face it nazis, the Sup Forums + israel partnership is the most unstoppable force known to man.
Face it nazis, the Sup Forums + israel partnership is the most unstoppable force known to man
this is the end of your existence in this realm
back to limbo you go
You have to work with jews to defeat the jews?
The Jewish traditionalists against the Jewish globalists.
Very true.
Israel is the closest thing to a modern neo-Nazi state
Ive been thinking about this alot
There cannot possibly be a 100% unity in jewish ranks, considering they are global so there has to be some divide
In many places across europe many jews are finding themselves being fucked over by muslims who are migrating there. Cant imagine they are too happy about this
So tl:dr can jews hold the key to stopping the jews so we can all live in peace?
My Jewish friend is about to cut some cake.
It's an abusive relationship, though
Exactly, we need to empower the Jewish peasent to revolt against the Jewish elite so the more reponsible Jews that are as oppressed as us can give us a hand.
Israel is an ethnostate.
>Bad guess at what my belief system is
>mocks as if he's not a Talmudic Jew
The only way to win is to out Jew the Jew.
>The Jewish traditionalists against the Jewish globalists
=both enemies of not only white people but all of humanity
So why do they poison the well with manufactured discourse, propaganda and promotion of deviancy and degeneracy, sexual and otherwise?
I actually like Israel for two reasons: they are conservative, and they are our ally agaisnt the muslims. They are also the only real democracy in the region and the left hates israel
I don't partner myself with anyfag that posts that flag even ironically
then you get the oven, liberal
Truly our greatest ally
Exactly. Why would the Jewish elite (e.g. Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, etc.) care about the working and middle class Jews anymore than they do about working and middle class gentiles? What do working and middle class Jews have to gain from having the countries they live in being turned into third world shitholes?
>Also commies better fucking deliver or I'll be pissed.
Lets get this straight....there were and never was a magic super size pyrolizer capable of turning 18000 people a day into literally nothing like you've been taught. Stop bringing that shit up it makes you look retarded.
The atrocities and lies of WW2 are slowly coming to light with the internet. To perpetuate this lie any longer 'they' either need to shut down the internet and reopen lie-braries, or turn your children into retarded low iq non-thinking sheep with common core.
I think they may start to realize that having smart white people to stand next to you is a lot better then being king of mount dindu.
hey israel, please nuke mecca and iran. thanks!
Go on...
How will antisemites ever recover?