't believe their Jewish lies.
Jack Campbell
>It's the nigger dic poster again Don't you have any hobbies?
Asher Brown
All Caucasoid A-Okay!
Jace Johnson
I actually like that meme
Brody Russell
They are evil people, her voice is sweet and she have a good family.
Jace Garcia
Once again they credit to Russia what is done by Tibetan carpet weaving forum, for free, out of principle.
Julian Jackson
You only need to swing a percentage to win an election. Also our lolbertarians are autistic and break up the conservative vote. Just look at out 2010 governor race to see why.
Justin Baker
On Sunday morning, President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will arrive in Tokyo, Japan. The President and the First Lady will participate in a Yokota Air Base event. In the afternoon, the President will have lunch with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and professional Japanese golfer Mr. Hideki Matsuyama. The President will then golf with Prime Minister Abe and Mr. Hideki Matsuyama. In the evening, the President and the First Lady will have dinner with Prime Minister Abe and Mrs. Akie Abe.
>7:20AM // 1:20PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart Hickam, HI en route to Tokyo, Japan
>10:45AM // 9:45PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive in Tokyo, Japan
>11:00AM // 10:00PM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY participate in a Yokota Air Base troop event
>12:05PM // 11:05PM THE PRESIDENT has lunch with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and professional Japanese golfer Mr. Hideki Matsuyama
>12:45PM // 11:45PM THE PRESIDENT **golfs with Japanese Prime Minister **Abe and Mr. Hideki Matsuyama
>7:35PM // 5:35AM THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY have dinner with Prime Minster Abe and Mrs. Akie Abe
Eli Morales
>Making Sauds more reliant on the US economy's success is bad
Cooper Sanchez
I know I give them too much credit, but I want to see blue cities burn since it wont happen near me
Brody Nelson
I tried to be nice but you refused my offer.
Landon Taylor
Ford btfo drumf
Charles Cooper
>It's not ok to be Anglo your ancestors would be angered by your silly words
Robert Parker
God bless you, Virginia user. You could be the guy to make this happen if we all get out there and push for this.
Daniel Harris
how does it feel to know that more black, hispanic, jewish, and indian people shitpost on Sup Forums than white people?
Gabriel Collins
She's a smart Christian women with white kids.
In other words, major priority for shutting down.
Sebastian Foster
That's one of the reasons why the left can't meme. They can't insert any irony into them.
Ryan Kelly
thicc is just a degenerate way of saying FAT
Jackson Stewart
the other side has been shooting themselves in the foot and denouncing their own candidate while ed has received approval from the president and stayed on the same script the whole time
Jordan Peterson
What's the most legendary get you've ever seen on Sup Forums? For me it's pic related, shit was epic.
Cameron Miller
>science is a thing to believe in.
Jackson James
>he doesn't know I also did the same thing for Stewart a few months ago too Well this is the one election that personally affects me so if I'm going to shill anything it will be this.
Parker Martin
So if the R's do take VA, how much autistic screeching is there going to be? Will they just claim moral victory and pretend it never happened like all the special elections?
Easton Mitchell
You know that trump is Jewish right?
Logan Gonzalez
you've clearly never seen a real THICC person then
Asher Collins
>who don't believe in science science isn't a religion that's supposed to be taken on faith, it is, definitively, not something you believe in because belief is irrelevant to its truth
if you have to believe in it, its not science
Dominic Cooper
Trump curse in 3...2...
Nolan White
Remember that Northam is racist and wants to harm illegals whenever you encounter a moderate or left, and that he hates rural people and white workers when you encounter the right.
Isaiah Morgan
Oh no
Daniel Brown
Me neither. It's a popcorn event. I'm hoping for avalanche quanties of LEO bodycam vids.
Josiah Sanders
UG, don't tell me I have to delet all my pirated movies with Harrison Ford now. I've all ready had to get rid of all my Eminem and Snoop Dogg torrent files ... sheeeeesh.
Cameron Nguyen
My ancestors were proud central Italian ROMANS without a single drop of the detestable Anglo in their veins
Kevin Martin
Definitely some, but I also expect some people to delusionaly write if off like "Virginia was always racist so fuck them"
Jonathan Kelly
>wanting anything other than slim slender awoo Gtfo shit taste
Brandon Peterson
Hey, God speed man. I'm just saiyan that you're dedicated.
John Scott
i think she finally drove those journalists nuts
Kevin Hall
>He goes back to making chick flicks for the rest of his career
John Powell
..One day they'll actually figure out Sup Forums and shut us down..
Nathan Thompson
Yes, I'm in America. I see fat slobs every day. Faggot.
Jayden Williams
Greasy dago plz go
Landon Williams
>Will they just claim moral victory VA is a blue state, so no moral victory. They will blame Northam for being "too conservative" and not learn a thing like usually. Nate Silver will write an article about how this race doesn't matter since the voter demographics are whiter than in presidential years.
Isaac Green
>being proud of being a guinea cocksucker
James Brooks
>no kpop dropped
Gabriel Howard
>implying anyone cares about white ancestral shit to them, if you look white, you're white
Adam Lee
>science isn't a religion that's supposed to be taken on faith, it is, definitively, not something you believe in because belief is irrelevant to its truth This is something that has been bothering me lately. Lately it seems like many leftists are throwing out the part of the Science that says to question everything, appealing increasingly to authority, and more turning it into some sort of warped religion of sorts.
Benjamin Sullivan
>My ancestors were proud central Italian >t. ellis island nigger
Logan Baker
Our pizzerias are on every corner of this land. We won without firing a single bullet
Easton Cooper
Who's having a good mood?
Benjamin Sullivan
muscle thicc =/= fat thicc what you posted is clearly fat
Josiah Jenkins
>not illegally pirating every single piece of media with these people are in as soon as they open their mouths, just to spite them
Dylan Foster
He's a dead man.
Grayson Baker
Ever since racial differences were not allowed to be acknowledged in science, yes
Andrew King
Where did I say that I believe anything Trump says? He lies a lot, but he's far better than the other option. Perfect is the enemy of good.
Jace Fisher
>paying to watch movies >in 2017
James Morales
NY pizza a shit Chicago Deep Dish a best
Colton Roberts
Ebil is spreading
Ryder Robinson
I just happy to see other Virginian start picking this up to remind everyone.
If people start recognizing when their local elections are and start shilling them, then in a few years RINO call be primaried and Democrats BTFO.
Mason Reed
>can’t debate it >it’s science MUH DOOMSDAY PROPHECY CLIMATE CULT
Justin Anderson
this whole 'russian bot' lie seems to push a strange message >if you dont agree with us and dont push our agenda, you arent human and you are the enemy
William Cook
Adrian Nelson
>muh Aryan Literal faggots that did nothing but get cucked and stay cucked, then break the recorders of being cucks. Stay ass shattered storm weenie